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Posts posted by CecilTellyn

  1. lol, these are great :)


    My Guardian has this move that he calls "Master Strike" where he actually drives his lightsaber THROUGH the stomach of the intended victim, then swings it back around and slices off their head.


    Apparently he's using a nerf bat instead of a lightsaber through because it really doesn't kill anyone very quickly. And the victim certainly never loses his head.



  2. While I agree that lightsabers have to be toned down (from the movies) for balance in the game, I also agree that pommel strike shouldn't do MORE damage than a saber.


    I would actually prefer if they made pommel strike be something less stupid like some sort of a special saber strike. The stats could be exactly the same, just the animation and name of the skill are different. It still generates threat, still does the same damage, and still does kinetic damage, but it is now a special flourish with the saber instead of bonking someone on the head with your saber hilt.

  3. I don't really see the big deal with this. I've had it happen to me and I've done it to others. If someone "ninjas" my objective, I just wait for it to respawn. No big deal.


    However, generally if someone is fighting mobs right NEXT to an objective, I won't just rush in there and take it. A few nights ago, I was watching someone do that. They bit off more than they could chew and ended up dying. After they were dead, I went in, cleared out the remaining mobs and took the objective.


    Sometimes I'll help people with objectives but I don't do that often because you never know who is going to be grateful and who is going to cuss you out for "stealing kills"


    When it comes to spawning mobs that are the objectives though, I always wait in line. That is only fair. And usually, I've had people wait in line behind me as well so it seems to work out. I do wish they would lower the timer a little bit for spawning mobs though because it seems to take like 5 minutes.

  4. So initially when this went live, I didn't even notice the change. However, after playing a bit last night, I did notice it and it was pretty annoying.


    I would prefer that Bioware changes the cooldown graphics back to how they were. It was much easier to see before.


    That said, it's hardly "game breaking" as some people have said. I can still play the game just fine.


    Anyway, yes, I support reverting this change.

  5. Yeah, I'm usually a few levels ahead.


    As for those who said that you need to do the side quests: they are absolutely correct.


    During beta, I leveled up a Jedi Knight by ONLY doing class quests. When I left Tython, I was level 8 which is 2 level below where I should have been. I know that the devs increased experience gain on the starter planets to account for this (at least, I heard that they did).


    Anyway, during the real game play, I leveled a Jedi Knight by doing ALL side quests along with my story. When I left Tython, I was level 12 and when I left Taris (recently) I was level 23.


    So yeah, I do all side quests + all the Heroics once before I leave an area. I usually end up a tiny bit over leveled for the next area.

  6. I agree with this somewhat, but one thing to keep in mind is that LS = doing what is right, not necessarily what is legal.


    The Republic is just as corrupt as the Sith in some respects and sometimes you need to get past that and choose the "right' option versus what is best for the Republic (often they are the same but not always).


    Also, I've noticed that some people aren't really going through the dialog and just looking at the last page before making a choice. I am not implying that you do this, OP :) This is just what I've been noticing. For instance:



    On Taris when you have the choice to give the medicine to the Republic soldier or say that the medicine is for the people, I've seen a lot of people complain that the LS/DS choices don't make sense. This is probably because the last screen of that conversation looks like this:


    I'm going to give this serum to the Republic soldiers!


    A) No, the medicine is for everyone (LS)

    B) Give it to the soldiers (DS)


    I've seen people complaining about this choice but if you actually listened to the dialog rather than spacebar through it, you would notice that option B was not really giving it to soldiers, it was trying to get as much money as possible from people for the serum and TESTING it on soldiers, rather than actually using it as intended. Obviously that is Dark Side if you follow the entire conversation.


    (Disclaimer: I'm not remembering the exact wording of everything but it was something like this)




    ALL that said, yes, some choices do seem to be a little... odd.



    TL;DR: Sometimes you need to go through all the dialog to see what really makes sense but at the same time, yes, some of the options are odd.

  7. Agree with the OP 100000000%


    During beta, I got an assignment to go rescue someone. The dailog/choices were something like:


    "I guess you get the fun job of saving the scientist."


    A) He will be saved

    B) Do I get paid?

    C) Fun?


    I picked C because in my mind, my character would have said "Fun? This is going to be hard" (or something like that). Instead, my character said "Why do I always get all the boring rescue missions?" in a very insolent tone.


    Yeah, it doesn't affect the storyline or DS/LS points at all but I often see stuff like this. The intent of the message isn't always made clear by their 3 word dialog choices. I'd like to see Bioware make this more clear.


    Also, as a Jedi Knight, I've heard "This sounds like it's heading to a dark place" about 1000x so far :)

  8. A little. I just got to Nar Shaddaa and I'm a bit disappointed because it's simply a very thinly reskinned Coruscant. I've already BEEN to Coruscant so....


    I'm still enjoying the game but Nar Shaddaa has sort of drained the life out of me. I know most people say Taris does that but Taris was just more depressing (which is how it should be, based on the situation). Nar Shaddaa is just... boring.

  9. I don't mean this in an offensive way at all... I actually want to know the answer to this question:


    How does him doing this impact the game and yourself personally?


