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Everything posted by ARCCommanderDan

  1. I hope the update hits the PTS soon...next week marks 6 weeks after 1.6 released.
  2. I have a feeling it's armor dyes. It's not going to affect the sale of armor on the CM because you'll still have people that want to buy the armor for characters that couldn't wear the original armor style/type (jedi being able to wear trooper armor). And just think of all the possibilities with armor dye...it would immensely help with guilds because everyone could wear the same colors on their character no matter what kind of armor they have, which also adds to the possibilty that they'll add more guild features like guild emblems in the new expansion.
  3. They might. I honestly don't know for sure if they will, but I have a feeling they'll give us more info either this week or next week. An item or title would be great though. They did give us a nice title to those who tried out the PTS when it first became live.
  4. I pretty much agree with this...and I'm a freakin Vanguard tank for pete sake. There's a reason why there's always 2-3 sorc healers in every WZ I play...whether I'm playing my main or lobbie alts. They're apparently so OP that everyone plays them, and the sad part is I barely see any consular healers anymore.
  5. Looking at other animations and such, they probably had someone from the military help out when the game was developed (especially with the Trooper story). But this is Star Wars, and more specifically a video game...they do what they want lol.
  6. After being on this website for over 3 years...you learn to lever trust anything EAware says anymore unless they post a legit news article about it (but even then they've had their moments where they didn't keep their promise after posting an article). I really hope this happens in 2013 though...I just can't stand these pathetic bugs anymore. The engine is over 5 years old for pete sake. Maybe if they updated the engine they wouldn't waste their time gathering a butt-load of players to test an update that still has bugs after it's released.
  7. Give it time...I'd say maybe in a month or so those higher level planets will have over 100 players? The reason all the lower planets are so full is because of all the new players. Some are FTP, some are subbed, but they'll all eventually get to the higher level planets. It'll take some time for the FTP players though with the decreased rate of gaining xps. Anyway, welcome back all who resubbed!
  8. They're honestly not going to care if people unsub. People will resub, not to mention they have a good flow of new players starting the game (although I have no idea if they're going to make it past lvl 20 before quiting...). But all BW cares about is making money so all they need to do is keep releasing new items on the cartel shop and they're happy...
  9. Dude, BW has been lying to the community even before the game was released. I'm in no way suprised. But considering how much changes they're going to be applying to the game, as well as other content they need to release during the new expansion to keep a strong end game experience, $10 seems like a pretty good deal.
  10. I got the new cyan-blue crystal, top and bottom or revan's outfit, remote-control starship toy, bottom and head of new skimpy outfit, and the new lightsaber...pretty good for $20 of cartel coins.
  11. Like most MMO's, they're going to release the actual life day event a week before Christmas. So it will most likely come out next week. Think of these items as "special" life day items. There will probably be a completely seperate adaptable set of armor with the event.
  12. BW is pretty mucn like "Here, have some consumable fireworks. Knock yourselves out." Yeah, they're obviously not that excited about the one year anniversary...
  13. Well...that's pretty disappointing. It would be nice if there was something for the actual players who have been playing since early game access or the first week or month of release...
  14. My friend is finally going to buy the game for the first time because of F2P(like alot of players will be doing), so I'm wondering...will the new players that buy the game automatically receive 30 free days of subscription, even though they're a F2P player, or will they still need to subscribe to get the 30 free days?
  15. How about new features and brand new content? And when I say content, I don't mean more flashpoints, operations or warzones...that content is nice, but we've had too much of them(in my personal opinion). What I would like to see is more guild features, especially a guild capital ship. I would also like to see more story content that expands the classes' stories. Finally, I would like to see brand new gear that isn't a recolored version of another set of gear, or atleast make some new markings or patterns on the gear you're going to re-use.
  16. ^This definitely. I would spend even MORE CCs if we have a set of colors to choose for the markings on the armor. Also, there's this one trooper helmet that I've never found a modable version of that would be really cool to buy on the CM. It's like the helmet from the trooper in the hope trailer but it's got a different visor with really nice markings. I think the blue version of it is between the high level 30's and low level 40's...
  17. We seriously need this. I don't understand why they don't have this already since all players are constantly looking at their character's face...I created my trooper when the game started and I thought a tatoo and scars would look dumb on him but now I realize that the havoc symbol tatoo and the scar across the eye looks really cool and my character just looks really dull now...I also have a jedi who has a face that I'm really not fond of anymore so I'm really hoping they actually release some sort of barber or surgical droid soon.
  18. Let's just say I hope we see more than 1 update per month, atleast 3 more in-game events within the rest of the year, rewards for digital-deluxe buyers, and more than 3 items in the cartel coins vendor at launch...
  19. This is actually going to get plenty of subs, not to mention I will finally get my friends to play! There's one thing I want to mention though...if there's going to be lots of customizable armor bought by cartel coins or by other means then I want the cost for extracting mods either completely gone or majorly reduced...if there's some armor that looks cooler than my WH gear and I want to use that armor then it's going to cost WAY too much credits to get all my mods in there. Most lvl 50 players will not be able to afford that much.
  20. My question is, if I'm on a PvP server can I move my characters to a PvP-RP server, or can I only go to another PvP server?
  21. I'm just excited to get new gear! There will be new gear attained just from the new planet, not to mention they probably need to make a few more tiers for end game PvP and PvE since they'll be increasing the level cap. But the question is: what will happen to Recruit, BM, and WH gear?
  22. Everything looks really great in the video, but seriously give us the freakin details on server transfers already.
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