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10 Good
  1. Has anyone done this build? Is it worth losing Hemorrhaging Blast?
  2. Frache

    In combat stealth

    I don't really think a class that can pick its fights at will has any business having this type of get of jail free card. Maybe a sprint of some sort but nothing that pulls them from combat instantly so they can redo their so called "openers" a second time on the same target. Second reason you already can't target them until they open up and its asking too much telling people they need to reacquire the target that was just standing in front of them. Third reason is these classes are supposed to lose prolonged fights with vanish they should NEVER lose a 1 on 1. They will simply leave and that shouldn't be so easy for them to do. Just because it has been in other games doesn't mean it wasn't cheap in those games as well.
  3. Penalty should be to not them queue for 15 min's. When they leave teammates short handed they are hurting 7 other players. 8 considering the poor soul who gets the queue for the loosing match. But we should consider that fair? No penalty is a joke to the multi-player aspect of this game. As for not entering loosing matches THAT IS the point of having a penalty. With people leaving loosing matches less it means you will enter unstarted matches at a higher percentage.
  4. There needs to be a penalty for leaving early until there is it will be abused.
  5. I am having problems creating burst damage and taking players down as fast as they can kill me. So if you have any advise on what order to use abilities or even key setup advise please feel free. I have 4 Champ pieces and some Cent. with 116 rated guns. But I am still having major problems wrapping my head around this class in PvP. L(ing)2P
  6. The real problem with crafting isn't the level of gear you can make. It is the lack of degradation forcing a demand for goods and it being too easy to get same tier gear as crafters.
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