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Everything posted by HexCaliber

  1. GM's already have the facility to force name changes so your point was moot, players will happily take a temporary name as happens in all other mmo character transfer systems, assigning a new name should duplicates occur is simple. The size of a database matters not either, it is nothing more than a collection of records, the size of each record is immaterial, as each contains related data, which can be ordered and manipulated on any number of fields. As my old tutor used to say, a record, is a record, is a record, do not lose sight of that simply because the size of the record changes. Even early Pdp systems, incorporated the facility to extract, duplicate, sort, move, and manipulate individual records, using old reel to reel magnetic tape storage, its data management 101. The last such system I worked on was for Ford UK's parts system. Not only did we migrate their entire parts database to a system used internationally, we also designed and wrote an entirely custom dbl to mange it, while completely changing their existing record structure, to facilitate parts tracking across the globe. What we have here is simple by comparison, copying a record from one database to another that uses an identical record structure.
  2. In a well written system it is JUST that, a series of organised records set out by a pre defined class, each representing a single player character, his stats and inventory. Transferring records between databases is nothing more than a simple script away, their problem it is clear, is how to manage that across separate server blades, However, frankly, that too should have been taken care of during design, its basic and intrinsic database management. I have no idea what sort of programmer you claim to be, but you are clearly not very capable. The structure, organisation and management of records within a database is taught to school children now, as its fundamental to data management, maintaining a healthy database and ensuring data security.
  3. Server transfer should have been available right from the start, to not have included it is inept and incompetent, on a par with their failure to see what staggered access would do to server populations. To charge for transfers once they manage to pull their fingers out would be the final insult for many stuck in 1+ hour queues at 10 am in the morning. Somewhere within the Bowels of EA or Bioware sits the idiot responsible for this farce, and should he read this I would direct him to grab a big tinfoil hat and get ready for incoming, if I were his boss he would already be out on his arse, looking or a new job.
  4. Launching any new mmo without the ability to transfer characters is asinine and smacks of poor planning, the entire launch and early access is rapidly becoming a fiasco on par with other high profile failures. I tweeted Reid pre launch, to warn their staggered access plan was flawed and would result in this very scene we see now, it was bloody obvious what would happen. To then suggest players give up and move elsewhere after investing heavily in new chars, many, myself included actually taking part of our holiday entitlement to get a head start during early access, is simply unacceptable. Yet again gamers are treated like mugs and expected to bend over and take it in the *** now that they have our money and all because some prat in a suit does not know his arse from his elbow and couldn't plan a trip to the toilet.
  5. BIGOT In listing the servers as English EU are they not being set aside for native English speakers, English is after all a native language for many. Or is English to be ignored as it is so widely spoken in many countries outside Great Britain; as an English speaker am I not to be given the same right you would advocate for non English speakers? The fault lies squarely at Bioware's feet for not making ample provision for foreign languages, it is not our fault they list so many servers as English EU. Furthermore, there are also issues not immediately apparent to many, such as that of moderation; how is a GM or moderator to offer support for Languages they may not speak, where do you draw the line on abusive language and the language filter and other terms of service relating to chat abuse. I could easily curse and abuse players all day in Gaelic, or continually post to deliberately spam chat, knowing very few players would understand, how do EA/BW handle that if they are happy to accommodate other languages; the answer is they must draw the line somewhere in favour of the majority on the server. This is not narrow minded bigotry at issue, but very real problems where language barriers exist, general chat should be exclusive to the language assigned the server, with ample provision for established alternative language channels to accommodate those who may struggle with the servers primary language. Where there is a significant enough population, it is up to the players from a specific country to petition Bioware for a server catering to their own language and offering full GM support in their native tongue. Anything less will ultimately lead to daily bouts of back and forth bickering about what language should be used in general chat channels, where everybody loses out to the constant spam.
  6. Not once you start slapping in epic level mods its not, the stats are only slightly less when green (standard) mods are used, it improves with blue and takes a giant leap with purple. Then throw in the aforementioned augments in each mod and Orange gear rocks, and allows you to tailor your stats to avoid soft caps, or diminishing returns.
  7. Read my reply; mods have augment slots not gear, that's a total of three slots for augments if you hunt the mods down or craft them yourself.
  8. The augment slots are found in the mods, three mods that can have an additional augment slot each, there is absolutely no point having an additional augment slot in an orange crafted item, it would be over kill. One thing you guys have not realised, if you re an item to epic quality, it comes with two slots with epic mods installed + a set attribs on the gear. I have to say, I am not %100 sure these can still be crafted, but several folks have been listing epic qual items on my server and they do still have two slots with mods installed. I have just rolled a char with armormec, but as of yet I have not harvested enough blue's to make gear to re to a epic level to find out.
  9. Swtor may be a half decent mmo, but there is nothing new here, and you are handheld more here than many other mmo's I have played. However, resorting to childish name calling because the opinion of others differs from your own, singles you out as extremely ignorant and childish, and I would be more inclined to take the averaged score of metacritc, over the inane drivel of a bigot any day of the week.
