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Everything posted by Lamech

  1. It's generally fine if the mobs have gone 'grey', meaning the player has damaged enough that they will get the drop/credit even if someone else takes them out.
  2. You must have wonderful RP groups that take the time and effort to spend the hours required to meticulously read through each others background before a play session.
  3. Part of the problem seems strange to say but it's too much content. Especially with a first character it's easy to get caught up doing the side quests and be over-leveled. This makes the game easy. You don't have tot think too much of combat, like the OP said hack n slash. I found with my first character I had to re-learn him at 50. Change tactics, use a bigger variation of powers because through 99 percent of the game I didn't really have to interrupt or shield or whatever. I'm now selectively choosing side-quests to keep things challenging.
  4. With you with Coruscant, it's just dull. Actually puts me off the Republic. Kaas is infinitely better. That and Belsavis. I like the idea, prison planet, varied location. The problem is it feels so disjointed, I just can't get into it. The travel system irks me. The fact your map tells you to go one way when you should really go another. The whole feel of it doesn't resonate. Just feels badly designed. I like Taris though. The destruction works for me, to the point where I don't mind the mini-mazes.
  5. It's not really much of an advantage. It's basically the class buffs. If you have a balanced team you can get the same buff from team-mates.
  6. It's mainly a roleplay system. It all comes down to the individual. You wouldn't put a chiss child to a Twi'lek, you'd make him an ally or nemesis. Is that so hard? If you don't like the legacy system you can turn off the names and not bother with the legacy tree, the tree is for people to flesh out the story off their character and relationships with others. A legacy/story not a family (with family relationships available).
  7. I believe they are available for PvP as they are not big buffs. You could get them from a team-mate anyway. The only other buff is presence which is for companions which is not really applicable for PvP.
  8. I believe they said new class content this year at the guild summit. This year indicates a wait for a while though.
  9. Everything I agree with apart from one thing. This is not a loss leader promotion. It's just a discount. There is a still a decent profit margin even on this sale.
  10. People need to give up on SWG. This isn't and never will be SWG 2. I personally loved the game but people seem to have rose-tinted glasses. They HAD to do the NGE because it was so ridiculously imbalanced. There was no going back. Everyone went to a doctor for the same buffs. Everyone wore the same armour. 1. I never liked JTL. I want the space combat to stay on rails. It's a distraction. A nice little thing to grab some XP and a little change. It may need some variety and fresh ideas but not a space expansion. 2. Crafting. Things according to Bioware are changing. Crafted end-game stuff is meant to get better etc etc. Something like 4 pages f patch notes on crafting for 1.2 3. Armour/Character Customisation. Don't compare to SWG where every player was funning around in Kinetic sliced heavy armour. They all looked the same. That's why SWG brought out the dye/colour change patch. They still all looked the same but a different colour. Apparently some version of the match colour to chestpiece is coming. In what form I don't know but that's a start. What they need to do is add the ability to change your characters looks after creation. Add new tattoos, hairstyles, be able to age your char etc. 4. The world maps are relatively small. It's a themepark MMO. That's not gonna change much. Sorry. Can't see them introducing areas for the sole purpose of making it bigger. People complain about travelling now, creating huge boring expanses for the sake of it would just annoy a portion of the playerbase. 5. PVP. Ok a decent reward system should be implemented. Something else to strive for.
  11. Thank you for that. I was starting to get a twitch in my eye.
  12. Erm... a loss leader is when something is priced below cost. Hence the loss part. The idea being people will buy other items. A small discount is not a loss. I saw Call of Duty with discount prices ON RELEASE DAY. Why? To increase profits by selling more. That blumming game didn't die (I probably do wish it would though) Amazon's main sales strategy has always been discounts. It's philosphy being increased sales to create greater profits rather than small sales with large profit margins. Try being an Amazon seller. Discounts every flamibng where.
  13. Product is selling well at multiple retailers for $50. I put it on sale for $40 dollars to cut out my competition, increasing my sales and my profits.
  14. The people saying learn to play. We're not talking about all silvers here. There just seem to be certain ones that are overpowered. The particular quest I was mentioning the final boss was gold and I didn't break a sweat. Didn't use all my abilities. Simple The two silvers that preceded him however killed me 4 times. I used all my abilities including interrupt. Medpac, relics the lot. That isn't right. If it was the final boss, fine, but the lead-up?
  15. Thank god for someone mentioning this. Just been trying to do this quest with my Warrior. Kept getting planted. Checked my and companions gear. Was beginning to think I was doing something wrong and just really poor. Those guys should not be rated as silver, They could literally take me down in seconds. Think I may just go back to that quest later.
  16. Biblical scale as in a religion that lasted over two thousand years?
  17. Like when they changed companions able to die during the storyline to not being able to die due to commotion or the forums.... or are we ignoring that change from beta feedback? I genuinely felt distraught at my companion dying. The difference for me was that I found it good storytelling, others felt it gimped their character. They changed it. Oh, wait, am I ruining the EVIDENT nature of your argument? It's entirely subjective. Not evident.
  18. If that's true then those window-licking bad-boys pay the bills. Which makes them more important than you.
  19. Early levels just simple bonuses. Sprint and speeders earlier on new chars.
  20. Tax Tax laws are different in the EU to what they are in the US Not gonna change unfortunately
  21. This was a maintenance schedule not a full patch day. So the analogy is flawed. Congratulate your plumber for coming in for maintenance upkeep and getting done three hours early. The problem you want him to fix is for a different appointment as he is waiting on parts.
  22. Not available at the moment. Scalable UI is on the agenda and one of their high priorities apparently. I'm in the same boat so I hope it's soon.
  23. I used a 260 to run the game in beta. I played on medium setting only because in flashpoints and group instances things got a little choppy. Solo I could have ran high setting with no trouble (assuming there weren't too many people around) Upgraded my rig now so it's all on high.
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