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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. On 2/1/2024 at 7:35 AM, mvanrooy said:

    Thanks for the responses. I guess I am just used to one season starting when the previous finishes. 

    There were 3 weeks between end of Season 3/start of Season 4 and end of Season 4/start of Season 5.  The breaks between the earlier seasons were longer than 3 weeks (see https://swtorista.com/articles/swtor-galactic-seasons-guide-and-rewards/).  The devs haven't announced when GS 6 will go live but at this point it's clear there will be at least 4 weeks between end of Galactic Seasons 5 and start of GS 6. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, Toraak said:

    Actually I believe they changed it so F2P/Preferred can now post on these forums, when they did the big change. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

    Jackie Ko stated last May that Preferred accounts were not intended to have forums access.  Please let us know if you are aware of a more recent statement indicating otherwise.

    On 5/25/2023 at 1:45 PM, JackieKo said:

    Hi there, 

    No intention of derailing the thread, but needed to correct some misinformation around this topic. This has not changed. We are looking at ways for Preferred accounts to engage in the forums, however, nothing has been changed. An update like that would definitely be announced and communicated out. So for the time being, I am confirming that this has not changed, and the team will be investigating this forum bug. 


  3. 18 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    I popped into Black Talon the other day. Made sure to tell everyone at the start. "Please spacebar". First conversation stuck waiting for players. These inconsiderate people didn't bother to obey instruction.

    I pressed Esc to end the convo and immediately dropped. The 15 minute ban from FPs was spent doing a lot more work than I could have achieved spending 30 minutes in cutscenes.

    Why do you think you can dictate what other players do?  At least you took the correct course of action by quitting the FP instead of trying to kick the person you thought was not spacebarring thru the conversations.  I got kicked in the second of three cutscene dialogs of Kaon Under Siege when another group member told the group to play the FP in story mode if they wanted to watch the cutscenes.  When I informed/reminded the complainer that KUS doesn't have a story mode they took that to mean I was the one that did not spacebar thru the second cutscene and initiated a vote kick which someone else in the group confirmed and I, the one with highest damage output in the group by far, got kicked with one cutscene left in the FP.  Only problem is I was space barring.  I really wonder if they had to endure waiting for the length of the entire cutscene left or if me getting kicked got the player that was not using spacebar in cutscenes to change their behavior.  I'd like to think they didn't change and still watched the entire final cutscene as poetic justice.

    • Like 2
  4. Yes.  Field Respecialization perk is per character, not account-wide.  Selecting it from the Combat Style tab of your Character window doesn't show that.  However if you go to your Legacy window the Field Respecialization perk is listed under the Character Perks section in the bottom right corner under Convenience.

  5. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Making us all feel like third class citizens in our own region just to accommodate people in the EU & US regions wanting a fresh start experience.

    Again with this.  Who was asking for a fresh start experience?  Nobody I know of.  Eric Musco was the first to mention the possibility of a fresh start server last May.  I'm not sure what the deal is with APAC players such as yourself and others blaming EU & US players for "wanting" a fresh start experience.  I've seen no evidence fresh start server was a requested thing.  As best I can determine the fresh start server idea originated with the devs, not the players.  The devs were the ones that decided to roll out fresh experience, not the EU & US players.  I get APAC players are not happy with the way Shae Vizla was rolled out but let's try not to scapegoat other players for dev team decisions.

    • Like 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    If Dark/Light isn't coming back, they should delete these vendors from the game and put something more usefull in that space.

    The Galactic Command Dark Side and Galactic Command Light Side vendors should stay since there are players that still have dark side and light side tokens to spend.   If it's so important to reclaim that space (not that I'm convinced it's important) then their inventory of items available for purchase should be moved to the Light Side and Dark Side vendors that are next to them.  Under no circumstances should those items no longer be available to purchase so long as there are players in the game that have the currency that can be used to purchase these items.

  7. In my couple of experiences the error was incorrect.  The first time it happened I tried paying for 60-day non-recurring subscription twice more before I gave up.  Then I found my credit card had been charged a total of three times for the cost of a 60-day sub.  The second time it happened I remembered what happened the first time, waited a bit and checked my credit card to find that the charge was successful.  But maybe there is a problem with your card.  Who can say for sure but EA support and/or your credit card issuer?

  8. 2 hours ago, MadCuzBad said:

    I think it was a huge mistake capitulating to a very small group of people who want things their way the way they dreamed it could be.

