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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. 50 minutes ago, LanceDefender said:

    My problem is however, why they always do maintenace in the middle of day in Europe. As always US>EU.

    I guess you need to make sure the only online games you play are developed in EU then so they will make sure to do maintenance and updates that favor EU-based players 🙄.  It's like you want the US based SWTOR devs to work during EU working hours instead of US working hours.  Since SWTOR has never done updates by region but only for the entire game there will always be some region that experiences more inconvenient maintenance times than other regions.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Arecelis said:

    Completed the Hyde and Zeek Prototype 340 quest. When went to install armor mods they just disappeared and did not equip at all.

    Worked fine for me.  I unlocked 340 prototype and 340 artifact on Hyde and Zeek.  I then purchased 340 prototype barrel, mod, and 340 artifact enhancement.  I successfully replaced my 336 rating items in my commando's assault cannon with the 340 items.  Assault cannon shows as 340 item rating now.

  3. 6 minutes ago, ShadsMaxim said:

    Completed the H&Z 340 Artifact quest, but Zeek will only sell me level artifact level enhancements.  Artifact level barrels, mods, and armouring are not available.

    This is how it worked with 336 artifact quality items on Hyde and Zeek.  Only 336 Artifact enhancements were available, not 336 armoring, barrels, hilts, and mods.

    • Like 3
  4. I was able to pickup mission Zeek's Deconstruction: 340 Prototype from Hyde on Satele Shan using a trooper commando.  Can confirm this character did not do all Hyde and Zeek missions, only 330 Prototype, 336 Prototype, and 336 Artifact. 

    I am surprised people unlocked all of H & Z missions.  I only want to see items I actually want to purchase on Zeek so I only unlocked the highest available rating available at the time.

  5. 21 hours ago, Grendel_Echo said:

    Is there any pre-set chance of failure? Logically on lvl 50, should be zero chance.

    Your logic is not aligned with SWTOR dev team's logic.  Any crew skill missions you send a companion on that are a color other than gray have a chance to fail, regardless of the influence level of the companion that runs the mission.  I also believe the chance to fail is based on the difficulty of the mission as indicated by the color of the mission name.  Orange crew skill missions have the highest chance to fail, yellow missions the 2nd highest chance, with green colored missions having the lowest chance.

    EDIT: The reasons for a SWTOR player to invest in getting companions to influence level 50 are:

    1) maximizes the companion's combat effectiveness

    2) gives the companion the greatest chance to get critical results from crew skills missions and crafting items.

    • Like 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, mindtrancer said:

    It's my understanding that items that do not sell are returned to you via email. Can someone confirm the full listing fee refund will be included for the unsold item/s? 

    Which part of the below info Joe Stramaglia provided is not clear for you?

    On 10/27/2023 at 9:52 AM, JoeStramaglia said:
    • Deposits have been adjusted to be fees. This is to encourage folks to list their items at prices that are more likely to move. Below is a chart that shows the minimum and maximum fee depending on the Buyout Price and the Duration.



    Fee Percent

    Minimum Fee

    Maximum Fee

    12 Hours




    1 Day




    2 Days




    3 Days




    7 Days




  7. 22 hours ago, MishaCantu said:

    Tried on my trooper Shyndyr on 12/2/23-12/3/23 and was awarded 0 conquest points, plus when opening the conquest screen in the Retreat. it was totally blank with an error that Conquest was Under Review. 

    Could not reproduce on Satele Shan server using Republic toon that already completed Old Wounds story content.  Guild Invasion tab of the Missions window shows the same values as it did prior to this toon traveling to Interpreters' Retreat zone on Voss.

    22 hours ago, MishaCantu said:

    Also I could not travel to a stronghold from the Retreat, which I could do only 2 days ago.

    Also could not reproduce this on Satele Shan with the same Republic toon.  After the Republic toon arrived at Interpreters' Retreat on Voss using the galaxy map I traveled to my Nar Shaddaa stronghold and back to Interpreters' Retreat with no issue.

    However I logged into an Imperial toon on Star Forge and was able to reproduce these two issues (Guild Invasion tabs shows no invasion and no guild ship even though my guild has a guild ship and did invade a planet this week.  Could not travel to Nar Shaddaa stronghold from Interpreters' Retreat).  However when I traveled back to Imperial fleet the info on the Guild Invasion tab returned to normal. 

    At this point this issue looks to be server specific.  It will be interesting to see if this issue is resolved after servers go down for 7.4 patch on Tuesday.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

    Please issue a 15 min ban to people who decline a pop/invite,

    Disagree.  I do not want 15 minutes lockout added if a player declines a group finder invitation.

