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Everything posted by DarthMaulUK

  1. I think a World v World pvp system is the way to go forward. Allowing pvp addicts from all servers to join their factions and engage in battles. Without a need to award coms/gear etc, I believe you guys should take the Guild Wars 2(which is already ageing SWTORs format VERY quickly) and award X-Server boosts for victory. Victory in world vs. world grants a server-wide bonus called Imperial/Republic Might, which -- depending on your server's WvW score -- provides a number of useful bonuses to health, crafting experience, combat experience, and more to every player on the team's home server. While this may not be exactly world-altering, it certainly does provide a good reason to fight This way, EVERYONE benefits from the success of pvp, encouraging more players to get involved
  2. I dont(and hope) that isnt what players want to be able to do. I certainly dont. Either way, the game has far too many stuns and I cant remember any other MMO where so many classes have stuns/cc in high numbers...apart from WAR and look who worked on that.
  3. They dont need to adjust much. Just remove stuns from classes that dont need them.
  4. So you claim its about tactics and skill when to use your cc breaker? Clearly you havent played pvp because YOU try and see what actually happens in Huttball for example, when 8 players all CC you - the only place you're going to....is hell. Classes, especially Smuggler, has far too many stuns. No class need 3. I dont ever remember Han Solo running around Endor stunning Stormtroopers, or flash bombing Boba Fett. As my motto about SWTOR says - 'You can never have enough stuns..'.
  5. I dont think players realise that when they fall under attack its not just one person dealing the damage. Because of Biowares love of DOTs and their ability to be stacked, you just die so quickly. Throw in the 25 stuns and what you finish with is Biowares idea of 'fun'
  6. Get used to it. Unless Bioware bring x-server support BEFORE(or with) 1.2, this will become the norm - that and LONG Qs to play a short wz because there arent enough numbers to support it. If Bioware think they dont need x-server support, they should simply shut down and go home. The fall in people playing is evident across most servers and I am at a loss why Bioware think/feel that their game didnt need x-server support from day 1. Adding stuff that is basic for most other MMOs that launched, like ranked wzs, kicking afk players, group pvp is all fine but you need to have the players there first to make it all work.
  7. Having played alot of MMOs since 2003, SWTOR is a dull experience with a team of designers who just are not forward thinking enough. Take a look at Guild Wars 2(for example). World vs World combat, where the actual rewards are SERVER wide - not gear, or silly coms/medals. Crafting, questing, etc all get a 5% stat bonus(or something like that) if your server wins the battle. SWTORs clunky design, cluttered UIs and the running joke that is/was Ilum kind of shows just how wrong these guys have got it.
  8. Star Wars Galaxies had excellent open world pvp at launch. 100s and I MEAN hundreds would battle outside either Anchorhead or Bestine - with AT-ST walkers, pets etc all locked in combat....why...because it was FUN. No shame hole to be whisked away to, no 'exclusive' planet to engage in pvp and no stupid gear, coms, medals etc to grind. The beauty was, if people didnt want to engage in pvp, they didnt have to - they could watch all the action. It was simply brilliant. Since WoW, every developer thinks that pvp needs to be conducted in a stupid arena/warzone/planet etc which simply isnt the case. It would be nice if Bioware actually were creative for a change. Six years for Ilum and look how wrong that was.
  9. I was wondering the same thing. Quiet often, I will kill republic scum, only for them to drop down again almost in an instant, whilst on the Imperial side, we wait up to 30 seconds. Something doesnt appear to be right
  10. Wheres your proof that the Sith Assassin is too op? You scream like a girl that it is, without actually putting any weight behind your arguement.
  11. Indeed. I try and protect my poor ol' sniper lol. Mind you, with such chicken legs, they do make fast runners
  12. Which video? The only one I saw was where you were killing farmers and ganking? The 31/0/10 is old news tbh and is a great spec for new Assassins to earn some medals. I will give you some credit for being an old SWG veteran but seriously, in the , I didnt see anything wrong
  13. Maybe its the player you come up against? Ive dropped like a sack of potatoes in some battles and others, I can kick butt. Alot of it I am guessing will be gear based as well. But as I have said, do some research - you could be surprised at what you find - I was. My BM Stalker set doesnt use the mods/enhancements provided, I have tweaked them so I can deal more damage. If you guys expect to own using the basic stuff, think again.
  14. I've modded all my BM gear as Accuracy is pointless to an Assassin. Although I do see this as a huge issue but hopefully, there will be enough time between now and when 1.2 arrives to purchase the gear again! lol
  15. Clearly you dont see things from the Empires point of view. I could argue that almost everyone plays a Trooper for that ol' grav spam favourite. People play Sith Assassin because a) its a cool class b) requires the player to actually WORK for their kill, instead of pressing just one button to rack up 400k+ damage. Jedi Knights/Consulars have enough tricks up their sleeves to take out an Assassin when used correctly. Try learning your class? I've spent hours watching youtube videos, trying out several builds and finally(after 8 different attempts) found a build that deals alot of damage(if my crit kicks in), actually INVOLVES me to play and importantly, is alot of fun to play.
  16. EA wont merge the servers for a very long time - why? Because in the eyes of the mass gaming world(rightly or wrongly), merging servers is a sign of failure. Now, the way I see it is that EA have two options. 1 - to merge servers FAST and admit they had too many at launch to 'reduce Q times, so it was a temporary measure to have so many) 2 - Allow things to continue and watch numbers drop even further because people wont play a game that has empty servers. Either EA merge or they add X-server support with 1.2 - waiting any longer will just kill this game completely. They already did enough damage by releasing it 6 months too soon. You dont get a 2nd chance to make a first impression.
  17. Someone can pass wind, and you get rooted. You think how many knock backs you can suffer during a match - that s a lot of roots.
  18. oo republic fan boy toes stepped on here. I wonder why. So watching a smuggler come out of stealth behind you, hit you for 3.5k, stun u, hit you again, stun you...dead is acceptable? 3 stuns is too much for ANY class. And like most classes, only have 1 break. The last time I checked 1 isnt a greater number than 3. And if the cooldowns have been increased, see how it plays out. And yes, i can deal with them on a 1-1 fight thank you.
  19. DarthMaulUK


    Theres lots of topics about this. Ive reported lots of players for speed hacks/damage hacks etc and yet they continue to play. One hack claims it is undetectable by developers, which might be the case. But I am sure Bioware have systems in place to see how quickly a goal is scored on hutball, how some players can kill 50-70 players a warzone without losing a life. We've a guild on our server(republic) who are known for it and have many players who use all kinds of hacks to win. They need urgent removing from the game(the players)
  20. After six years in development, I am amazed how quickly they dropped Ilum. I havent a clue who/where they tested that planet for it to fail in spectacular fashion. Considering that this game is called Star Wars, Ilum was about as much to do with Star Wars as the sitcom Friends is to a documentary. It doesnt match! Give all the huge battles spread across all 6 SW movies, I am amazed that they couldnt come up with anything better.
  21. Have any of them been nerfed? Why a smuggler needs THREE 'stuns' me....
  22. I've always said that this game needed more brackets from day 1. The entire process is badly thought out. Rift has some decent brackets and SWTOR needs to do the same, and, importantly add a lvl 50 bracket for those who havent got at least 3/4 pieces of Champ/Centr armour because getting steam rolled when you're pve isnt fun, especially when in the 10-49 bracket, you slapped everyone! lol
  23. Why dont you play your pvp and tell us? Or why dont you play US and see for yourself? Stun stun stun, dots x10, stun stun = death
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