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Posts posted by Sauska

  1. I've always prefered the bigger raids. In WoW, I was a member of a 25m raiding guild, and the mayhem and chaos of trying to get 25 individuals to work as a team is really as much fun as it gets for me. In SWTOR, I've only experienced 8m ops, sadly. I've been a member of 2 raiding guilds, and experience taught it was hard enough already to get 8m together to raid, 16m was completely impossible.


    Recently my second raid guild died, and even though I love the game, I've given up and unsubbed. I just don't relish the thought of applying to and settling in with yet another guild, only to watch it go downhill again. I've participated in all the ops (HM) up to but not including TFB, as my guild went inactive shortly before the patch. I've consoled myself with the thought that I've seen and experienced most of the game ;)


    A proper 16m raiding guild might make me reconsider and sub again, though!

  2. Dear Mademoiselle Sauska,


    My deepest apologies for my mistake in my written.


    As I told you in a previous post:


    I hope you can forgive my childish mistake and let me in the future take you to dinner.


    Your most devoted servant.

    You don't need to apologize, Sir, I know you didn't mean me, I just wanted to make sure no one else would make that mistake :)


    Dinner sounds fine, though!

  3. Today is my 50th birthday, and I've played mmorpg's since Everquest. I am a main healer and founder of my guild, and can be found pretty much every night in an ops group somewhere. I recently started writing fan ficiton, and love it. This is a great game for everyone, but I feel like the majority of the players are more mature than the ones I used to encounter in that other mmo community :p

    Happy birthday! :)

  4. Any class can be best, it all depends on the player. I found the Imperial Agent has the most compelling story, and the best looking gear (I really hate the looks of heavy armour, with the possible exception of a few Trooper sets, and there aren't many decent looking light armour sets around either). Then again, that's a matter of taste of course :)
  5. I always have one supermain character, which I focus on, read up on, min/max on, etc. However, I usually roll a couple of alts just for fun, and in SWTOR just to enjoy more storylines. I don't take these characters very seriously, and I don't care if they ever reach lvl 50 or get the best gear ingame. They're purely for entertainment.
  6. Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content.


    That's what describes me best I think. I play a lot and want to min/max my gear, but I'm not concerned with being the first to clear content.

    This describes me best as well.

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