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Everything posted by spne

  1. Expanded Class Story, new companions, new features, new races, new planets. I'm not up for more levels or new classes since it's kinda hard to balance.
  2. I don't think 1.2 is coming this Tuesday. At least i haven't seen any official info on it.
  3. Of course they know how many players are going to play and how many are not playing anymore. Either way they need to start working on merges and free transfers ASAP. I believe they are waiting for 1.2 to see how many will return before going for merges or xfers since those are signals of huge problems in a MMO.
  4. Awesome stream and thanks for answering the questions of a new Assassin
  5. They just need to start merging servers and opening Free Xfers. And then closing dead servers. They just started this game with too many servers, they should have more slots per server and not so many realms.
  6. I'm from Kinrath Spider and i'm up for this. But i'd like to see some more commitment from the rest of the community before i rerroll in Iron Council.
  7. I don't see this game needing anything. Maybe some server merges. Everything else is fine, stop doomsayin'.
  8. Since i've moved to a new server i'm working on a new legacy. This is just the basic outline, i will have to write everything later and english is not my first language so sorry for any kind of grammar mistake. Starting with my Sith Assassin. She knows very little of her past, she was born in Dromund Kass, daughter of slaves and went to Korriban as soon as they felt that she was Force Sensitive. As a Rattataki she soon found herself walking the path of the assassin, learning the mastery of the double-bladed lightsaber. But she never walked the true dark side, she hates slavery and has a special hate to humans due to their prejudice towards alien races. I tend to roleplay her as a Light Side Sith due to her compassion to slaves and the oppressed. But she is also ruthless when dealing with enemies and prejudice. After her training in Korriban she soon found herself searching for her past in Dromund Kass and finally learned about her origin and learned about how her family was captured in Rattatak by a Dark Lord and forced into slavery. In the process she found a brother that worked his way through Slavery and Pit Fights in Hutt Space to become a Bounty Hunter. As soon as i get to 50 i'll start her "love interest", a Rattataki Sith Warrior and will work on his background later. I plan to create a Rattataki family and then maybe some enemies or allies as other alts.
  9. Why can't we buy different ships for a huge amount of credits ? Then we would have a huge money sink and the hability to further customize our characters. It's just a cosmetic change since it would not affect other players but would be a cool feature.
  10. the Ravenor Legacy Darth Krosis, Sith Pureblood Marauder and married to Darth Hevno a female Sith Juggernaut. Vokun, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter is an respected ally. And finally we have their son: Kolarik, a Sith Pureblood Sorcerer. But that Legacy might die if Bioware won't let me xfer my chars to a new realm. My new legacy will be built around a new couple: Hahnu, a Mirialan Jedi Shadow and Strybjorn a human male trooper.
  11. Legacy won't open any "new" customization for the existing races, only new races + Classes combinations.
  12. I like the game it's just that levelling ANOTHER character isn't fun for me anymore. And i do love my 50s so i wish i could keep playing them, but my server is dead, PvP queues are annoying and i barely can find people to play with.
  13. Even with more stuff my server would still be "dead".
  14. I might just quit the game because my server is pretty much dead and i just can't stand levelling anymore with 3 50s already.
  15. Seriously ? Whoa dude, dunno what are you doing wrong but you should have ZERO issues with this @ lvl 50.
  16. I'm taking my son to watch it, he is a huge fan like me but haven't seen in on theaters. Also taking my new gf since she never saw any.
  17. Everything wrong with Marauders in ONE WORD: Players. Seriously. It's you and not the class.
  18. Also i've seen a lot of Marauders that forget that we have an amazing skill called Obfuscate. USE THAT. It helps A LOT, specially against bosses like Draahg.
  19. Annihilation is the easiest tree to level with. You get a good DPS and self healing through berserk. Here is the build i'd recommend: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMcGzZhGb.1 Anni Marauders have no Rotation, but a "Priority" system, but if you want a "opening", here is what i do: Charge -> Deadly Saber while still in the air -> Battering Assault -> Vicious Slash (Replace with Annihilate) / Force Scream -> Rapture -> Proceed to beat the other mobs, build up your bleeds. If needed use Berserk to get better self heals. Also use Malavai Quinn as a companion!
  20. Never had a single problem with any fight as an Annihilation Marauder + Quinn. You just got to interrupt everything you can, you have TWO interrupts, use them wisely (Force Choke + our standard Interrupt), and also, remember that you have to GEAR YOUR COMPANION. Also, i haven't done a single Flashpoint and done most planets on a lower level than what was suggested so you just gotta play smart. Interrupt, self heals, Quinn and DON'T STAND IN BAD STUFF. The fight of the Avatar took me a few tries to get it right, but it was easier than Lord Draahg or the last one.
  21. We don't need changes @ Fury. It's working perfectly IMO. In Annihilation i can build the 30 Stacks needed just by setting my bleeds on the target. Also, most Marauders needs to learn how to use their CDs.
  22. Casual Gamers: Ruining MMOGs since 2004.
  23. It's annoying for me because i'm a Marauder. I have 32 keys mapped and i use all of them constantly. I have 3 different defensive cooldowns, 3 "fury based" cooldowns, 2 rage builders, 1 offensive cooldown, 4 rage spenders and a lot of stuff to watch for. Then i see that Merc spamming one single attack, and every single attack of those deals more damage than all of mine. /sigh The other day fought an geared Merc he was hitting me for 3-4K each missile.. like ***? I can get 3-4K Annihilates but they have a long CD and a huge rage cost.
  24. Have you looked at the Republic end-game PvP armor for Jedi ?
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