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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. 2 hours ago, ArchingBeast said:

    What about this? Any updates, has the recent update done anything? Theres nothing in the patchnotes.

    Strange. You didn't include the part of the statement that said:

    On 1/19/2024 at 11:18 AM, JackieKo said:

    Progress on these Achievements will be enabled again when 7.4b goes live next week. 

    So now that 7.4b is live the question is: are the achievements still disabled?  Have you verified they are not working so soon after servers came back online with 7.4b?

  2. Was your Artifact Equipment Authorization for one character or for your account?  If the answer is the unlock you applied is for your account and your characters don't have the ability to equip purple and/or gold gear then you'll need to send an email to support@swtor.com from the email address associated with your SWTOR account if you can no longer open a ticket in-game.  The Bug Reports forum is not intended to resolve technical issues for an individual player.  That is what SWTOR support handles.

    You didn't say how many quickbars you have now that your subscription has expired.  With respect to quickbars I thought non-subscribers could only have a maximum of five quickbars instead of the six that subscribers get.  sources: https://help.ea.com/en/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-free-to-play-faqs/



  3. 3 hours ago, Whykara said:

    That's a given. The more interesting part is what else they're gonna announce and what 7.4.1 will bring us. We'll maybe see Lane Vizla again, but apart from that I don't know what to expect.

    Agreed that Galactic Seasons 6 is a given for 7.4.1.  I'm not expecting anything other than that but since the devs plan a livestream for 7.4.1 in mid-February maybe there is more to this update than just GS 6.  To be clear I'm not counting on anything more though.

  4. 1 hour ago, Whykara said:

    the attitude that we should just be happy with the miniscule content drip feedings we get twice a year is insulting. I know that the current state of SWTOR is not the best that the devs can do.

    The most impactful way to communicate that is by voting with your money.  If you're still subscribing and/or purchasing cartel coins but are not happy with the service you're paying for  then your actions don't match with your words.  That is my opinion. 

    I will also mention my thought where SWTOR specifically is concerned, that the cartel market is where EA/Broadsword makes up for not increasing subscription pricing since the game's launch 12 years ago.  Costs have gone up a lot over the past 12 years but SWTOR's subscription pricing has not.  I have to think cartel market revenue is what allows SWTOR to keep going in an inflationary economy, even if the amount and quality of the content is significantly diminished.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Jarcen said:

    Broadsword should take up the initiative to promote the game. If EA isn't doing enough, then BS should. After all they also have a stake to this game, so if they want it to go on further then they should invest on marketing and promoting it. Passing the blame on this or that won't help things--as I always say, it is more productive to take action than to find excuses. Of course if a company isn't that interested in it then naturally they'll find an excuse. Hopefully BS has much interest to find time to market and promote the game.

    I'm surprised you think that Broadsword can and should market and promote SWTOR without EA's approval nor funding.  Sounds like a good way for Broadsword to put its business relationship with EA in jeopardy.

  6. On 1/13/2024 at 4:38 AM, Jarcen said:

    So two things BS could do on their part: promote the game and give incentives to those who are going to SV. Dangle the carrot and show that when they go into SV, there's something there more than just the same base game they already played on other servers.

    I've referred to this before in the context of promotion of SWTOR and the game's new APAC server but I'll ask it again.  Which business entity has the primary responsibility for marketing and promotion of SWTOR, its publisher or its developer?  EA or Broadsword?

    I believe the answer is EA has primary responsibility and Broadsword has limited ability to promote SWTOR.  In short, I think you and everybody else that is on Broadsword's case to more heavily advertise and promote SWTOR are barking up the wrong tree.

