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Everything posted by TheBigGregski

  1. Seriously guys, why does EVERY SINGLE THREAD about stat caps end up like a quantum physicists convention ? Don't get me wrong, we appreciate your efforts, but I'm pretty sure all the OP dude wanted was some numbers he could aim for min/maxing correctly his defensive stats, plain and simple. He didn't need to launch a rocket to mars. If he was a math head like you, he would have figured the calculations by himself I don't think I can be called dumb, but your math formulas give me headaches, and I can't wrap my mind around your graphic charts. So I'm gonna reformulate the OP question (dude, feel free to correct me if I misinterpretated you) : What are, in layman's terms, the most efficient stat distribution, DR wise. Either in percentages or ratings, FOR EACH CLASS (as we all have our own defensive mechanics) ? Again, thanks guys for your hard work.
  2. My best advice : fall in love with a tank ! That's what happened with my healer girlfriend back on LotRO, and we're a hell of a team now
  3. Hu ? Did you tank HM Kephess ? I'm a full black hole/campaign geared shadow tank and he ***** me on a regular basis. The fact is, I don't think you really have to choose between endurance and defensive stats. Mods with high secondary stats usually gives high endu/willpo imho. Anyway, I think we're drifting from the original topic here, and i'd just like to add that I don't think a shadow tank is less suited for Stormcaller : with high elemental resistance and a handy deflexion cd to cope with mortar volley I don't have any real tanking issue on this fight. Also, we don't swap tanks anymore. We put a taunting dps (vanguard, shadow or guardian) on Calcinis' nose, he grabs aggro during Stormcaller's first Double Destruction per cycle, the tank gets the aggro back when Calcinis casts his big attack, and we're fine
  4. Didn't really look into stormcaller's attacks, but i can parry/dodge/shield the 8 missiles he shoots while i'm running during defensive mode time, so i'm keeping my shield on
  5. I was wondering, since we're not tied to crit for ammo regen, has anyone wondered swapping crit for power ? Would reduce our burst dps for more consistent damage output, but outside pvp and a few pve situation (P3 Soa for example) maybe it'll be woth a shot...
  6. Sorry to be slightly off-topic here, but I'm looking for a log parser who could show me what type of damage i'm taking, and it looks like you got one Very useful to know which cd to use while shadow-tanking !
  7. Et (oui je sais je suis chiant ^^) un graphique dans le temps avec infobulle détaillée ? Possible ?
  8. Dans l'idéal ce serait un décompte seconde par seconde, un peu dans le genre de ce que fait cortosis.net http://www.cortosis.net/combat-log-parser/clpCombatView.php?combat_id=216-1335340315-1335316800 Mais avec en plus les indications de type mélée/distance/force/techno et cinétique/énergétique/élémentaire/interne, si c'est possible. Pour ce qui est du log de mon commando, je vais en refaire un un de ces jours et si ça marche toujours pas je te l'enverrai. Merci encore !
  9. Salut ! Ton parser a l'air intéressant, faut que j'apprenne sans doute a l'apprivoiser parce que pour le moment, sur un combat mannequin avec mon commando ça donne ça : http://www.swtor-loganalyzer.com/stats/92885/showfgt Il y a quelque chose que je fais mal ? Sinon dans la série "liste de courses", un truc qui m'aiderait énormément pour le tanking avec mon ombre, ce serait un détail dans les "dommages reçus" quant au TYPE de dégats : arme, cinétique, interne, élémentaire, etc. Comme j'ai des cds défensifs très spécifiques, savoir quand utiliser quelle capacité au bon moment améliorerait grandement mon efficacité. Dis moi si c'est de l'ordre du possible
  10. First of all, I can't find anywhere any confirmed reference to Operation bosses' defence. Somewhere on Sithwarrior.com I saw something like "Aim for 108% precision [for a dps class] as any boss has 8% base defence", but when hitting a training dummy for 6 minutes (295 hits) with my commando at 103.5% precision, I got absolutely no miss. Does anyone has genuine intel on that ? Do I need to upgrade or downgrade my precicion index ? On a totally unrelated topic, I'm looking for a very detailed combat log parser for my tank, where I could see the different kind of damage I'm taking, something like [name of attack] - Force - Internal - xxx damage. As a Shadow Tank (don't laugh, we will survive the nerf !), i'd like to know when to use my very different defensive cds. If said parser showed defended/resisted/shielded attack, that would be a serious bonus. Thanks in advance guys, and may the Force be with you !