    20 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

    and a 30 min ban to peeps who quit part way through a quest.

    Do not see the need for any changes here either.  There is already a 20 minutes timer that starts when the group forms.  If a player quits before 20 minutes post-group formation time has elapsed then that character is locked out of group finder until 20 minutes has passed from group formation.  I think this is sufficient.  Some servers already have a fairly long wait for group finder groups as it is.

  9. 13 minutes ago, psikofunkster said:

    Same this starting to get very tedious. Tomorrow December starts and the minimum sub time i can buy (before 2023 ends) is exactly one month, yet we have absolutely nothing about the definitive release date. Should i resub? i really really doubt it. Hope there's an announcement tomorrow.

    I don't understand your concerns about renewing your subscription.  If you don't want to renew your subscription because 7.4 hasn't been announced then don't renew it.  Seems fairly straightforward to me.  Re-sub when 7.4 gets an actual release date or when it actually gets released.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

    if its been difficult each year to select the winners why not add a special prize for the one's that not make it then since its then also fair if its hard to choose out from that the one's that not make it but are also nice and good get a special prize more.

    Pretty sure Jackie Ko already has more than work than she can handle but you want to add more anyway.

  11. Which entity is responsible for SWTOR marketing, EA or Broadsword?  I always thought EA, as SWTOR's publisher, had primary responsibility for the marketing of the game.  I think Broadsword can do some marketing activities but my guess is if said marketing requires significant funding or will decrease SWTOR revenue then EA would have to approve and handle the marketing campaign.  At least EA didn't make the decision to close the game but it feels like EA moved SWTOR to its "no marketing funding" budget category a long time ago, well before the move to Broadsword.

  12. 11 minutes ago, momastarfish said:

    Have you tried requesting help from ea?  That website is NOT user friendly.

    Are you getting any help in resolving your issue by posting here?  The reality of playing online PC games is that sometimes things don't work as expected.  When this happens it can take varying degress of technical expertise, guidance from others, clear and detailed communication, and time to resolve.  Your posting "still unable to login" does not give others much to go on, especially when the vast majority of players can currently log in.  I'm sorry you are not able to login but you're not doing a whole lot to empower people that might be willing to help you troubleshoot your problem.  I think the best place to go is the EA support website.  Of course you can always try contacting support by phone or email if you want. 


  13. Hello Chris and welcome to SWTOR.  Based on your screenshot and companion being T7 you are playing the Jedi Knight origin story.  The instance you are trying to enter is for the Jedi Consular origin story, not the Jedi Knight.  It looks like you need to continue proceeding east in the tunnel your character is in to reach the next portion of the Jedi Knight story.  In short, you are trying to enter an instance that is not for your Jedi Knight character.

  14. 15 hours ago, Djalu said:

    I am only a recently returned player after a 10 year hiatus so I may be off the mark here as there is so much new stuff going on that I am still like a kid in a toy store with a no holds barred credit card. I have noticed on map there is an instance option and while I am not sure of how this would work DEV wise what if the fleet or anywhere for that matter had Instance 1-2 and RP. This way if the RPer's are being griefed in the RP instance then that is a reportable game situation.

    As I mentioned only very recently returned so I could be off the mark and misunderstanding the instance deal, but if it is as I understand then it seems to me that would solve the issue at hand..

    The devs decided several years ago when they were preparing the most recent merge of servers that RP instances were not needed.  Please see my signature for the quote and time.  I think it's therefore unlikely the devs would create RP instances on the servers as a solution to this problem.

  15. 3 hours ago, Wolvesgaar said:

    This year has been really dry with content and updates compared to previous year.

    2022 was an anomaly with 3 major releases because 7.0 came out in 2022 February but it was originally announced for 2021 December but ended up getting pushed back 2 months.  7.1 in 2022 August and 7.2 in 2022 December.  In 2021 the only major update was 6.3 in April.  So when one looks at the release schedule it's basically 2 major story updates per year that the devs seem to be aiming for.  If 7.4 is released in December then devs will be on target for 2023's second "major" update.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Ahlexandria said:

    Seems to be the Galaxy is shutting down and we were never informed...Any Idea how long this may last?

    Warning was given to those logged into the game.  Typically takes 45 minutes to an hour to bring servers back online after they are taken offline.

    see this thread for updates on this unplanned maintenance https://forums.swtor.com/topic/932157-issue-with-logging-into-servers/#comment-9787414

  17. 1 hour ago, Cayerala said:

    The main problem, that BS faces, which is if they open up server transfers, it could very well ruin the current fresh economy on APAC, and overwhelm returning/new players that have just started. There is a simple solution, which is cap the amount of credits each person is able to transfer to Shae Vizla. Overall, they should just do a mass merge of SS+SF (one big NA server), merge the remaining EU servers (one big EU server), and maintain APAC. They would obviously would reduce costs, they wouldn't have to pay voice actors for the French/German dialogues anymore. 

