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  1. You misunderstand me, Lord_Malganus. I know you said if, I realize that it's speculation as to the cause and it's just guesses being made based on the information available. I'm only saying that I hope it's not the case and that the requirements have not been changed because of the patch. I also sympathise with everyone experiencing difficulties playing the game. I am glad however that the fix worked for you, that is good to hear. Apologies if it came across otherwise
  2. I truly hope that isn't the case and this is something Broadsword is able to remedy. If the min requirements has been changed then that's going to put a lot of people in a tough position regarding the game, including myself as I just recently upgraded my system
  3. Appreciate that, didn't mean to imply anything misleading on your part, apologies if that's how it came across. I was just trying it to see if it helped but as I said, it was wishful thinking on my part, nothing else and just sharing on the offchance it may help inform others. I am still glad it is helping others like yourself. Thanks again
  4. I have tried deleting client settings and the two caches then setting the game to what I was using for 7.3 and unfortunately I haven't seen any improvement. Done it three times and my game is still freezing every few minutes. I've tried tweaking the graphics settings a bit but still no luck. I'm able to log into the game and get past the key art no problem but staying in the game is another story. Guess it was wishful thinking this solution would work on my part
  5. Would love to see Bastila Shan's and Mission Vao's Armor Sets on the Cartel Market sometime
  6. Has anyone else noticed that the game has become so much more unstable since the 7.4 patch? My game is freezing and crashing constantly now, on some planets it's even worse, even something as simple as changing my active companion causes a freeze. Otherwise I can run the game well on high settings but things have been consistently bad since the patch compared to before. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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