    With respect to providing incentives to play on Shae Vizla, I'm sure Broadsword could do something here but what impact would it have on the existing playerbase?  If incentives are strong enough then Shae Vizla population may improve at the expense of the game's other servers, effectively cannibalizing the other servers.  Shae Vizla may already be doing this to some extent.  In short this strategy will likely only serve to redistribute players from other servers to Shae Vizla.  I'm sure that is an acceptable outcome for those who prefer Shae Vizla to SWTOR's other servers.  Overall not an effective strategy I think.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

    Don't worry, the americans will have the server how they want it..... EMPTY, as the longer transfers take the more apac players will unsub, as if trends are the same as my mates out of the 5 that came back straight away 4 have unsubbed and will wait and see, I will keep it up for another month but then I'll be looking elsewhere once again. Had a few more in the wings, waiting for the transfer before putting in the time again.

    But as school holidays over here are nearly over, they missed a great time to grab a new gen of players, as they will need it as if they don't allow FULL transfers, no limits they are spitting on the players who have been here the longest.

    This was a failed experiment, giving us hope of our home back just to stay, "No, if you bring you stuff over us NON Apac players will be at a disadvantage Nooooo CRY CRY CRY".  Guess what, to Non Apac players, go back the the region location that revolves around you, let ours revolve around us NOT YOU.

    So much whine, need more cheese.  Not sure why anyone needs to make this APAC vs non-APAC players.  The devs haven't said they are favoring one group over the other.  As an American player speaking for myself it's just another server for me to grind Galactic Seasons on.  I don't care if the devs end up allowing character transfers or not.  I don't care if the Shae Vizla economy does great or not.  I will say I did support APAC players getting their own server and wanted the server to succeed although I did think SWTOR didn't have enough APAC players anymore to do well in the long term.  After reading all the complaints from various APAC players since Shae Vizla's launch I've just gotten tired of the drama and checked out of the whole thing.  Best wishes to APAC players and Shae Vizla but at this point I honestly don't care what happens to Shae Vizla anymore. 

    Keith Kanneg says the dev team has learned a lot about how a SWTOR economy develops from the fresh start Shae Vizla.  One can only hope that knowledge was worth the resulting drama/player angst.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

    Doing Esseles or Black Talon before going to Coruscant/Dromund Kaas will give a mount as reward. Unless they've changed it?

    Wow.  It seems you haven't run Black Talon or Esseles in story mode for years.  Those FP's did have Lhosan Duster speeder as reward for completion in 5.x but those were removed as rewards for story mode versions of these FP's in SWTOR 6.0 I believe.  BT and Esseles reward decorations for story mode completion for many years now.

  9. 42 minutes ago, DarthNillard said:

    So frustrating.  I have all those settings set this way, my laptop (also an ASUS ROG) is top notch.  This is just super annoying all the way around, especially considering this was never a problem for literally a decade.

    I can sense your frustration however if you are expecting SWTOR dev team to fix your "bug" you will be waiting for a long time, perhaps forever.  Best available options are to make a detailed post about your issue in the actual support forum for SWTOR or call EA support number for your country.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Thorzek said:

    Back at release I think (or incorrectly recalled) that "community leaders" or some other such designation as helpful always posted in green text.  That was over 10 years ago though, so maybe things have changed and maybe I am just remembering wrong. 

    Let me help you with this.  You are remembering wrong.  SWTOR never had this "community leaders" that posted in green text you refer to.  You must be confusing some other game's forums with SWTOR's.

    • Sad 1
  11. 5 hours ago, _Izanagi said:

    Is this supposed to be surprising? I can't believe the devs had to be told this..

    I thought Keith Kanneg was summarizing the feedback he had read thus far in the thread...

    24 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    Nothing about that has anything to do with the economy of the server. 

    If you think a server's trade economy does not have any impact on player retention then perhaps you should reconsider.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Neo_Psy said:

    The real "solution" would be for this lazy dev team to actually fix bugs with the steam version of the laucnher instead of just staying silent on the issue and letting the users work it out and fix it.

    I understand the frustration.  SWTOR's executive producer did indicate they have future updates planned "with improved integrations for Steam."  Hopefully those will be in place and this issue resolved for the next time you have the urge to play SWTOR.

  13. 50 minutes ago, Neo_Psy said:

    Right first off, wouldn;t allow me to make a thread in general because I'm not subbed grrr.

