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Everything posted by zhanaili

  1. I've reported questionable names or offensive behavior before using the insane tool but nothing ever seems to happen... offender continues and my tickets remain open. It would be nice to know someone actually looks at the complaints.
  2. Seems to be a few stability issues going on. I crashed 3x during or right after a cut scene. I was able to restart the game fine and thankfully it didn't roll me back to a previous point. However, working on KOTFE and just about every interaction is a cut scene. If I crash during each of them, it's going to be a super long chapter to get through.
  3. Add a feature ingame (/feedback) that can allow players to provide feedback as they're presented with specific situations. I'd like to see a free search feature added to all venders - having things listed alphabetically is fine but when there's 200 items that's still a lot of info to go through to find exactly what you're looking for. Having a true search feature would allow you to pull up what you need specifically without adding extra time searching. Now that quick travel has added costs and running around takes more time, something that shaves off a few seconds/minutes would be nice. I'd like to see missions more consistent - there are several heroics/missions that if grouped and the person who 'owns' the instance completes the mission, they're the only ones that get credit which means doing it again for members of the group. Examples are A Rock and a Hard Place heroic on Belsavis and Anti-Toxin Recovery on CZ-198. There are others but these I can list off the top of my head. Please fix these! Can we please get other types of mechanics besides knockback and stun-locks when dealing with boss mobs - or mobs in general? There's nothing more annoying when engaging the enemy and your opening attack is stun locked or you're immediately punted across the room...and then slowed. Occasionally, it would be ok but it's nearly every single encounter. If you want a mob to have those abilities, that's fine, just maybe not the OPENING ability. I'm sure I have more ideas - the /feedback feature would be helpful so I can address a suggestion at the time I encounter a situation.
  4. Immediately upon logging in this morning, I received a message that I was logged out to inactivity and presented with the server list. When trying to click on Star Forge, I was presented with the same message. I can log into the other servers fine, but Star Forge won't give me access to the game. I checked server status and it's showing active. Anyone else with the same issue or is it just me?
  5. These flashpoints wouldn't be so bad if they didn't pop up one or more times every time you run the weekly. They're super time-consuming with all the chatter - I mean, if you're new to the game or something, they're awesome but after the 2000th time you've run through these (or more) you're sick of it. I'd just like to be able to filter it out w/o being penalized from the weekly conquest. Leave the rest of them in there but allow us to filter out these two starter flashpoints.
  6. I'm not a new player but have always played through Steam. I see that I can unlink my account, but I don't know how to play after that. I assume I need to download the client again? I know this all sounds silly but if anyone could answer the steps involved, I'd be grateful! Thanks in advance!
  7. I have been experiencing this since the patch that fixed it but it was infrequent. Lately, it's increased in occurrence and Yavin 4 over last weekend seemed to be the worst. I play on Starforge server and am based in EST. The way it appears for me, the node shows on the map but when you find it on the ground, there's no icon over it showing you can harvest it. When you hover over the node, it tells you what's required to harvest but you cannot interact with it.
  8. Korriban Incursion bug - did the veteran Korriban Incursion other day as a guild group and 1st boss dogs never popped out of crates. Nothing else seemed to happen and fewer mobs to deal with so didn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Today, did Korriban Incursion on a different char in story mode to start Revan xpack and some of the mobs were acting oddly. You'd attack and they'd reset - unable to interact as if they were stuck in the environment. Once they reset, was able to kill and move on. Until the final boss... Was able to get to 75%, and boss reset to 0 - rinse/repeat. The last time I tried to kill him, he reset at 90%. This step in the mission is broken and cannot be completed.
  9. After the drop of 7.0, all seemed well with this existing bug but it's crept back up again. There are some harvest nodes unusable again. It doesn't seem to be as widespread as before but wanted to let you know. If this has already been reported, I apologize. I try to keep up with the reports but haven't seen anything on this one yet.
  10. One of my guildies noticed today that the button for unifying equipment colors on companions is missing. I searched with an officer to find it and to no avail. Is this an oversight or a bug? Can we have this feature back? It's super helpful when trying to outfit our companions. Thanks!
  11. Still waiting on a fix. One guild has almost 0 perks with nothing to choose from and the other is starting to lose them with same results. Capped on guild commendations so losing those too. Some communication please when you plan to hit fix. Am I surprised with no response? No, not really. This is likely not a high priority with a pending xpack but ignored paying customers won't continue to pay if problems aren't addressed. Hope the devs know this.
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