    The topic of server merges is highly controversial in these parts as they have negative consequences in addition to the beneficial ones.  I wonder how German and French speaking servers would react to the game no longer supporting their languages.  I doubt it would be well received.  I think the devs have to carefully consider which option (leave servers as they are or merge) they think will have the fewest/least negative impacts.  I think it's easier to just leave the servers as they are and offer character transfers at a discounted rate for people to transfer their characters off low population servers like Satele Shan, Leviathan, and maybe Tulak Hord too (this coming from someone who has Satele Shan as main server) if they want to.  But I won't pretend to know what the devs will actually do.

  18. 30 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    Somehow I doubt they'll do free transfers to the entire playerbase, because it will be abused for GTN purposes to all of the servers. They would almost have to restrict Free transfers to Shae Vizla exclusively if they even considered free transfers at all. Most likely they would just do a reduced cost for transfers.

    I think you misunderstood.  I believe TrixxieTriss is proposing that the devs allow free character transfers from any server to Shae Vizla server but only if the account is in APAC region (however that is defined).  It's my view that if the devs offer free character transfers to Shae Vizla then that should be offered to all player accounts, not just those accounts in the APAC region.  I am not saying that the devs should offer free character transfers from any server to any server.  I am strictly speaking about character transfers to Shae Vizla, not any other server.  Who knows what the devs will actually do though?

  19. 6 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I’m hoping they will allow free transfers soon for players geographically located in APAC region. 

    Why do you want to discriminate?  If someone wants to take advantage of free transfers to Shae Vizla for whatever reason why shouldn't they be able to transfer even if they're not in APAC region?  And how would the devs even restrict transfers like that when they haven't done it before?  I think the devs would have to add some programming to limit transfers based on logged IP addresses for the account being an "APAC" IP address (not sure how that would be defined).  I don't think the devs have time to mess around with trying to restrict transfers like that.  If the devs offer free character transfers to Shae Vizla then they may as well offer them to the entire player base, not just some subset of players that qualify based on some definition of APAC that will undoubtedly result in controversy and angst for those that want to transfer a character for free but can't because they didn't meet some nebulous criteria for not being an "APAC" player.

  20. 6 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    From our perspective in APAC, the game didn’t launch until February. So 3 months after it did in the US. And we didn’t see this mass exodus because we weren’t there. 

    "From our perspective in APAC."  LOL.  OK.  Surely you're not suggesting that SWTOR's APAC launch in 2012 is when SWTOR really launched...

    According to you Dalborra never had any low population issues so you never would have experienced any low population servers until sometime after APAC servers closed in 2013, never mind that a bunch of APAC players started complaining about low population on the other two servers within 6 months of SWTOR's APAC launch.  And yes, I know you think BioWare was mistaken to open 3 servers for APAC in the first place.  It's so much water under the bridge now.

    In all honesty and seriousness though I'm glad APAC players got their server.  Who knew it would be a fresh start server too?  I mean I know Eric Musco said they were evaluating both options but I didn't expect APAC server would be fresh start too.  Bold move by the devs.  We will have to wait and see how it goes.  If Satele Shan's already low population takes a further hit as a result then that would be unfortunate but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.  Devs can do something about it or not but I think it's too soon to say either way.

  21. I would be fine with disabling mounts in the innermost circle of fleet (inside legacy, cargo, and guild bank locations) to include the VIP area.  Pretty sure this is something that will not have general consensus though so devs are unlikely to make any changes like this.

  22. 12 hours ago, DWho said:

    A grand total of 3 months later and certainly not something APAC players were "waiting for since launch" for in 2023. Which was the point as you well know.

    The point was you stating that SWTOR had APAC servers since launch was incorrect.  SWTOR didn't have APAC servers at launch.  SWTOR had just started the Great Subscriber Exodus of 2012, a.k.a. post-launch player drop off when APAC servers were added to the game.

  23. 6 hours ago, DWho said:

    There were APAC servers at launch.

    No, there were no APAC servers when SWTOR launched in 2011 December.  APAC servers didn't go live until the end of 2012 February


    2 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

    I wouldn't panic until we see obvious population drops. Right now a lot of players are on APAC just because it is new. Give it 6 months to see how the populations even out.

    My vote (not that it really counts for anything) is to give it 3 months after character transfers are allowed to Shae Vizla server and see what Satele Shan server activity is like.

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