    Who asked for a fresh start server?  I don't recall any players asking for that.  I think the first I noticed any mention of a fresh start server for SWTOR was Eric Musco post in 2023 May.  I've seen a few players asking for SWTOR "Classic" but of course that is not what Shae Vizla is since it's not an earlier version of SWTOR like 1.0 or 3.0.  I thought the "fresh start server" idea was what the devs wanted to do, not what players were asking for.  However now that fresh start Shae Vizla happened the idea of a fresh start server that doesn't have any economic baggage clearly has its supporters amongst the SWTOR player base.  Apparently they are not enough to keep Shae Vizla bustling with activity though.

  9. Hello and welcome to SWTOR.  If the flashpoint mission has [STORY] in its name then it's a version of the flashpoint that is designed for solo play with one of your companions, not for groups with other players.

  10. I just successfully logged into the SWTOR game client.  If you have played SWTOR recently without any problems then I think it's likely you have some type of disruption in your internet connection to the SWTOR servers.

  11. I just logged into SWTOR without any problem.  My guess is you have some sort of internet connectivity issue.  I'm not sure how to tell you to troubleshoot though when I can't sucessfully ping launchpad.swtor.com after SWTOR servers' migration to AWS.

  12. 2 hours ago, Kryptonomic said:

    A long time back I posted some history that some people liked and some people doubted. All of which is fine so I won't recount that here but I'll say this.

    This game started life entirely as a single player game. It was KOTOR 3, effectively. As the cost became apparent, it was decided the only way to support the development effort (and meet promised studio projections) was to create an MMO. (Studios always have to provide projections to publishers for cost centers.) So, with the new focus in place, classes were expanded, stories were expanded, and lots of companions were added and then distributed to each class. This had impacts on choices made which could come back later in the game and some story fragmentation.

    Interesting.  When launch of BioWare Austin studio was announced in 2006 March the announcement also mentioned the studio was working on an unannounced MMORPG.  In 2006 August BioWare announced it had licensed Hero Engine from then-owner Simutronics.   So if what you're saying is true then SWTOR development team at the time continued with a single player design and and just made 8 single player design games into one and apparently by the time they recognized the challenges this presented the sunk cost was already too high and they had no other viable choice but to continue on with a design that hampered long term development.


    12 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    I want to say I'm not going to be surprised with what is coming in the February stream, its going to be more of the same. 1-2 Hours of content in same repeatable area, Cartel stuff, and maybe some misc change to the UI again. I'm not holding out hope they are going to fix any of the issues present, I just don't believe they will not until something like 8.0 which won't be until next year more than likely. 

    All I'm expecting from the February livestream is Galactic Seasons 6 info.  Not really expecting anything else even though there may be more to the stream than GS 6.  To be blunt, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with your post.  If it made you feel better to express your frustrations with SWTOR's development decisions over the past few years or so and offer your ideas for you to make the game more how you and perhaps others want it to be then that is about all it did and will do.  Yes, 7.0 and 10th anniversary did not go well.  It's so much water under the bridge.  When I consider the changes made to the game with 7.0 to present time I see a pattern of decisions that point to a goal of making SWTOR easier for the dev team to manage.  Ability pruning, elimination of ranked PvP, elimination of 16-player support for future operations (if any) coupled with the transition of the dev team from its original studio to a different studio and reported downsizing of the SWTOR dev team as part of this process.  You apparently want the game to go back to what it was in the past.  I just don't see that as a realistic possibility.  My unsolicited advice to you is to play and pay for SWTOR if you get sufficient enjoyment out of the game.  If SWTOR doesn't provide sufficient value, however you determine that value, then look at your other gaming options, like ESO that you refer to, and try those instead to see if they provide sufficient value for you to play and potentially pay for.  You and others that continually refer to the devs not listening are simply beating the proverbial dead horse.  I think the devs listen but they often can't do what players want them to.

    • Haha 1
  13. I am able to click on Repair All button to repair my character's gear at any vendor.  The Repair tab is greyed out and inaccessible.  Is this what everyone is experiencing?  You can use Repair All but are unable to access the Repair tab at vendors?

    I haven't used the ability to repair individual items in years.  I've only used the Repair All button so I'm not sure how the Repair tab is actually supposed to work anymore.

    • Like 2
  14. I am generally opposed to these suggestions.  Some players, such as myself, still have characters with light and/or dark side tokens we can use to purchase items from the Galactic Command Dark Side and Galactic Command Light Side vendors on fleet if we want.  With respect to moving the Dark vs Light achievements from Events to Retired Achievements section, I'm not opposed to that only if the 300 achievement points are retained.  However since everything else listed in Retired Achievements section had their achievement points zeroed out my expectation is the dev team would do the same to the DvL achievements and I'm staunchly opposed to this.

    1) The Dark vs Light event ran during the second half of 2016 and has nothing to do with the banners in question.