  11. Okay OP, nice try with your calculations, I think this needs to be done but with more precise numbers but this is interresting. I'm unfortunately too old to go back to school and help you with this, so I encourage anyone with serious math skills and good knowledge of the 3 tank classes to give us a hand here Considering your suggestions, you have sone nice ideas IMHO, except for the "trade aggro for actual dps" part. This can be valid on a PvP standpoint, but remember that when fighting a HM Denova boss our dps, how lame it may be, can make the difference between success and wipe. Toth & Zorn, and Kephess, for example, are serious dps checks and we need to contribute. Anyway, keep up the good work
  12. I call your bet ! On any given forum, and particularly an official MMO forum, people are ALWAYS unhappy. Change anything and they'll say "'twas better before" ! Don't change, they'll whine as well ! You can send me your lightsaber by mail, I'll make good use for it ) Nice post anyway, I totally agree with you
  13. Yeah but HM and Nightmare share the same ID, one would think it would be the same for the speeder mission Anyway, is this a guess, or do you have offical information I don"t have ?
  14. Hi everybody. Two days ago we proudly finished Karagga's Palace in Nightmare mode. We kinda hoped it would also advance our Hard Mode Ops vehicle mission, but it didn't. We'd like to know if this is on purpose, or a bug. It would be certailny a bit strange to step down on challenge to complete this mission.
  15. Don't forget this debuff seems to be cumulative by multiple players. I ran yesterday a PUG Vault, we were 3 commandos, and what's left of Soa's brain is still wondering what happened to him
  16. Please, PLEASE do NOT complain about how you look, I'm a Consular... Nuff said
  17. Managed to proc both belt AND bracers, for my shadow's tanking AND dps sets. The're quite nice actually Don't give up guys, it may take a few tries.
  18. Here's an interesting confirmation of your hints about aggro and taunt mechanic in the last Q&A : Quite nice actually
  19. Seriously man, I'm tired of this uninformed nonsense...
  20. Well said Moonlit. I'll just add this : all three tank ACs are viable, it was said enough, everything goes down to the playstyle you'd love. Here are, imho, each one's major asset : - If you want unlimited resource, go for Guardian ; - Tired of running and leaping from mob to mob ? Vanguard rules ; - "Wait, you're tanking in LIGHT ARMOR ?" : priceless
  21. Your point is totally valid, but works either way : what happens if waves of mobs are constantly popping ? I have two precise situations in mind : Esseles HM's first boss and at the very beginning of Eternity Vault. In these cases a 30 secs cd is useless. Another thing to consider is the high proportion of ranged (and therefore almost immobile) mobs, and relatively low AoE radius. I personally prefer the flexibility of a fast-paced, relatively low threat Whirling Blow (often combined with a well placed Force Pull). Hence my very limted use of taunts which belong to the "panic button" threat management category.
  22. I honestly find this thread a bit unreal... You guys are focusing on a "who's got the biggest" point of view, as if two tanks in a same party had to compete for aggro. Seriously is that the most useful thing to do ? AoE threat needs only to : 1) keep mobs away from your healers - this is quite easy, most of the time simply "tagging" them would do the trick 2) hold them long enough for the aggro ho's to smash them down - a little more complicated sometimes, but you can concentrate on keeping the strong/elite ones, and let your comrades quickly dispatch the lesser crowd 3) react to eventual incoming adds who, like in any given mmo, tend to rush the healers - see point number one And this third point, my friends, tend to be overlooked in this thread. I'm sure the three tank specs have ways of dealing with these situations. I'm personally comfortable, as a Shadow tank, with a combination of Force Pull, a no-cd whirling blow and TAoEs like force breach and Slow Time, but I'm sure a good Guardian or Vanguard could do the trick. And as for 60+ seconds AoE aggro situations, I certainly haven't explore all the content of this game, but I still didn't find any, my dear Gankstah (except maybe when I off-tanke the Belsavis World Boss's adds while my buddies beat the crap out of him, and I have all the time in the wolrd to build up aggro)
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