    SWTOR's forums have been accessible to subscribers only since the game launched in 2011.  Nothing new here so perhaps you just forgot.


    21 minutes ago, Neo_Psy said:

    I found a possible fix but it involves downloading the game through the regular launcher and copy and pasting the file from there after you accept the EULA, but honestly I don;t think I want to go to all the bother for something that should work in the steam version.

    Yes, that is the fix I've read about as well.  Kudos on your internet search skills even though it turned out to be a solution that requires more effort than you're willing to make.


    22 minutes ago, Neo_Psy said:

    Really not a good look Bioware,

    Should also mention that this past June SWTOR transitioned development from BioWare to Broadsword.  Still mostly the same people but BioWare is no longer involved with SWTOR.  They just recently updated the footer on swtor.com to reflect Broadsword instead of BioWare.  Hopefully that will also get updated on forums.swtor.com in the near future.

  14. 27 minutes ago, NeoBlakkrstal said:

    But will it be in time to actually matter? That is the real question.

    If you refer specifically to Galactic Season 5 dark spore drops from open world I think the chances of this being patched before the season ends are very low.  If the devs do patch this before the season ends it won't be until January and GS 5 ends on January 23 so you may only have a week or two of being able to get drops.  If you want to get dark spore drops before GS 5 ends then best available option is to use other known functioning methods like completing flashpoints and operations bosses.

    • Like 1
  15. This is not the correct forum for this issue.  Have you tried posting your request for help in the long running thread for this issue on EA's support website?


    You can always email support@swtor.com from the email address you use to log into swtor.com with for assistance.  I think email support will tell you if you need to call them to resolve.

  16. 17 minutes ago, Kogull_x said:

    looks like lowering shadow quality to low has almost solved the problem.
    However, I'd like to know why has this happened. Why didn't I have that problem before 7.4?

    7.4 had some kind of graphics update.  I remember getting a prompt that new graphics settings were available on the first character I logged into after my game client updated to 7.4.



    Cinematic Lighting Update

    Beginning in 7.4, we are activating a new character lighting tool for all cinematic content. Any cinematic content in the game currently - from class stories to world arcs to more recent expansions - will employ this new character lighting system. Some of the highlights of this system include using environment lighting for more accurate shadows, detailed self shadowing on characters, and more custom lighting control in cinematics


    Source: https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/12523/game-update-7.4-chains-dark

  17. 3 minutes ago, LonLonCucco said:

    This is my first life day, and I was told to save my cartel coins for collection unlock sales.

    Sorry to hear that.  50% off collections unlock sales during year end holiday season has been a thing for several years.  Not having collections unlock sale this year took everyone by surprise, including us long time players.

  18. 1 hour ago, YshtolaRhul said:

    12 credits for the Apartments. Instead of 5k. What exactly is the point of this? You can make this in like 1 mission in-game.

    Since you say you're a new player I'll explain that this is a discount for the capital world planet strongholds the devs have done for several years now in celebration of the game's launch.  The credit cost for these strongholds is made the same as the number of years since SWTOR launched.  Since this December marks 12 years from SWTOR's 2011 December launch the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas stronghold acquisition cost is reduced to 12 credits.  As you point out it's very minor but it's just something the devs have done for a while now.

    I would be interested to know if the decision to not have 50% off collection unlocks sale for 2023 year-end holiday season was made by EA or Broadsword.  Not that I think anyone from Broadsword will reveal that info but I'm wondering which party was the one that decided to end this traditional sale.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Just now, Thorzek said:

    You don't have to be so high-and-mighty about it.  I thought greenies were supposed to be helpful leaders not sniping wankers.  A simple "this was an expected change" with the links would have sufficed.

    Not sure what you are talking about.  Perhaps you're confusing SWTOR forums with some other game's forums?  The use of a green font on SWTOR forums doesn't mean anything other than the person specifically chose to use green as their font color, a personal choice.  It doesn't mean I'm a "helpful leader."

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