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Posts posted by Sauska

  1. The bane of group finder. I join hard mode flashpoints, most of the people havent even done hard mode before, or havent even done the flashpoint. Its a waste of my time when people keep dying because theyre clueless.

    Newsflash: once upon a time, you also did those flashpoints for the very first time. Maybe friends/guildies helped you through them. You could return the favor... I know, that's probably too MMO-esk.

  2. I've never seen an armor piece with it on it. Implants and earpieces yes, but not actual armor pieces like Chest, Helmet ect, ect, ect.

    Actually, all craftable gear ingame can be reverse engineered to pieces with presence:


    Redoubt (+Defense)

    - General's (+Defense, +Presence)


    Critical (+Critical)

    - Leadership (+Critical, +Presence)


    Overkill (+Power)

    - Commander (+Power, +Presence)

  3. WoW Goods

    1. Engaging boss fights, Even in heroics you have some fights that are nice and Engaging


    11. Panda/Monks, Showing that Blizz can and are makin improvement to the Animations of classes cause most of the Pandas and monks is better then any in SWTOR


    Funny you mention these two (and several others, but I didn't want my reply to be TL;DR). These are the two main reasons I quit WoW. The heroics and raids are so completely dumbed down these days, it's a boring routine to run them. No challenges whatsoever, not even in hardmode.


    And the idea of an expansion with pandas made sure I will not get back to WoW any time soon. Seriously, furry monks, wtf?

  4. I'm not talking about DPS, i'm talking gear stats. Surge, power, accuracy etc...

    And here I was thinking you wanted to be that ''above standard'' player :p Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread. I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks inspection should be private.

  5. Very odd suggestion, considering this is an MMO. Besides, isn't copying the highest form of flattery? So a big fat NAY from me!


    Oh, btw, what is that pen and paper you speak of? I seem to remember a memo about spreadsheets being the ultimate tool to min/max your character ;)

  6. I cannot tell you how thoroughly pissed I became after finding out that my gunslinger, my main character since the first day of early play back in December had his name deleted. All because some other dude decided to give his character the same name. For all I know that guy dropped the game months ago. I REFUSE TO CHANGE MY SMUGGLER'S NAME!


    I already made a ticket about this. Please have someone answer it.

    I still can't believe some people feel they have more right to a name than others...

  7. I caught the short end of the stick last night and i just want to vent.


    I transfered recently to ToFN. Last night, someone asked about prices of Biometric Crystal Alloys in /General and as I was checking the GTN at that time, I quoted the cheapest price. Then someone else whispers me: "These prices are ridiculous". I answered, thinking he meant that the prices of crystals are ridiculously high:: "I don't mind the prices of crystals so much, but I do find the prices for low-level mats ridiculous". His response: "The GTN got completely screwed over when the likes of you joined the server". M'kay... so I politely asked what triggered that observation. The answer: "I could sell those crystals for 250k before you lot transfered here". I didn't even get the chance to reply to that, because he put me on ignore.


    So, I was asking myself what I did wrong to be treated like this, or rather, was it me or him? It seems he blames me and the rest of the newly transfered for not being able to sell crystals for completely overinflated prices. I managed to shrug it off in the end, but pffff.

  8. You only need 4 pieces for the set bonusses. If you take a non-set chest, one with the looks you like, use Unify colors, your looks are rather unique. I'm still using the Athiss chestpiece for my IA sniper, and she definitely looks different from other IAs!
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