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Everything posted by ShadowyKai

  1. Huh, I keep wondering why they didn't tell us about this nerf until after it was done ...
  2. Well, it's been my observation that fixing what isn't broken seems to be the developers' specialty. As of now, I can no longer log in to the game, so once again, they've also broken what wasn't broken.
  3. Let me put it to you this way : The one nice thing about having low expectations is that you are seldom disappointed.
  4. Oh, terrific. Just a little while ago, I tried to log in to my most heavily populated Legacy, and the game froze up. And now, every time I try to re-launch the game, it attempts to go into that Legacy and freezes up again. I vividly remember this happening back in December, when Game Update 7.4 "Chains in the Dark" was released. Funny thing ... When it happened then, I was desperate to get my account up and running. I remember trying any advice that anybody would give on the forums to make that happen. This time ... Right now, I am looking at a thread with advice about client settings, dxdiag, and such, and I'm realizing something ... I am realizing that I don't care enough about playing this game to bother doing any of that. In recent weeks, I have been contemplating taking a break from SW:TOR to try other things. Today, I was actually feeling a bit excited to log in to the game, a feeling that I hadn't had in a while, because I was looking forward to the new Galactic Season, especially since I had finally finished building up my Stronghold Bonuses and levelling up a character to 50 on each of my active Legacies ... and then, I find out that they dropped the Reputation track from Galactic Seasons and nerfed Advancement : Reputation into oblivion. And they didn't even have the decency to let us know they were going to do this so that we could plan accordingly. I wonder how many people bought the Master's Datacron and Equipment Bundle when it was on the Flash Sale recently, anticipating that they could make good use of it during Galactic Seasons, not knowing that the biggest chunk of Conquest Points they could get was about to be blown up. Well, that did it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. And now, I can't even log into the game anymore, and I find that I don't care enough to bother trying to fix the problem. My subscription runs out on March 26. I will give them until that date to do something about this, and then I'll be leaving for good. Maybe, one day in the future, I will come back, perhaps just for nostalgia's sake. But I'm not counting on it. To any of my friends who are still in the game ... It's been a blast, for as long as it lasted.
  5. If this is your first week playing the game, then it makes perfect sense for you to feel that way, because everything is still new to you. That's how I felt when I first played the game, too, about 12 years ago and on an older account. But your view of things tends to change after you've played through all eight of the original class storylines, and then the pretty much ONE storyline that the game condenses into after that. A lot of players in this game became bored because they simply ran out of things to do. The reason I created this new account was because I had done everything in the game and thought that creating a new account to start over from the ground up might rekindle my enthusiasm for the game. MMORPGs need to evolve and add content over time in order to sustain themselves. That is the issue people are having here.
  6. Gee, I can't wait to see what Season 7 will look like. Oh, wait, actually, I think I can.
  7. From what I can see, the Blueprint Fragments have only three functions : The Weekly Season Objective "Finding Fragments" is completed by collecting a certain number of Blueprint Fragments. There is an Achievement that requires you to collect 1,500 of them. You sell them to a vendor for Credits. That's it. The lack of a Reputation track, along with Conquest points for Reputation being decimated, are, IMO, really awful changes that we should have at least been told about.
  8. Oh, come on, that's ... That's ... That's true. As for the stealth nerfs ... I think we know now why they didn't put this on the PTS.
  9. There is a Weekly Season Objective called "Finding Fragments" that you complete by obtaining Blueprint Fragments. That, along with the Achievements and just selling them for Credits, seems to be all they're used for. No Reputation this time, which IMO is a lousy change.
  10. It looks like the only functional value of the Blueprint Fragments is to complete the Season Objective "Finding Fragments" and to complete an Achievement for getting some huge number of them (I think it's 1500). Oh, and selling them to vendors for credits. That's all.
  11. Because there is no Reputation track for Galactic Season 6. The Underworld Syndicate Plans, G.A.M.E. Analysis Modules, Notes of Reflection, and Dark Spores could all be traded for Reputation tokens. But the Blueprint Fragments can't be traded for anything, because there is no Reputation to advance in this Season. That's why the Fragments are just vendor trash. There is nothing to keep them for. IMO, that sucks.
  12. Another thing they forgot to mention. Another reason for me to cancel my subscriptions as my patience is wearing paper thin.
