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Everything posted by Bomyne

  1. I see your point. I think Cryptic stopped doing it for that reason but I stopped following that game long before that. Maybe they could do a roadmap without a timeframe? I don't know. I'd like to know what their longterm plans are for the game but... I don't know if that's going to happen. As for the rest of your post, They have done that a couple of times, haven't they? Spoken generally about a couple of popular ideas going around. I really don't think we'll ever get them commenting on individual suggestions. I don't think it's practical and may even land them or EA in hot water. I think the best thing would be more developer interaction, on neutral grounds. That's probably what this thread should be requesting.
  2. They really don't want to be commenting on if they like a suggestion. They may love a "Make playable wookies" suggestion, but it may be impossible due to gameplay, lore or technology reasons, and yet you'd have people take that as a " playable wookies are coming" post, and there'd be complaining that it hasn't happened yet. What I think they should do, is maintain a road map. A brief overview of the next ten patches or so, and what is planned for them. Kinda like what Cryptic used to do with STO. Something that gives us an idea what is going in, but doesn't acknowledge suggestions.
  3. It's still a bad suggestion. I'm sorry, but it is. Bioware and other companies like BW don't reply to suggestions for a few reasons. One of them being feasibility. It'd take a massive staff to reply to every suggestion they get. Another is legal issues. If they go "WoW, this is a great idea. We'll put it in the next patch" then AFAIK, according to US law, you can demand they pay you for the idea. I could be wrong, but that's the reason Blizzard gave back in the day so take it as it is.
  4. Growlithe, followed closely by Fennekin and Flareon.
  5. Yes, it is. Legacy levels are fluff. Nothing more. I'm legacy 34 and I haven't earned a drop of that as they were all given to me while questing.
  6. I have no idea. I'm thinking some people are allergic to the idea that you can LEGALLY* spend real money on items in a game. TOR has one of the better cash shops actually. Some games have cash shops where the items are exclusive to the cash shop. If you want that shiny new item, you have to pay money for it... TOR isn't like that. * Remember that gold sellers, credit farmers, etc always exist in MMOs and people still spend money on them, even if those services are against the rules.
  7. Nothing. You hit the nail straight on the head. The CM is just another source of income for Bioware. Anything I can buy on the CM, I can put on the GTN a day and a half later so that those that don't want to spend real money don't have to
  8. It's hard to make an educated guess because she's the first companion on the CM (Hey, Bioware? Why isn't HK on there?) but I'm guessing probably about the price of the hypercrates.
  9. How do you think they have the money to pay for the companion? Most players that are buying is for CC have *gasp* worked for it.
  10. Rather than remove, I suggest they offer two versions of every piece that has mods in it. One version would be as it is now. Fully modded, requiring whatever level it requires... the other would be a levelless version that has no mods.
  11. I just told you why I know that. It gives players a choice on how to acquire the items they want, as the system is now. Your way limits them to spending real money no matter what.
  12. The thing you don't seem to get is that your suggestions are BAD for the community. They'd force players that want items from the CM to have to spend CCs. Where as the current system allows them to buy those same items for credits.
  13. No. No, it doesn't. All players are on a level playing field. That is the benefit of TOR's system.
  14. PLEX still gives players credits for real money, which is your argument against selling items from the CM on the GTN.
  15. And if Treek was a gameplay affecting item, I might agree with you. But she's not. Everything she does, HK-51, C2-N2, or your class companions can do. Therefore, if I want to purchase Treek with CC, that won't affect you who wants to purchase Treek with credits. The only thing on the CM that affects gameplay is the level 31 armour sets... and they are not Best in Slot, even at level 31. And MAYBE the crafting materials from the packs. If you want to rant about those being Pay to win, I might even support your side.... but you do not have a valid point about the rest of the CM items. They are as they should be. Buyable on the CM, sellable on the GTN for those that can't afford to buy them from the CM And honestly, I might purchase Treek with CC because I don't care too much about feeling like I earned her. I just want a fun, cute, fluffy companion. And I like ewoks.
  16. Who cares how long it takes me to get treek? If i want treek instantly, who cares? If i want to earn treek via legacy and credits, who cares? This isn't something that affects game play. It has no value. No purpose. It's fluff. Vanity. Cosmetic.. Let those that want to purchase Treek with 600cc or whatever Bioware charges for it, do it. It's none of my business how you get this fluff item. It's none of your business how i get mine.
  17. Then play the game. Don't fret over what other people are doing. Me purchasing Treek on the CM does not affect you in any way shape or form. I feel happy i got to enjoy a cute companion. You feel happy because you 'earned' treek via legacy and credits. We both win.
  18. The ignorance is strong with this post. You can't buy the best in slot items any way other than commendations. And you have to earn those.
  19. And the CM Nerds still have the ingame credits that you are complaining about.
  20. So me making a million credits by selling worthless vanity items from the CM is bad, but me making a million credits by selling a valuable game time consumable is good? Both cost me real money to get.
  21. Hold on, you have a problem with buying credits via the CM, but not with buying credits by selling a game time consumable?
  22. I've always wondered if that would work in a TOR/WoW style game.
  23. I did read your post. What you are calling 'not fair' is exactly why the tor cash shop is fair. It's fair because for nearly every item on the shop and in the packs, you have a choice. Spend CC or credits to get them. That is fair.
  24. WoW still caters to what she wants. Wait, winged guardian cub. Maybe the original Everquest?
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