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Posts posted by Sauska

  1. Hey check out the announcement page for SWTOR going F2P. That Sith Inquisitor with HK-51. He's got a mask...with his hood up. A hint perhaps?:D

    Of course. Spend 10K cartel coins and you get to put up/pull down your hood if you so desire.

  2. More "guesstimating which completely runs in the face of previous history.


    Again, games that go f2p tend to end up making MORE MONEY than they did. They have MORE users that spend MORE MONEY and have increased profits and player experience.


    You can guesstimate all you want, but when your guesses fly in the face of recent history, maybe it's time to put a little more thought into them eh?

    Sigh, I give up. An innocent attempt to lighten the mood and play a little word game has made me into a guestimator. Good day, Sir, the thread is yours.

  3. DCUO went free to play... their playerbase increased by 1000%, that's not a typo, ONE THOUSAND PERCENT. It went up ONE THOUSAND PERCENT.


    Going f2p has serious positive effects on games that do it right. Now you can try and be all wishy washy and say "there's nothing to say they will do it right herp derp..."


    But that's NOT WHAT YOU SAID. You implied that ALL f2p models are failures, which is COMPLETELY FALSE.

    Lol, I actually meant if you look at the literal meaning of that statement, it's a contradiction in terms. F2P means you don't need a subscription to play (yeah yeah, I know, SWTOR will adopt a hybrid system). You may get more players, only time will tell, but I doubt you'll be getting more subscriptions. :)

  4. It's essentially pay2win. The benefits of having a sub will be very great. A lot of new players will join and eventually some of them will sub. It's not a contradiction at all. It's the exact F2P model they're using.

    Knowing EA and their mission statement of profit > service/customers, I highly doubt that subscribers will get great benefits. But yeah, I agree, you will probably have to fork out some hefty sums of money to be able to achieve anything worthwhile ingame, subscribers and non-subscribers alike.

  5. Yep, I can see it.


    You get to that final door before the last boss in the raid. Everyone clicks on the door and gets a $ over their head. The game opens up a dialog asking you for $1 to continue the raid...


    Definitely possible in this game's future.

    Rofl, I can picture that as well. Awesome, and so utterly utterly sad, sigh.

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