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Everything posted by Achnaattwo

  1. yesterday had a weird match . . both sides were doing Objectives
  2. only seen that happen a couple times. I have asked a few times which target, didn't even have crickets reply, after a couple weeks I gave up asking. The couple times it did happen, the match was more enjoyable , and felt like a PvP match. Here, in this game, players play like drones if not in a group.
  3. That does not happen in Swtor, Haven't seen that in any warzone's. would like to see it, it is needed
  4. I was reluctant to ask again, just wanted to make sure I understood it completely. your patients and answers were very appreciated
  5. I think I understand now. there is a point to getting objective, at the start or the end, which ever the case, but it's the secondary Objective is not needed at all, to win. which, possibly that comes into question why is it there? What's it purpose then? . . . possibly last question if you don't have any Pylons , can you still win just on kills?
  6. ok, making sure I understand it correctly get a pylon, and destroy enemy in the process then go to center, destroy enemy, and maybe get orb
  7. oh yeah, latency . . strange, I guess it would have effected both, don't know why, think I was getting frustrated, and was not thinking about that
  8. OK, nothing improved, I'm having my normal hit percentage, kills and assist, but I'm doing less then half the damage I used to, well kills not really back to normal according to the score card. I didn't think much until lately, since I started doing War Zones, been a month, but was curious even there, I'm basically doing half damage or heals. So I kept track in my head both WZ and GSF, and I am doing about half damage, , This is making it frustrating to keep coming back, but I do. IN GSF going from 60-70k damage to 8--14k damage is not right, I don't see any thing in the Patch notes to explain it. if there is something else to grip about, is how the hell, are they keeping locks when there is an object place in between, don't work for me !?!? I lose a lock with nothing in between, it's locking, not locking , locking, not locking, and all the time they're still in range
  9. oh .. . why have obj, I mean not many vote for MVP, and I was just in a PvP Obj match, we had more obj, then the other team, but they had the kills . . so, why have obj ? I'm neither for or against having obj, but if objectives do nothing to help win, then there is no point to having them
  10. I should have asked what we call them, not the quest, "PvP Kiosk". Years ago, I could have no problems and just google it, but my searches found no info on bounty board or PvP kiosk locations. It was something I looked up half a decade ago, but not something I booked Marked. only spots I know are in Fleet or Home World, dislike having to waste time traveling off planet
  11. I had this happen a few times. It's questionable when it's only with this game. It's weird because nothing shows it's your connection, since you can access other sites or games , immediately too, like there is no connection issues . just check if it is on your end first, like xXSchmedlyXx mentioned, it's probably just your end, or something happened in between you and the server. the penalty sucks when you didn't quit, but was disconnected from the server. Different story if quit, or Voted out
  12. so it's like a FFA, even tho your playing CTF, the FFA approach will still win ? are you saying it's something like that ?
  13. yeah, and solo queue's should have been the fill the missing numbers for the group. I know GSF has 2 toggles, one for group, and the other solo, Unrank WZ, does not have it. Just a one toggle, or I'm miss seeing another button to select. So I'm not sure in Unrank, that Matchmaker see's a group. Well I'm sure it does, just the way it works seems it doesn't. Rank WZ, I only know what I've read, eventually everyone makes it to play rank, even if they lose their way to it, just to get to select and start playing rank, So I don't know if there are two select toggles, one for solo and one for group in Rank. I just haven't paid any attention if it's that way. It's possible the one side did have a group, just a band of not good, or didn't have coms, and the the match maker just selected the wrong groups to be on the side, don't know. you don't actually need to be in a group to group with friends, if you have coms
  14. pretty much need this to happen . . cool/more decos would be sweet
  15. I did not know one could see the legacy name, if they're on Ignore. can you still see which instance they're on, like when they are on your friends list ?
  16. that's pretty much was my intentions, it's the 2 month sub, so they're not going to get 3 months of CC, just 2. I did think, of submitting a ticket, but since this is only something just frowned upon, and not punishable , I chose not to. this affects Bioware/EA more, not me, they lose a sub and gave away CC (tho in my case, it's just not going to be a instant renewal)
  17. edit because had wrong quote, and cannot find the delete reply button
  18. just as I thought, thanks guess I'm not renewing this account, will be the only way to stop them receiving future CC from me side note, I created a second character, and saw them advertising again, same thing, 50mil, so I jumped back to the first character, to let them know, no money went through, and . . . I get the message, they have me on Ignore . .when I saw that, knew I was scammed, and just wanted a way, to get the CC stopped
  19. I saw in chat someone offering 50mil to use their referral, I thought cool, I just started this account, that'll help me get some early crafting done, and few other things, if I can get my legacy up fast enough before spending it all . . to the point of this I used their referral, get the gifts that comes with using referral, but never got the 50 mil. I suppose there is not a way to remove the referral is there ?, I don't want someone gaining extra CC from me, if all they are doing is coning others I want to check if there is a way to stop them from gaining any CC from me. don't like the idea being con like that
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