    I genuinely would like to know the answer to this. My knee-jerk reaction is that this guy should be banned but I would like to know what the implications of someone doing this are before I say that with certainty.

  10. I'm only a level 23 Guardian so take this with a grain of salt.


    I haven't really had any problems tanking in this game and this is the first MMO I've ever played with the "Trinity" classes.


    But what I do find is that I have to be very careful about managing threat. I do have to pay close attention to what is going on around me so that I aggro the right mob at the right time.


    Generally, I leap into battle, do an AOE which will get all the mobs on me and then - while attacking the main mob - keep an eye on the situation. If the healer starts to pull mobs to him, I either have to taunt or switch targets to keep the situation under control.


    Sounds hard, but if I'm paying attention (which isn't always the case :) ), then I can usually keep the situation under control.


    So yeah, I don't know about higher levels but so far, I feel like I'm doing ok. It's hard, but manageable.

  11. I do wish some of your choices would come back to get you later in the game. Maybe they do... I'm only level 20 so I don't know if something I did before will have an effect.


    That said, there still are some hard decisions. I've had a few times where I've stopped and thought about what I wanted to do.

  12. Ugh, I remember corpse runs, when we literally had to run to our dead bodies -sans gear. There were no mounts yet and speeder, heh, they were even further off.


    I loved SWG when it first came out, because it was Star Wars and it was my first MMO, but I quit long before the NGE troubles, and I wouldn't go back if it were still around.


    Wow, I didn't even remember corpse runs... I mostly just remember having the "wound" penalty that required you to sit in a cantina AND a hospital for 30 or so minutes to "recover".


    Also, after a month or so, the game became "Star Wars: Pokemon" since everyone became a Beast Master and got their stupid Rancors out in the city which not only looked ridiculous but also lagged pretty bad (and cities had terrible lag in that game).


    "Rancor, I choose you!"


    Also, whoever said the mission terminals were terrible... yes, I agree 100000% :)

  13. Well... all I can really say about this post is that at least it isn't another "OMG why isn't this game like WOW!!1111eleventyone" post.


    I played SWG from launch. SWG was not fun. Yeah, you could be anything but mostly you ended up being some anonymous jack-*** on a backwater planet. Which is fine if you are looking for a Star Wars simulator. I think most people wanted a Star Wars GAME.


    SWG really was a great simulator. I played on Kettemoore and we had celebrities. And just like real life, these celebrities were few and far between. This meant that on a server of thousands, one or two people would stand out as "heroes".


    Again, pretty true to life and a nice simulation but I'd rather be saving the galaxy than tending to my harvesters or running across a giant planet to see Jabba who wouldn't give me the time of day unless I went and did a bunch of random Kill 10 X quests.


    SWG had its good points. The giant planets were cool, though irritating before mounts. The day/night cycles were amazing. The weather effects were awesome. The character creation was incredibly detailed and since they really didn't have armor (they did but it was pretty nerfed) the costumes you wore really reflected your taste rather than "this has the best stats". The vast majority of the game play, however, was a giant grind fest with really no payoff.


    I enjoy TOR and I'm so glad it's not like SWG :)

  14. In my day, all we had was a game that forced you to grind out levels as you went through it. It was just you, alone, no party members/companions. Just you and your trusty... nothing. Oh yeah, you started out naked and had to buy weapons and armor. Generally, all you could afford at first was a very weak club. Leveling was brutal and took forever and if you were underpowered when you went into a new area, you would be destroyed pretty quickly.


    So here's the thing. I have lots of fond memories of that game. That game will always be one of my favorites.


    That said, I do not ever want to play it again.


    I just do not have the patience for that type of game, nor do I have the time for the type of game most of you are currently describing. Games that you have to dedicate a portion of your life to to get anywhere mean that you are missing out on your real life.


    Back when EQ came out, I was out going on dates and hanging out with friends. I wasn't going to dedicate part - or all - of my life to a video game.


    My first MMO was SWG which I played for all of a few months because... I just wasn't into the sandbox style. SWG was - TO ME - "Star Wars - Moisture Farmer." It was just wasn't fun. It was grindy.


    I think the vast majority of the audience wants games that casual people can play and so that's why we get games like TOR. It makes the most money. I find TOR highly enjoyable and I still have time to go out to dinner with my wife. A lot of you look back on MMO X with fond memories because of nostalgia, not because it was incredibly fun or a great game design.


    It's the same reason I look back on my game with fond memories. It was my first RPG ever. It was called Dragon Warrior and it was for the NES. Loved that game, never want to play it again :)

  15. Basically everything Jaarik said. I'm level 17 but I've tanked pretty successfully in all the Heroics that I've done.


    Essentially, you can't tank everything. CC and DPS need to be used to thin out crowds and you should always just try to tank the toughest MOB.


    This is my first MMO that has really used the Trinity (previously played SWG and STO which really didn't have DSP/Tank/Heal per se) and I'm finding that tanking isn't too hard as long as everyone knows what to expect.

  16. Not entirely sure what you are asking. You can untrack quests so they stop showing up or you can just drop them.


    Alternatively, you could just complete said quests when you get them. I've found the quests - along with all the side quests - GENERALLY tend to be grouped linearly so it's not a huge stretch to complete them all at almost the same time.

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