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Everything posted by Achnaattwo

  1. I did notice less Jawa junk, but before the GTN ridiculous price increases, I was never worried about Jawa Junk, I could just purchase from the GTN . Now I'm looking for any way to get more Jawa junk. I'm basically out. I can't afford the Prices on the GTN. so need to visit Jawas . . and they smell funny 🤢
  2. congratulations, you were immerse so much you didn't even notice it taking longer then before đź‘Ť doing less damage, just means it will require more strikes, more strikes adds time, more time . . takes longer. so yeah it does slow the gaming experience. oneshot as you call it, happens when you're fighting trash mobs, at planet level, takes more then one hit for the Strong, and more for elites and champions. When you are over level, trash mobs still hit week, as they always do, still no real threat, but taking trash out, are more like fighting strong or elites, and elites are like taking down champions. If being level sync down to max level planet . . that wouldn't happen. Like I said I don't mind be level scaled. wouldn't mind level sync either , if my stats were what it would be if max level of the planet. The way Level sync is now, is just bad It feels better to see misses, because you're under level then a bunch of hits that drag the fight on longer . . now that's boring
  3. for emersion affect, yeah . . But I thought that's why we got inoculated before we can go to planet was for.
  4. why not just create a new low level character to help your low level friends ? Level Scaling never bug me, that worked . . Level sync though, That is just working ridiculously bad . It does make it drag having sent back to planet your out level, and the fights take longer. sure the first time there, still within planet level, fights were short and sweet, now you go back there because story sends you back,and now you're 10-30 levels over, and now this time you get killed, it's a What the Hell moment. It's not undoable, Now you just have to change how you pick your fight, instead of just kill kill kill who ever, didn't matter the order, when at level. When before at level, it was just whack, whack, dead mob, now your over level it's whack, whack, kaboom, Whack, Pow dead mob, just dragging the fight that used to be quicker, doesn't make it better. It's just makes the gaming experience worse.
  5. on one of my accounts I had the same issue. I had to go away unexpected, for almost 7 months, but when got back I could buy again through the game. I had bought time cards for that account during the time it didn't work, there is also cards for Cartel Coins ETA: it could be a banking issue.
  6. In GSF, if not everyone is there ,you only have a few seconds to do anything. if no one shows up, match is over, if players do show up match goes on. Should they do that to WZ too ? I've been on both ends of the uneven numbers in WZ matches, even a 2v4
  7. Have you done the 'Intro to War Zone' already ?
  8. I think that's a great idea. Although, some will believe they're being force to vote if it's something they have to do before logging in the game. it probably will need to have happened after log in, So it can be flagged already vote. or people will just log out and in, just to vote more then once. And how will that work if a player has multiple accounts, sure one vote, for each of their account, just one person, can vote many times. I like the idea, I think it's great, but . .
  9. just something I found in a search for this https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/imperial-deserter https://swtor.fandom.com/wiki/Frostrock_Promontory
  10. Is the same warning on the launcher ? I don't think everyone comes to the forums first, before launching
  11. a couple weeks, not able to keep up on mat's for crafting, dashed to GTN to restock. and, see it would be almost cheaper, to just use Cartel. Was that the plan ? to allow ridiculous pricing, to end up using Cartel market instead ETA: I'm out of Jawa junk to buy from there, barely getting any, maybe 2-5 in a couple days, haven't seen the purple Jawa Junk drop for me , maybe something in every couple weeks
  12. yesterday I didn't really notice much of a difference. tonight, it did seem to load faster no other problems. There wasn't a hesitation, like it did before at the end. very smooth checked connection before bringing it up, 2.4 MB
  13. Is that area locked out till Chapter IX ? Not in game yet but I do know at a certain level one can go to Odessen, can't do any thing, but run around, just can't recall if that area is open before even starting Fallen empire starts. But I'll check once in game, got just the guy for it
  14. I'll go . .Maybe, but leaning more to No it looks like we're getting level increases faster then content Increases. I Never worried about endgame content/levels . In here there is a lot of content for the 50's. I seen many players only concern is reaching MAX; level, content, credits, then request for more. When some of that, they had just skipped, pass up. just to reach Max the fastest they can, then leave, and do it again on another game no one is forced to play endgame, but it does feel like now, we're being Corral towards endgame without content , for it In other words, for some, there will never be enough endgame content, when feel the need , to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no Sith/Jedi has gone before!
