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Posts posted by Sauska

  1. And I am a customer they are losing over the F2P conversion. So i guess it evens out.


    Been through the F2P conversion before with LOTRO and the experience was bad enough (terrible in fact) that I won't go through it again. My sub is done and my gaming with SWTOR is close to that point also.

    Agreed! I cancelled my SWTOR account today because they're going F2P, and my experience with STO going F2P was horrible, just as LOTRO was. So yes, they will loose quite a number of players by going F2P.

  2. I'd never thought I'd quit SWTOR so soon, but now the game is going F2P, I'm done. STO went downhill fast when it became F2P, and I doubt either game will continue to exist for very long. I guess it's time to consider checking out The Secret World ;)
  3. Odd, aside from the occasional jibs and jives, I haven't seen anything serious like the OP describes on ToFN. When reading posts like this, I can't help but wonder whether the posters are overly sensitive. If so, why not disable /General and fill up your ignore list? Personally, I hardly ever, if ever at all, take offense. If /General annoys me, I switch to one of my other chat tabs or leave it. I'm fortunate in that I joined a guild with a decent community, and if something annoys me in gchat, which is rarely, I just come out and say it. Other than that, don't take games (and life) so seriously!
  4. I love talking to people as well, though I have my silent moods. I mostly talk in gchat or /General, and more often than not I get plenty of responses. I also appreciate others talking, as long as it's not non-stop. Some people just never shut up, and get on my nerves, regardless whether I'm in a chatty mood myself.
  5. I'd like to point out that there are no longer logon queues for Tomb of Freedon Nadd, the heaviest populated EU server. There used to be queues of one hour or more, so I'm guessing the server cap has been raised in the past couple of weeks. Can anyone confirm there are even any logon queues at any of the other servers?
  6. unfortunately the server they want us to go to is so over populated.. it shows up as full/high amount of people. and i moved a low level there to check it out.. i don't like it.. a lot of people are rude.. the comments i saw.. .. ugh. i rather the people that run this game start thinking about the players that like to go slow. and on light servers. i was a major raider when i played on wow. and doing 5 days a week raiding.. im slowing down. got too many things to do in rl.. so when i get on.. i want to log on fast.. and enjoy myself. not have to wait 10-30 min to log on during peak hours.. which is usually when i can get on.

    You will be moved automatically at the end of the summer anyway, might as well get used to it now.

  7. They always miss the boat and can't plan 3 days ahead

    I already did end billing and if their is no better transfer services

    i will be gone for ever

    Don't turn this into a whine thread, please. There are plenty out there already where you can add your complaints.


    Excellent idea, OP!

  8. Good, it's about time this was done. Having all these empty servers for the 100 or so people who want to hold their names is not necessary. Hopefully, this will give more incentive to get the current servers bumped up and working better with this higher population. If the time arises you can open up some old ones again, which should happen in the coming months. It sucks for those who do want to keep their names but you are missing out. For those staying because they like low populations. I heard Skyrim is a great game where you are the only one around to do anything. :rolleyes:


  9. Why even make a thread about this? If you have ever played any online game before you know to expect this. It is one of the many annoyances that comes with being online.

    It's not that different from real life, tbh. People tend to compensate, if not with actions, then with words.

  10. If you have already created 8 chars on a server, you've used up all your char slots for that server. Therefore, you can't transfer another char to the same server, because as far as your personal char slots are concerned, the server is full. (This has nothing to do with the server population status of full.)
  11. I pretty sure you can move between regions in WoW

    Nope, you can't.


    (Quote from the WoW forum: Tailyda - Customer Service

    "Just to confirm what has already been said in this thread Magísimo, you sadly will not be able to transfer your EU account to a US account but you can play on an EU account outside of the EU however as Dottie kindly points out, there may be an increase in latency and you'll be working on a different time zone.")

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