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Posts posted by OneYenShort

  1. 1 minute ago, xordevoreaux said:

    Help is here: Just wait and watch it spin for about 3 minutes you'll get in.  Make coffee.

    Actually it bounced me right back to character selection one time.

    I've been waiting on hold now for 5 minutes on a different character.   I don't think the servers can handle the load currently, esp with all the bouncing around with the new festival.

  2. Direct Case, Dating Lana.

    Cannot accept quest even though the UI for the interface shows up.  Hit accept box, UI vanishes. No quest given.  Datapad still shows quest available.
    I am at 4/5.   So it may just be the last date?

    The only other Companion I have is Theron, and his I can accept.  I was at 3/5 when I accepted.  Quest was granted.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 3/29/2023 at 11:13 AM, Amodin said:

    This is the way (when you have no content to contribute to the game as developers).

    I think we have really run the course of companions.  It's time to get creative.

    Actually, it is a way to give everyone high level companions without a huge monetary sink or massive time sink.
    This then helps out with newer people and their crafting.

    People come and go, so such a setup is good for the average player.  Long time players.... yeah. get an ear full.

  4. 26 minutes ago, CommunityTeam said:

    Hi folks,

    Thanks for the reports regarding the resource nodes filter. 

    Since Game Update 7.2.1, the resource node filter is no longer active by default in the mini-map. Our team is currently looking into it. I've added this bug to the known issues list for visibility:

    • The resource nodes filter is not active in the mini-map by default.
      • Players need to manually add the nodes filter back in the mini-map filters. 

    Even if we do, they still don't always take effect.

  5. 5 hours ago, klizilii said:

    If you look at the patch notes, they say the minimum system requirements are 75GB.

    You just didn't choose to read and then complain they didn't tell people about it?  Odd flex.

    I'd suggest installing the game on steam as updating requires significantly less free disk space than the standalone installer.

    System Reqs are normally speced at how much is needed after installation.

    Installation req is normally more due to how things work.

  6. 8 hours ago, lingburger said:

    I have an ASUS G750 17 inch beastie also running Windows 10 - it rocked the game with great graphics and never had any issues.  Now I cannot Launch the game and cannot manage my 4 guilds..  Yet another time wasting disaster!!

    you sure it isn' time saving?  Think of all the time you now have for your other hobbies.  You have other hobbies...  right?

  7. My dir is about 100 GB.  Which is interesting as it was more than that yesterday.  It was near 158 GB.  (I know this because I was copying files from my PC to the wife's PC so she wouldn't have to suffer an 8 hour download as well.   I was only transferring updated assets/*.tor files.

    Note I also played the Test Server for the patch to get the dog, so that too will increase my dir size.

    Now add in you down load compressed files that get de compressed to update the game, then they are deleted.

    So if I were to guess...  You'd need about 100-150 GB free to safely update.   My temp region was much higher than 35 GB that was claimed to be downloaded, so they may be doing some fun compression to try to limit download that isn't accurately reflected in space used.

  8. You could try playing with gamma either via in game controls (maybe?) or externally via drivers.  Nvidia and AMD should have settings that can be tiggers per game.  I think.  Its been ages sense I really kept up to date on that.

  9. Just now, OneYenShort said:

    Seems to be currently tied to Objectives Level 71+ "Crew Skills: Missions"

    I watched "The Hunt" bar slowly fill as my crew missions completed.  Given it is supposed to be "do chapter on vet or harder" that doesn't make sense to see the bar slowly fill up in the same pattern as crew skills missions and supposedly complete at the same time.

    It does not appear to actually complete the Season weekly objective as the "Weekly Complete" count remained unchanged.

    Unknown if it will reset with dailies on the next day, however.

  10. Seems to be currently tied to Objectives Level 71+ "Crew Skills: Missions"

    I watched "The Hunt" bar slowly fill as my crew missions completed.  Given it is supposed to be "do chapter on vet or harder" that doesn't make sense to see the bar slowly fill up in the same pattern as crew skills missions and supposedly complete at the same time.

    It does not appear to actually complete the Season weekly objective as the "Weekly Complete" count remained unchanged.

    • Confused 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, Amodin said:

    Yeah I caught that too, but quite honestly - this should have happened ages ago.  If anyone is still running a 32-bit OS with the same hardware, they frankly deserve not to be able to run the game.  64-bit has been available in the consumer end for over 20 years, and enterprise even longer than that.  32-bit is just another dodo.

    You'd be amazed at how many dodos are actually running your country's infrastructure.

  12. 3 hours ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

    13 minutes to download and install on this 10 year old pc but the servers are still offline so maybe by tonight.
    I'd say a few hours from now worth of free time :ph_great_update: 🙌

    Must be nice.  I think it will take 8 hours for me.   And then another 8 for the wife unless I bother to figure out how their file system works.

  13. On 3/26/2023 at 10:59 AM, RevBurt said:

    If I played 32bit and 64bit side by side, what changes will I notice, if any?

    You will notice that you'll have a lot more free time as you get to download the entire freaking thing again.  35 GB.

    Beyond that, it all depends on IF they did any recoding with going to 64 bit.  If they didn't, then you really won't notice anything.

  14. Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out... and I have a guess.  You are downloading EVERYTHING all over again because all checksums probably got changed with the 64 bit change.

    And who knows... maybe they did some PST updates as well so people who were trying that won't have to re download 8 GB EVERYTIME they attempted to launch the game.

    So you might we well say Seasons week 1 is screwed, and people who are on download caps are royally screwed.  Is this any surprise?  Nope, game companies have always acted in this fashion which is very annoying.  Sadly this isn't a fault of the developers, it is the fault of their management and designers.  Developers only have the power to fix what they are told to fix, nothing more.  They go past that and they could be out of a job.

  15. I am assuming the Devs want primarily US testing or some such then?  Any place with data caps like Australia won't bother with the PTS given the  CONSTANT downloading of files.

    The short term fix would be update the launcher to check to see if the account settings for the PTS is "yes", and force the user to select which bases,  Live or PTS, before doing checks.  The long term would be to actually rename the files so there isn't a conflict.  Having to download 2 gigs is NOT worth my effort to try to give feedback. (Yes, 3. 1 for the live check before I can select PTS, then it downloads the 2nd gig for PTS, and I can play.)

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