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Everything posted by IPaq

  1. You want hella easy stuff there is a MMO for that, just not SWTOR. SWTOR is all about easy stuff. ^- Says the guys with 63/63 datacrons and maybe wasted ~5h getting all of them.
  2. constant? Now we know you're joking.
  3. Like "a certain MMO" next xpac is planning to remove talent points all together because it was found "too hard" for their customers to understand Too bad my last hope was SWTOR... I can only hope they wake up and start developing again.
  4. Or do like most... sell it for over 1m creds.
  5. There is one of you in everytime zone. BW/EA is doomed. Well until people mature up and just deal with the issue.
  6. Well good news... It is not a keylogger yet =D Testing it soonish.
  7. Ever noticed that its mostly PvPer rage quitting like that? Pro Tip: Real PvP happens in FPS. PvP in MMO are mini-games.
  8. And which realm is it? I was able to get it and we're light as per torstatus.net. I think its just an excuse.
  9. Says the Communist leeching rewards from the work of others.
  10. Good. Why carry lazy peons. Obviously being that you are surely one of them to take their defense... why bother explaining the fact that getting rewarded for being bad is... like I said... why bother.
  11. [ context == queue solo for WZ ] I'm sorry, but players should not gain any sort of rewards for losing a WZ. To many ppl just get the first 3 medals and then run around being free kills to the other team. Removing any advancement for losing WZ will actually make those players participate fully. PS: Unless it is a marketing scheme to retain customers while trying to appease those with a more harsh view of the MMO communities, like myself.
  12. Let takes a vote between removing fun or removing you. I'll let you guess who will win if EVERYONE vote and not just the forum dwellers.
  13. Meh unless one of their marketing guy / management start hating IOS/Android and prefer W7 you wont get one. Look at what happened to support for the BB.
  14. Initial post -> 01.03.2012 , 08:10 AM Bump -> 01.03.2012 , 08:26 AM Oh my, oh my. As usual, heavily documented. Group up, gather around the pod (which is still all messed up after all this time =D) and click it. Being a social person I asked general if anyone wanted it to tell us before using it.
  15. Well bypassing the context my reply is in... in AoC you CAN'T run thru the horse so you're stuck getting punted. As for non collision, there is plenty of Shammy/MC Priest doing it on bridge and WZ but there is a counter to it. So keep it in context.
  16. AoC, a horse, a bridge, on a PvP server. Look it up on youtube. PS: And no one deserve to be bullied online by ragin' lunatics.
  17. That link, you posted, pretty much summarize what I'm thinking about the general forums =D http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/bioware-mmo-project/1220572p1.html
  18. Rofl. The game is balanced around you + comp. Making a flame bait thread about not using companion and dumping such remarks in it in order to flag people is a game too often played on those forums.
  19. It's upgrade gear for T7 to be able to kill the Emperor... and trust me. If you're going in solo as a Sentinel JK (Watchman in my case) you'll suffer a lot. Which is refreshing or someone messed up again and tuned that for JK Tank without thinking of people that lvled all this way as DPS + Doc. I'm still trying to figure out how to solo it with only T7... I'm upgrading him atm and will try it again tonight. PS: You guys literally killed the hard factor for GS (aka The lightspring) on PTS 1.2, I was able to solo it as a Sawbone at lvl 26, unprepared =D
  20. Ok, lets merge that PASCAL code into your Visual Basic engine.
  21. Now to stack both Legacy lvl to over 32 and tonne of Creds =D PS: My suggestion is do not craft but gather (scavenge, artifact, biochem) while lvling and choose your crafting at lvl 50. I did that with 6 out of my 8 alts and I have so much mats its unbelievable.
  22. I'll pass on listing the (now increasing) number of MMO's having the same issue. TLDR: (In my opinion) You want to PvP in a competitive environment, go FPS. if you PvP in a MMO's environment, roll 1 of each and adapt. Heck, I've rolled 1 of each class (5 50's, almost 6 and the other 2 passed 25). And If the game stay interesting I may roll 1 of each AC if we cannot get Dual AC... but then I hope for free xfer or 16 toons per realm. There are solutions out there. But people sticking to PvPing using that 1 toon/class will always come here and try to force BW/EA hands into giving them the upper hand in a PvP environment. PS: It is the same situation with 2 other MMO's I played on. Its always a matter of accepting the situation and dealing with it.
  23. Dog <-> Tail logic: "something unique and worthwhile" -> that "something unique and worthwhile" make the other class being a better choice to PvP with. If they change "your" class in an attempt to balance PvP, it will affect the people that choose the other ones, and possibly making your class FotM for PvPing. And round, round, round we go. My point stand: You can't balance a PvP in a MMO's based on toon having different toolset. Either adapt, re-roll 1 of each or accept it.
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