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Everything posted by Bomyne

  1. And that's the problem with modern players. Anyone remember the very old school FPS games? Doom? Quake? Jedi Academy? The games that you played because they were fun, not because they were going to reward you with pathetic little trinkets. These days, even the FPS games are 'rewarding' their players. And those that have been playing a while keep getting better and those that have been playing only a minute can't compete. They die instantly. Same with TOR and WoW and any other MMO that uses this formula.
  2. You're right. It is an entitlement issue. certain pvpers believe they are entitled to kill their foes with one button press because they have 'earned' their gear. Their badge of prestige that makes them more worthy of having fun than that poor newcomer. They are entitled to win after win because they have more gear than that poor new comer. And they feel good about these hardearned wins. They haven't earned those wins. They were handed them on a silver platter by their gear or their level. or both. Yes, PvP should be fair. It should be fun to all. If i beat you in a one on one duel, let it be because i'm either better than you/more skilled or had a run of pure luck. Don't let it be because my gear way overpowered yours.
  3. Gear should be meaningless in PvP. The deciding factor in a player verse player battle should be skill. Not class. Not gear. Not level. Skill. This isn't PvE we're talking about. This is PvP.
  4. Yes, it will. class changers throws off the balance, creates flavour of the month situations, and gives you very inexperienced players who have no idea how to play a Guardian because they class changed from a commando. Anyway, your class choice at level 10 is supposed to be meaningful. Not something you can change on a whim.
  5. Don't suppose you're on the Shadowlands, Republic side are you? I've been putting the cartel pack armour pieces up for about 500 credits each for a while on that server I Really don't care about making money, I just want to get those items to those that don't want to spend real world currency on the packs themselves, like yourself.
  6. Does fishing exist in Star Wars? Either way, it'd be great if we could get some minigames added to the game.
  7. It's been suggested many times, but I don't think Bioware is listening
  8. DA2 is a fantasy game while Star Wars is mostly scifi. I don't think you can convert to the smuggler or trooper because blasters simply don't exist in DA2.
  9. If i've sold my item for 100k when others are selling theirs for 1M, then it was a smart thing to do because mine sold and theirs didn't. Free market allows me to sell what i want for whatever price i want.
  10. *whispers* Summer actually starts in December though to February. I do agree with you about Spring. Sometimes it's pretty hot here in Spring and considering the terrible winter we're having, i can't wait.
  11. I got a mount from a pack the other day and sold it for 10k when the others on the GTN were listed at 120k. *shrug* Free market. I'll do what i want, you can do what you want.
  12. My advice is to simply pick a wiki site you like, and contribute (In their format, of course) anything you may currently know about the game. All it takes is a few people like yourself to make those wikis less uninformative. Good luck.
  13. No... October is not in summer. Not in the US. Not in Australia.
  14. I really hate facebook code give aways. I would rather they do a random drawing give away. That way, the 'average' player has the same chance as the 'camper' player.
  15. Why not have them look at http://www.wowpedia.org/Event#Seasonal_events ? .. Guild Wars isn't the only MMO that does seasonal events. But I'm not too sure that seasonal events would work in TOR. a lot of the events in WoW and Guild Wars and other games are tied to real world events. Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in the fictional Star Wars universe that has little ties to the real world. That said, I would love it if we could lose the Gree event and come up with some different events (Or even bring the chevin event back in) that rotate on a monthly basis.
  16. It's supposed to be a 'meaningful' choice. Similar to why you can't reset your class missions or pay to undo a mistake you made.
  17. KOTOR was optimized for Windows XP, I believe... It doesn't work well in Vista, 7 or 8. Best solution is to either ask EA to authorize Bioware to make a 10th anniversary celebration patch that brings it to Windows 7/8. But for now, the best solution is to use Windows compatibility. Set it to XP.
  18. That comparison is illogical. Just because someone isn't a subscriber, doesn't mean they haven't spent money on the game. The Cartel Market and coin packs can be bought by free players. F2P players should have full access to new player help and customer service. If they are able to get the help they need, there is a greater chance they'll buy from the market, or sub. I don't think they need the rest of the forums. Just those two to get the help they need when having trouble with the game.
  19. I've always feel that giving someone money or a gift card means the gift is impersonal.
  20. Sometimes I wish I could shoot C2-N2. Yes, droid. Shut up. I don't want to talk to you. So stop talking to me as I pass you.
  21. activision's support is just as bad. I remember ticket queue times in WoW of up to 3 weeks...
  22. I think the new player forum should be opened up to the free to play crowd. I mean, it's what the forum is designed for. Those that have questions about the game stemming from their newbishness.
  23. The map will always show you the fastest route to your target. Have a look around. There's always another way that doesn't require a trek though an Imperial base.
  24. I think the bolster system should apply to open world pvp. That way instead of a level 55 being able to gank a level 20, that level 20 has a chance to survive and fight back, which can lead to some fun PvP encounters. Levels and stats should be exclusive to the pve aspect of the game and have no effect on pvp. I do disagree about the guards though. Players need a place that they can recover, and get supplies in relative safety. HOWEVER, fighting guards should count as pvp and apply the bolster system.
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