  13. I could be mistaken, but it looks to me like there is NO Reputation track for Galactic Season 6. The Underworld Syndicate Plans, G.A.M.E. Analysis Modules, Notes of Reflection, and Dark Spores were all currencies that you could trade for Reputation tokens. But the Blueprint Fragments are just vendor trash. Their only functional value, besides selling the junk for credits, is that getting them will advance the Season Objective "Finding Fragments" and an Achievement for getting some huge number of them. So, folks, if it's of any consolation to you, which it shouldn't be, you didn't lose anything by selling the fragments, since there's no Reputation to gain from keeping them. That sucks, one of several things about this update that does.
  14. I know a number of players, including myself, who went out of their way to level up a character to Level 50 and increase the Stronghold Bonus on each Legacy so that they could get the Conquest Points from Advancement : Reputation. And now they've just blown it all up without even a word. They could have at least told us they were planning to do this. But, then, they also didn't bother to tell us what we needed to do to qualify for free transfers to Shae Vizla until after the time that we needed to do it by, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised. I feel bad for the APAC players who will now have to pay 500 CC for each character they want to transfer to their regional server just because they didn't know months ago not to wait a day or two before renewing their subscription. You folks remember when some people suggested a way to solve the inflation issue, by wiping out all of the existing Credits in the game and making the entire economy, and all players, start over fresh? As many people pointed out, that's a good way to anger a lot of players into quitting the game completely. Well, you know what? At this point, I would not be surprised if the developers did it and didn't bother to let us know about it until after it was done.
  15. ... I cannot believe this. I went to a lot of trouble to increase the Stronghold Bonus and advance a character to Level 50 on each of my Legacies for the Conquest Points granted by Advancement : Reputation, and now they just blow it all up without even a word? They could have at least let us know that they were planning to do this. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though, since they didn't bother to let us know the requirements for free transfers to Shae Vizla until weeks or months after the time that we needed to fulfill the requirements. You know, lately, I've been feeling like I might want to take a break from SW:TOR to try other things. This just might be the thing to convince me to not only do that, but not come back here at all. Thank you, developers, for giving me ample reason not to feel any regrets about leaving.
  16. Too bad, they went with the retroactive requirement for free transfers. I have an account with a subscription that I let lapse for a short while after the end of Galactic Season 5. Had I known that it needed to remain subscribed the whole time to qualify for free transfers, I wouldn't have waited to renew the subscription. If they're going to require us to do something at a certain time, can't they at least let us know about it before that required time is over?
  17. Well ... They could make the rooms really small ... <Shrug> Listen, I also have Legacies with too many characters for all of them to realistically have their own rooms. They could always give us a set number of rooms and just let us choose which characters' portraits to put up.
  18. Hundreds of weapons, over 2,000 armor pieces ... and we can only keep as many of them as our Cargo Holds can handle because they're not in Collections. Personally, I don't see much reason to get too excited about this new feature.
  19. So did I. But people don't notice when somebody says "I'm not going to do this anymore," and then just stops doing it and leaves it at that.
  20. Man, it has been such a long time since I stopped trusting MMORPG developers to keep an announced date and time for something ... I just imagine game developers saying, "How long will it take to get it ready? Hey, it'll take as long as it takes, okay?"
  21. They may, indeed, read them. Whether or not it actually matters is anybody's guess. Think of it this way. If somebody takes the suggestions out of the suggestion box, reads them, and then tosses them into a paper shredder, is that really any different from just having the paper shredder as the suggestion box?
  22. It won't matter how low the prices are on the GTN if there are no people on the server to sell or buy anything ...
  23. Whenever an MMORPG says that something is going to last until a certain date, always assume that they mean "up to BUT NOT INCLUDING that date." Even if the company gives you a specific time of day that the event is going to end, always assume it will end early (because it very often will, without any warning), and get everything done ahead of the scheduled ending time. I have had to learn and re-learn this lesson more times than I care to think about through all of the online RPGs I've played. Now, in this case, they did say to redeem the code "before" February 29, so they didn't technically do anything wrong by ending it on February 28 ... But, come on. Most people, when they see or hear "February 29," are not going to think that February 29 itself is not part of the time span. That is really counterintuitive, because it isn't how people or companies usually specify ending dates. Unfortunately, though, that's how it is, so that's what we have to go with.
  24. Thirty minute balloon ride ... You know, it's not as if Tatooine is famous for its scenic attractions. How much sand and rock can you look at?
  25. So instead of clicking on the drop-down menu for the mission grades, we should click on the drop-down menu for the companions. How is that any different? As far as I can tell, it's not any different. Either way, we have to click on a drop-down menu before sending each companion on a mission, and the number of clicks required is pretty much the same. I agree with the OP that it would be a nice QOL improvement to be able to send multiple companions on Crew Skills missions without having to reset the mission grade every time.
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