  10. I play the sent dot build, which is identical and it's a breeze I have not had any problems; make sure your gear is current, and focus on str. Spend points in hungering and open with a dot to keep your health ticking, but make sure you have points in dual wield mastery and defensive forms from carnage to boost your defence and dps. Also forget trying to add stamina at this point, burn through mobs as quickly as pos, and use your tank npc, it's pointless using others as you will keep pulling aggro and struggle. Reading some of your posts, I think you have it in your head now that the class is poor even when it is not, and refuse to listen to anyone who disagrees with you. As for biochem being needed nonsense, I use cybertech to keep my droid tank at peak along with mods for my gear; while I am sure the heals and stims would be nice, I am not missing them and still solo +2's at my current level of 31.
  11. Lmao, seriously, where do you get the idea there are other higher res textures coming. This is it; we hear this same lame nonsense with every game release, the rumours that higher rez is not available during beta, or they did not include them to save on download size and will offer them later. As for aa it is already supported in the game code, you can manually edit the ini to re enable it, or force it on in drivers, Bioware disabled it as an in game option due to it causing graphics anomalies with certain card/driver combos.
  12. Sorry but this is wrong on so many levels I have no intention of addressing them all. Suffice to say, a number of dual wield martial styles have been practiced for centuries with great success since the earliest days of the gladiator and beyond. Wielding two blades affords greater manoeuvrability and flexibility than traditional sword and board, or two hander's, and is no less effective in defence, and even against heavily armoured opponents is effective due to the aforementioned flexibility and speed, the style easily allows one to exploit a cumbersome opponent, as no armour is invulnerable. Duel wielding is so effective; it was banned or dropped from a number of fencing and martial weapon competitions as offering an unfair advantage against more static styles.
  13. What they need to do, HAVE TO DO, is offer free server transfers and as soon as possible. There is no way in hell I am re rolling the same class yet again. I do not care that its only a few days in, I have paid for my copy and consumed my retail key, now I expect an acceptable level of service. I would rather take my money elsewhere if I am expected to play the first 20 or so levels before moving on and doing it all again, story based mmo's have no replayability when you are watching the same damn story every couple of days and that is not what I paid to do. Even if they said server transfers where coming, I could roll an alt elsewhere while I wait, but will not do that if it will lead to chars all over the damn place long term.
  14. It does nothing, outside of play the animation, they had race abilities in early beta and decided to remove them as it lead to must have races for specific builds. Some of the animations elicited a response from other players around you, such as players saluting, or cheering; but spam from silly little boys, lead to that being removed too.
  15. It's a social item, just like all of the digital "extras" with the exception of the stap.
  16. Yes you can go back to do them, while the rewards are fixed by your class and the level listed for the quest, if you are too high when you complete it you will only get 5xp.
  17. He was an immaculate conception, brought into being by the midichlorians as foretold by a ancient Jedi prophecy.
  18. Wonderful, I wait 3 hours to get in , start playing, hard lockup, restart pc and I am expected to queue again, even though I attempted to rejoin as soon as physically possible. Therefore, the group I was with now think I bailed or pissed off without saying a word, phuckin great, more so as they had just asked if I wanted to join their guild
  19. Lmao, sorry but you are really not too bright. They are identical in their mechanics, it does not matter if one uses a flamethrower and the other lighting that is purely visual; when given equal attributes they do the same dmg, have identical cast times, the same gcd and produce the same CC, etc, ergo they are mirrors. The numbers behind the animation are what counts, one could throw boiled eggs, the other a grenade but if they produce the same dmg, take the same time to cast and share the same gcd they are the same, it is just the animation that is different. Now, open Google and search for dev comments on game mechanics, they have any number of interviews and articles to explain it to you if you do not wish to take my word for it; they are mirrored by design to prevent issues in pvp.
  20. Wow, are ppl just not paying attention to responses, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SKIP CUTSCENCES TO LEVEL QUICKLY, levelling is easy by design. If you played in beta and understand the game mechanics before you roll a char, you cut a huge part of the learning curve out of the equation. I have not skipped a single dialogue, have not done any pvp and already have one level 29 and another 20 and I am not pushing to level quickly, simply being engrossed by the storyline you are carried through your levels rapidly. For good or bad, it appears to be a design choice.
  21. The classes on either side are identical mirrors, only the animations and storylines are different, the numbers that make it all work are the same. There is a single exception, sage/sorc has one different ability. As to the original question, Smuggler is the opposite of IA, while BH is troopers mirror.
  22. I have been playing since the 15th have not skipped a damn thing, nor have I taken part in any pvp and I have one char level 28 (almost 29) and another level 20. Levelling is easy by design, this is not an mmo that will take months to reach cap, unless you play a couple of hours a week. For good or bad, theme park mmos of late have cut levelling time way down, Rift was the same, just getting involved in a char and gameplay I had capped in a week. Had I wanted to and had pushed, I have no doubt I would be close to level 50 here now too, levelling is not hard even watching cut scenes.
  23. While crafting, every once in a while you will get a report than your crew member crafted an exceptional item (effectively a crit) and the item name will be appended with the word exceptional, these have an additional slot for augments.
  24. At the moment it seems to be bugged, only patterns for the opposing sides classes are dropping; I have 4 schematics now, while I am republic, all are for Empire classes, several folks I have spoken to report the same.
  25. This is not f'ing good enough, not by a long shot; I did not pay the equivalent of $93.15 to sit watching a server queue for hours on end. Give me a damn server transfer or a refund, at this point I don't care which. Sitting wasting my free time because some bean counter in a suit wants to go home at 2 pm each day is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination. I even pm'd Stephen Reid on the 15th and warned their staggered access plan was seriously flawed, but right now, saying "I told you so" is no consolation.
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