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Everything posted by Wager

  1. One of the larger complaints about the game is how much you have to watch your quickbar while in combat. This change makes the problem worse. Can BioWare Austin find a focus group or something rather than following executive decisions that are made with the jerking of a knee?
  2. 640K should be enough for anybody. (Translation: Just because you don't use it now and don't see yourself using it in the near future doesn't mean that the need does not exist.)
  3. Because it's been shown that people will pay that, and if they won't it's probably better to go F2P.
  4. Attacking someone on their grammar skills seems silly without having a firm grasp on the use of semi-colons. It is your opinion that it is broken; it is not fact. (You're welcome.)
  5. I'm sure if you open a ticket, it'll get closed with a friendly message that your money has been received.
  6. We've seen a lot of these threads, but the opinion typically comes out in the minority. I find both datacrons and space combat a welcome and pleasant break from more common MMO activities in this game.
  7. Turret Valor was never the problem. If you read all 250-some-odd pages of the thread, you'd see that a whole bunch of people kept jumping in saying, "Prove the turrets give valor!" when nobody ever made that claim. (By nobody, I don't literally mean nobody. A few people were making that claim, but that was not the point of the thread and not what was generally outrageous.) The problem was that spawn points were campable. Republic players could not do ANYTHING, including getting off world. They could just keep respawning to add to the valor rewards to the Zerg masses.
  8. I love the game, I really do. I went from the 6 month plan to canceled last night, then went monthly when they fixed the Ilum problem without rolling back the Valor. I guess deep down I just don't trust the game as much as I like it.
  9. I was beginning to feel like I was having a stroke trying to understand this. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one. I can cancel the ambulance.
  10. Of course some MMO's do rollbacks, and of course it's possible to do with HeroEngine. (Anybody with any database familiarity would snort at the idea that it wasn't possible.) This MMO, however, never will. The official word was that people who abused the system yesterday will be investigated and appropriate action will be determined. This, as we've come to discover, means that nothing will happen, but devs will disagree that this means that nothing will happen.
  11. We're 9 minutes shy of three hours since, "Shortly." Plz 2 fix nao. Kthnxbai. (We'd appreciate at the very least a response teaser that acknowledges which specific issues the response will be detailing: The inability for the Republic to even spawn on Ilum, unearned valor gains, gear imbalance for the foreseeable future, etc.)
  12. They could not afford to take their time. They were desperate to get the content patch in before the 30 day included time expired so that people would renew their subscription and they could tout high re-subscribe numbers. This appears to have considerably worked against them.
  13. They're the ones who said "shortly" not me.
  14. You mean that post from an hour and twenty minutes ago? No, we saw it. It wasn't a response. It was a response teaser. We're still waiting for the response. An hour and twenty minutes later.
  15. And you're trying to kill me with laughter.
  16. They did. About anti-aliasing. Because that's what people are upset about.
  17. THIS is the topic you all decide to issue a response to today? Seriously? How many people have cancelled their accounts over THIS today?
  18. Just cancelled my 6 month plan. I'm guessing you're going to feel this one, BioWare. Roll back before tonight, and I'll go month-to-month. Otherwise, forget it.
  19. How is there any discussion on this at BioWare? Shut the servers down now, roll it back now, and fix it later. This game will not survive this if you don't act quickly. It will be remembered as a colossal joke for legitimate reasons and not for the crybaby ones people have been throwing around. Roll back now.
  20. That's an unfair comparison. In Choose Your Own Adventure stories, choices matter.
  21. Zombie horse. If you see that message, then the horse is undead.
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