  15. interesting, was going to ask if the picking is random, I had decided to log in the pref accounts first, no up dated launcher. Then I go to log in Sub . haven't changed account yet, noticed launcher taking longer. Suspected, I just got selected. I was. took some time to update, probably normal amount for something like that. Not everyday I have to update launcher so I really couldn't compare that part. After launcher update, logged in, all seem same speed to load client, might had been a second or two faster, did feel like it didn't delay. My connection is 3-6 MB Will see what it's like , when I actually need to update client. nothing to report yet, outside of it seems normal , but it is working for me
  16. that is also something I do, at the start, but, not these last 3 creations. Should have since they are melee. I'll correct that on them, wasn't thinking I needed. defiantly need a better targeting then "TAB" . I guess that's why I prefer FPS, for my PvP.
  17. So I missed it for 7 years LOL . . okay as soon I read how to find it, I did noticed how I missed it. When I arrow over it, it didn't highlight, it's just the same as anything thing else that you don't interact with , but this time I actually clicked on it because of this post, and there ya go. man . . I wonder how many other clickable items I missed, because it doesn't change or highlight. Yeah still arrow, no finger when arrow over it, arrow don't even glow or get brighter oh man seven years doing alliance alerts to get companions back
  18. usually just going back to your stronghold, you'll have access to your companions for crafting. I think any where not in the Fallen Empire chapters
  19. How long has that been there ? Now I'm wondering how many years I past that. just guessing, sounds like it'll mess up Companion Achievements, if you haven't completed them through Alert Missions
  20. Jaxo is too, you don't get to Flirt if your character is Female. So if you're female, you don't get the extra purple mission to go back and, ah relax with Jaxo
  21. I actually do that, before I play, good tip for those that didn't know . .thanks
  22. Like the OP, I did read into it like they did, but not long I understood more,of what to expect. I mean till I got to see it, log in the first time. The One thing I wanted to be, when I first read about this, a force using Bounty hunter. I thought that till the end , and realize . .took me a while , you can't be a force user in a tech class story. I still wasn't sure, till creating, that you couldn't mix-match two different classes abilities. Not upset about any what I read into wrong. except (or was I suppose to use 'But', there's always a but) I couldn't complete Sorcerer class doing a Marauder story, But (there's that but) I can do the Inquisitors story as a Marauder. It was not because I don't like the class, just not a fan repeating that Story. Just saying, that the OP had the same perception as I did of what to expect, but like in my case, I corrected myself . .well most of it I Still want to be a Force using Bounty Hunter
  23. leveling is not a problem, the content levels are, if you want to stay at the same pace (not in Level Sync). Content level needs to be increase too. Before level sync, it didn't matter. You could do all the content, repeat some of it if you wanted. You're going to out level the content in no time. Before 7.0, I was pretty much level 50+, by the time I reached Nar Shaddaa , I played most content, and a lot of GSF. Also had my Legacy xp boost maxed. Time played, 1 day now after 7.0, no Guild, so no guild xp boost, no legacy xp boost, just doing class story, and the intro to WZ & GSF, Avoiding completing Bonus missions. was faster in completing class story, but slower at leveling. Wasn't till after I completed chapter 3 of class story, before I started doing more content with this character, by the time I was 54, basically same as the character I have @ 55 up to Nar Shaddaa which is still technically chapter 1. time played 2 days. There was only couple hour difference and a day. Naw not taking longer, A day PLAYING, is not longer. Tho it wasn't played the same, just avoided level sync takes longer. You can just play in Level sync the whole game, except the first 10 levels, deal with the 'Not Harder' but longer Elites and Boss fights. Will just one of those fights make the gaming experience be longer, Nope. But after a while it adds up Will Planet levels increase, stop you from being in Level sync the whole game, but the first 10 levels, . , most. Why not just get rid of the Stories/Chapters,and grind your way to max level. Just have culling missions, and at milestone levels you acquire another companion (with no stories) and Skills okay too much
  24. got'cha so there is an ability ..I had panicked alright , thanks for helping me understand
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