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Everything posted by jibboo

  1. I think you need to remember Bioware's work schedule: Tuesday - Friday (12:00PM EST - 3:00PM EST) Don't expect an acknowledgement (assuming we get one) until tomorrow sometime. Realistically though, expect it to remain broke.
  2. And then there's the people (like yourself) that are at the opposite end of the spectrum. The only difference being that the "doom and gloomers" are basing their opinions and beliefs based on past actions by Bioware (and in this case, things that Bioware actually said), while the people on the other side of the spectrum base their optimism off...who knows...Maybe they just have an over abundance of serotonin in their brains? *MAYBE* if Bioware has been known to over-deliver on anything they've implemented in SWTOR, *MAYBE* the super-positive people would seem less crazy than the negative people, but Bioware has yet to over-deliver or exceed expectations on a single thing.
  3. And it'll only take them 4-5 months to implement. And people wonder why people are leaving for other games.
  4. Thanks for cleaning up the stickies!
  5. I don't fault them for taking a break during the holidays, that should be expected, but I just went back 50 pages and there are only three Dev posts, and only one of them some semi-recent (11/25, the other two were from 8/15, and 4/24). That's not a very healthy level of community interaction. If you look at some of the arguments going on now from Pro-Wildstar people, one of the most mentioned things is how active the WS devs are with the community. Whether or not that level of interaction will remain after the game is released is irrelevant. The point is that it is being involved with the community is such a positive thing that gamers consider it to be important enough to list it as a feature of a game, and when all is said and done, it's a relatively cheap and easy feature to implement. If game developers choose to ignore this (as is the case with Bioware, seemingly), they'll wind up with a disgruntled player-base which is more willing to jump ship at the first sign of something better.
  6. The thing is that they need to learn to strike a balance between community interactions and holding their cards close to their chest, because being silent doesn't help with the community's confidence either.
  7. We can barely get mods to this forum, let alone devs.
  8. Two new classes!!! (lol, never going to happen)
  9. jibboo

    EverQuest Next

    It is. Why, where do you think it should be? We were just give a sliver of information of what this game is going to be like, and you can say with confidence already that it's going to be utter crap? Ok... The argument that this is the same company that made EQ2 is completely invalid too. It's a ten year old game that is nothing like EQN. While it's always good advice (in MMOs especially) to keep expectations low, I think that guarded optimism isn't a bad route to take with EQN. They're trying something new and going against the paradigm that every MMO has been going with since EQ. The MMO community needs something new and exciting, and even if EQN isn't it, it's still bringing a lot of new ideas to the table that future MMOs can build off of. There's no need for such hostile negativity (yet).
  10. jibboo

    EverQuest Next

    Haven't had a chance to watch the videos yet, but I've read a couple articles and viewed a coupled screenshots. I don't mind cartoony character models, so I'm pretty pumped about this game. The idea that a town you used to hang out in might be completely destroyed a week later is pretty interesting to me. My hype level for upcoming MMOs at this point: 1. EQNext . . 2. Wildstar . . . . . . . 3. TESO
  11. Yeah, we needed another thread about this:rolleyes:
  12. It's gonna be funny when 4v4 comes out and we find out that it's just four man queues for the current warzones, with the added spice of "Arena Preseason."
  13. No, he's F2P...like he said in his post...
  14. I know that it's probably just a rough draft of what's included in 2.4...but no season 1? lol
  15. Didn't read, and I'm sure it's a swell idea, but no, nothing will ever quell the complaints.
  16. Dude, you just don't get it. It worked 100% of the time prior to 1.4. After 1.4 abilities began getting through it. If this is intended, we just want a dev response confirming that and an in-depth explanation on how it is supposed to work, since the tool tip is obviously forming many misconceptions. If it is indeed a bug, then we want a confirmation on that and an ETA on a fix. No need to complicate things by trying to come up with theories on how it might work.
  17. True, there are a lot of quitters on POT5, but overall I've had a better time in regs on POT5. Maybe it's just the time of day that I play at.
  18. I just don't understand why the remaining pvp guilds don't want to move to POT5. I haven't done any ranked matches, but I can say that there's a marked improvement in regular matches and it would only get better if more pvp guilds moved over. If you spend the majority of your time in-game PvPing, then why wouldn't you want to increase the enjoyment you get out of it by moving to a server that provides a better environment for that? Is it a money issue? Too many PVE friends on SL that you don't want to leave behind? Or is just case of being apathetic about moving for better pvp?
  19. I know that the operative/scoundrel rolls make the player to appear to flash forward way beyond the distance of their roll, but I haven't seen that with other classes/abilities.
  20. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be happening more often lately. Could it be that, because more people are aware of it now, people are purposely stacking accuracy to troll the sins and shadows? That's what my money's on!
  21. I agree that respec within warzones should not be allowed.
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