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Everything posted by Lurkz

  1. I just assume they're behind some of the closed doors. The interior floor plan is definitely not as big as the exterior of the ship.
  2. Yeah, basically. God forbid the Jedi be awesome and intelligent people. Also, she starts fawning over Jag apparently instead of being the independent woman we know she should be (esp. as a daughter of Han and Leia).
  3. Agreed. Even Mara, I could have dealt with if it wasn't just so damn... stupid. Obviously they will all die eventually, but if they aren't going to die of old age... at least make them die logically. Chewie and Anakin's deaths at least fit characters. I mean heck, it took a damn moon falling on Chewie to do him in. And Anakin was a voluntary "I will become one with the Force to save all my friends". Mara? Re. audience intelligence: Yeah... I hear ya there. Edit to add a spoiler tag as I just saw that Erik hasn't read past NJO.
  4. The Jacen as a Sith Lord just made me roll my eyes. Particularly with all his "I know my grandfather thought that he wouldn't fall and did. But he was WRONG! I however will succeed!" I just wanted to be like "Seriously? You think you have some magical way to succeed where even LUKE SKYWALKER fell?? The Solo genes of common sense skipped you didn't they?" Also... Jaina. OMG are they butchering her character. Not enough that we have a dead Mara, now we have a lame Jaina. It's kind of like they suddenly decided that awesome female characters were no longer in vogue or something. (Which is not to say I don't think Jaina shouldn't hook up with Jag permanently, she totally should just... in an awesome way).
  5. I actually got to talk to RA Salvatore during a book signing once about Chewie's death. He said he tried to get them to not make him do it but Lucas Arts insisted. Anakin at least got a -good- death, I was just more upset that right when he was becoming a ****** he died. But at least it was in a ****** way. As for Mara, so many of the EU writers butchered her character whenever they tried to incorporate her. It got better later, NJO and such but then we hit Legacy and it went downhill again. Edit: sigh.. profanity filters...
  6. I could have sworn I saw a rumor somewhere that the live action show is going to be about Kitster, Anakin's buddy from Tatooine. I'm hoping that's wrong though.
  7. So basically... "I didn't care about Mara or that she was popular so it didn't bother me a bit that I had to kill her off and the fans that were upset are just lunatics." I always wanted to be part of the lunatic fringe... It was kind of a stupid death too, imo. Made Mara out to be waaaay stupider than we all know she was.
  8. LOL Always a possibility. Hopefully Tim Zahn has more SW books he plans to write so we can still have more (well written) Mara Jade.
  9. True, but it makes things like the end-game in a theme-park much harder to balance.
  10. Someone stupid. I haven't read of the books after that series because there's no Mara.
  11. They are... sort of. The classes are somewhat based on the iconic characters, such as Darth Maul providing the basis for the Assassin. However, as the other poster said, they're not really direct analogues. You'll be able to find parallels between many of the iconic SW characters and several classes rather than just one. For example in the case of the Jedi, in the movies and most of the EU the Jedi are just that, Jedi. All of them are Jedi Knights. There is no specification of Knight/Consular much less Sentinel/Shadow/Sage/Guardian. Everyone would have their personal specialties, sure, but generally the real characters tend to be more of an amalgamation of several of what Bioware has deemed the Jedi "classes." But that would have made things far too muddled for the purposes of this type of game, so the aspects of the Jedi or Sith or whatever have been broken down into more distinct packages and assigned a specific name. (Particularly since BW has said they were not setting out to remake SWG or a sandbox game, ergo sandbox classes/skill trees were out of the question).
  12. It may be "slow mode", but for a lot of us it's also "fun mode." I personally prefer running things either by myself or maybe with guildies. I don't generally enjoy grouping up with random people I don't know; it's not fun for me. So I don't and I level just as well as people that group all the time, even if it's a little slower.
  13. Lurkz


    This is essentially how my guild operates as well. Very good advice, especially if you're looking for a more friendly or casual-friendly guild rather than a hardcore raiding guild. Along with this, even just grouping up in the world to run heroics or what have you, if the person seems friendly and seems to fit the type of attitude you'd want in a guildy, you can ask them about their guild and if they're recruiting.
  14. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline The treaty was signed in 3,653 BBY and TOR takes place 3,643-3,641 BBY.
  15. Lurkz


    There is a guild recruitment forum within the server group forums where you can look for which guilds are recruiting or start a thread stating that you are looking for a guild. Alternatively, many guilds, if they are actively recruiting, will advertise in general chat within the game, particularly on the Fleets. If you see one that interests you, you can whisper the person advertising and ask for more information and/or an invite. But yes, you have to be invited by someone in the guild with invitation privileges. This is generally, at a minimum, the guildmaster and any guild officers but sometimes is anyone in the guild or anyone above a certain rank.
  16. Yes, your friends can enter your ship and ride along with you. Make sure they're in a group with you and if there are several people of the same class, you all select the same phase when entering. PS. This is the wrong forum for this. Suggestions should go in the Suggestion Box in the General Forum, where there are probably already several threads about hoods/robes.
  17. The heavier the armor, the more protection it provides at an equivalent level. Say you have the same item in heavy, medium, and light armor and they're all orange pieces. You put the exact same armoring mod in each one and they will all have different armor values.
  18. Actually, some of them, like the droid on Coruscant, have abilities that insta-kill you even at 50 if you don't have other people there. :\ But for the low lvl bosses you can certainly do it with a small group.
  19. Sure you can... go back and kill him again. There's nothing that prevents you from killing a world boss every time he spawns except possibly common courtesy if others are waiting to kill him. As for how many people, assuming it's anything like the world boss on Coruscant, you can probably get away with around 3-4 50s.
  20. Get the newest one, believe it's either 12.2 or 12.3.
  21. Technically as soon as you get your ship you can fly anywhere you want. The GTN on Nar Shaddaa is in a city and should be easy enough to get to without dying even if you're under-lvled.
  22. No, you don't have to go one way or another. Right now, yes, there are several items, particularly from vendors, that are light/dark constrained. However, the vast majority of the end-game gear (I want to say all of it actually but I don't dare make that claim) isn't alignment locked at all. Additionally, BW has said they will be adding gear specifically for neutrals.
  23. Mail symbols where? I can't say as I recall seeing these anywhere in the forums other than at the very top of my browser window relating to my account.
  24. Lurkz


    TOR doesn't have raids. TOR has Operations. Ops are end-game content aimed at groups of 8 or 16 players. It's, essentially, a giant flash-point that is balanced for large groups. Also, they drop the end game gear, Tionese, Columi, and Rakata. You can get Tionese and Columi from Hardmode Flashpoints also, but Rakata only comes from doing Hardmode or Nightmare Operations. That's basically it. They can be a lot of fun to run and the fights get interesting with so many more people involved.
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