    2) The Dark vs Light system used in the game starting with 5.0 I believe is what awarded light side or dark side tokens that could be used to purchase items from the dark side and light side vendors on fleet.

    3) The pictured banners were awarded for defeating all the bosses for a specific alignment.  These bosses only appeared when their affiliated alignment reached victory condition on the server.  The dev team indicated they would look for a way to bring back the DvL bosses from the system after the system's removal but that hasn't happened and at this point I think it's likely that plan has been shelved and is no longer active.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 hours ago, ArchingBeast said:

    What about this? Any updates, has the recent update done anything? Theres nothing in the patchnotes.

    Strange. You didn't include the part of the statement that said:

    On 1/19/2024 at 11:18 AM, JackieKo said:

    Progress on these Achievements will be enabled again when 7.4b goes live next week. 

    So now that 7.4b is live the question is: are the achievements still disabled?  Have you verified they are not working so soon after servers came back online with 7.4b?

  16. Was your Artifact Equipment Authorization for one character or for your account?  If the answer is the unlock you applied is for your account and your characters don't have the ability to equip purple and/or gold gear then you'll need to send an email to support@swtor.com from the email address associated with your SWTOR account if you can no longer open a ticket in-game.  The Bug Reports forum is not intended to resolve technical issues for an individual player.  That is what SWTOR support handles.

    You didn't say how many quickbars you have now that your subscription has expired.  With respect to quickbars I thought non-subscribers could only have a maximum of five quickbars instead of the six that subscribers get.  sources: https://help.ea.com/en/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-free-to-play-faqs/



  17. 3 hours ago, Whykara said:

    That's a given. The more interesting part is what else they're gonna announce and what 7.4.1 will bring us. We'll maybe see Lane Vizla again, but apart from that I don't know what to expect.

    Agreed that Galactic Seasons 6 is a given for 7.4.1.  I'm not expecting anything other than that but since the devs plan a livestream for 7.4.1 in mid-February maybe there is more to this update than just GS 6.  To be clear I'm not counting on anything more though.

  18. 1 hour ago, Whykara said:

    the attitude that we should just be happy with the miniscule content drip feedings we get twice a year is insulting. I know that the current state of SWTOR is not the best that the devs can do.

    The most impactful way to communicate that is by voting with your money.  If you're still subscribing and/or purchasing cartel coins but are not happy with the service you're paying for  then your actions don't match with your words.  That is my opinion. 

    I will also mention my thought where SWTOR specifically is concerned, that the cartel market is where EA/Broadsword makes up for not increasing subscription pricing since the game's launch 12 years ago.  Costs have gone up a lot over the past 12 years but SWTOR's subscription pricing has not.  I have to think cartel market revenue is what allows SWTOR to keep going in an inflationary economy, even if the amount and quality of the content is significantly diminished.

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  19. 10 hours ago, Jarcen said:

    Broadsword should take up the initiative to promote the game. If EA isn't doing enough, then BS should. After all they also have a stake to this game, so if they want it to go on further then they should invest on marketing and promoting it. Passing the blame on this or that won't help things--as I always say, it is more productive to take action than to find excuses. Of course if a company isn't that interested in it then naturally they'll find an excuse. Hopefully BS has much interest to find time to market and promote the game.

    I'm surprised you think that Broadsword can and should market and promote SWTOR without EA's approval nor funding.  Sounds like a good way for Broadsword to put its business relationship with EA in jeopardy.

  20. On 1/13/2024 at 4:38 AM, Jarcen said:

    So two things BS could do on their part: promote the game and give incentives to those who are going to SV. Dangle the carrot and show that when they go into SV, there's something there more than just the same base game they already played on other servers.

    I've referred to this before in the context of promotion of SWTOR and the game's new APAC server but I'll ask it again.  Which business entity has the primary responsibility for marketing and promotion of SWTOR, its publisher or its developer?  EA or Broadsword?

    I believe the answer is EA has primary responsibility and Broadsword has limited ability to promote SWTOR.  In short, I think you and everybody else that is on Broadsword's case to more heavily advertise and promote SWTOR are barking up the wrong tree.

    With respect to providing incentives to play on Shae Vizla, I'm sure Broadsword could do something here but what impact would it have on the existing playerbase?  If incentives are strong enough then Shae Vizla population may improve at the expense of the game's other servers, effectively cannibalizing the other servers.  Shae Vizla may already be doing this to some extent.  In short this strategy will likely only serve to redistribute players from other servers to Shae Vizla.  I'm sure that is an acceptable outcome for those who prefer Shae Vizla to SWTOR's other servers.  Overall not an effective strategy I think.

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