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Everything posted by PhoenixStar

  1. Went with Warriors of the Shadow and Wound in the Force. Hoping one will be the big west coast pvp server. If not I'm probably screwed but I'm so tired I don't feel like reserving anymore names.
  2. Given how people like to jump ship to the next new game a month after launch I'm a little worried by how many servers there are so soon.
  3. Yep all servers low. Was a little surprising given how many there are. I guess that's the point of the waves though.
  4. My launcher let me in a good while before I got the email if that helps. Don't bother checking your email, the launcher is a lot faster.
  5. I keep checking them but they all say light. Was busy grabbing names for the two servers I want...crossing my fingers that one of them becomes the "it" server.
  6. Yeah my eyes bugged out when I saw how many servers there are. Hopefully the population doesn't get spread too thin.
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