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    Sittingbourne, UK
  1. Never seen Natasha before.. Wow! She is stunning... I got my photo too with her and Mr Boyd.. An excellent evening.
  2. I'd like to see Bespin, or something akin to Bespin.. A mining planet.
  3. i've not been able to patch yet..
  4. I know it's a long way ahead, but I'm wondering if there are any tentative plans to have something for this event? As I suspect there will be stuff about 'Rogue One' and the next film in the new Trilogy bandied about.
  5. I play LOTRO and this game.. And i actually prefer the f2p route. Granted many won't like the idea; but in my humble opinion, it's the way to go. For example, in LOTRO at the moment, you can get the steeds for the various professions for your Turbine points, or cosmetics. Would be nice to see some store only items in TOR, like some cloaks or boots.. or even perhaps a proto-lightsabre (the one with the cable attached to a power pack). In every game, there is a knee-jerk reaction to change. But if Bioware make sure that there are enough incentives, more now story quests, I'm staying. Also, in LOTRO, i purchased a lifetime sub, so I only pay for the big expansions.
  6. Is there going to be a chance that when I create a new character on the Light Side, they would have British accents?, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  7. Will higher level (above level 10) Jedi Consulars be getting trousers and cloaks? I'm not a fan of the robes or the hats for them.
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