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Everything posted by LeeC

  1. well, thats nearly ever war movie ever. Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, The Longest Day, The Patriot, Kelly's Heroes, Band of Brothers, etc.
  2. she could get teamed up with another jedi on a different mission than Anakin and they both get killed.
  3. bumped his head, meets up with some wookiees, ends up being biggs and gavin darklighter's father or something.
  4. This little gem is 3 years old, but I am not holding my breath. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/697997/lucasarts-teasing-x-wing-tie-fighter-announcement/
  5. And remake Xwing vs TIE Fighter. Seriously games have come a long way and the way internet gaming is with mock modern battles and clans with CoD and BF series, why is this not a reality? A Battlefront game would be cool but I would rather it just focus on space combat during the rebellion era.
  6. cant help but notice the xwing vs tie fighter series not being on those lists. I call shenanigans.
  7. I figured it was to pressurize the suit or something.
  8. Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to... [Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat] Darth Vader: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett? Captain Piett: Yes, my lord? Darth Vader: Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, so that nothing gets off the system. [beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters one last strangled gasp, and falls over dead] Darth Vader: You are in command now, Admiral Piett. Admiral Piett: Thank you, Lord Vader. [Piett motions for someone to clean up admiral Ozzle's remains]
  9. I feel exactly the same, I was largely disappointed in the ground combat because the maps are tiny and you only have a small number of units. The space battles were not that bad and in my opinion more fun than the ground battles.
  10. So I transferred some of my toons and it said everything was okay but when I log into that server a couple of my character's have their names as random letters all capped. This is a fairly large thread so I am not sure if this has been addressed.
  11. We need more character studies but make them about, you know CHARACTES! and not as filler to the next action scene. Another option is make it an adventure. Also more rebellion era material! Most of the stuff out there happens during or before the clone wars, or after the formation of the new republic. Hoe about more stuff that takes place between the movies and the 3 years before the battle of yavin. The only things out there are the force unleashed and shadows of the empire (that comes to mind anyways). No more jedis, lets look at the universe!
  12. I liked it when Plinkett compared the PT to Citizen Kane. "Is it fair to compare these movies? Nope!" Really breaks them down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCTffAjsUfs or this one which shows the comparison in full http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRUMt9-Oig0&feature=relmfu
  13. roflmao! yes this is a different universe. the humans here could reproduce by spouting bad dialog or via tongues.
  14. Theres also the clone wars too. the clones being of mando descent. I think it's really just the sith being the great manipulators of the galaxy. It's usually not an alliance of sorts. in fact I do believe the Mandos fought on the side of the republic for a time during the new sith wars.
  15. Top movies IMHO 1) tESB 2) RotJ 3) aNH 4) RotS 5) AotC 6) tPM Best saber duels 1) Luke v Vader in cloud city 2) Luke V Vader on Death star 2 before I continue, these are emotionally driven with tons of symbolism that engages the audience in the story. Luke's descent into Hell to fight Satan (vader) in tESB is very palpable. The scene is dark with red lighting (looking like lava) as well as steam shooting from certain places. You get the feeling Luke is biting off more than he can chew and vader is amused and toying with him before the great reveal! And later on the deathstar Luke is not just fighting to defeat vader and the emperor. he is there to save both his and his father's soul as well as protect his newly discovered sister. The entire scene is engulfed in darkness. Luke is quite literally facing the dark side. He is surrounded and part of it as he tries to keep from falling to the darkside. There is just so much more going on in these duels that the others. You may argue that the Kenobi v Vader in Ep 3 had a lot going on too and it had more going for it than the other PT duels it was still extremely long and contrived. It became just another pointless action scene. 3) Kenobi v Vader Ep3 tied with Kenobi and Anakin v Dooku 4) Qui Gon and Kenobi v Maul 5) Yoda v Sidious 6) Yoda v Dooku 7) Kenobi v Vader on the Deathstar At the time of filming aNH Lucas believed that lightsabers were so heavy that only jedi's could be able to lift them which is why the Kenobi v Deathstar duel was extremley basic. Then when tESB came along he changed his mind and it became more like dueling samurais. The Yoda v Dooku duel really disappointed me. We saw in tESB that Yoda uses the force and seem almost like he detested using a lightsaber as the force is his ally and not the "crude matter" of muscle. This duel turned that upside down and instead of seeing an immense force battle we get another lightsaber duel. It would have been great to see Yoda use his abilities with the force to curb stomp a lightsaber enthusiest. Dooku then limbing away to escape. The Yoda vs Sidious had more force powers going on. Sure they took out a lightsaber and duel a little bit but it was more of a force duel. Throwing stuff, pushing, lightning. This seems more like Yoda's arena. The Yoda duels could have been more amazing, showing things that can be done with the force that we have never seen before but instead it was the same rehashed abilities we are already familiar with.
  16. If they are at barnes and noble I'll check them out.
  17. I'd get a ship and explore, but it's always good to have a place to come back to after adventures. In Game: Corellia or Tython In Movies: Hoth or Tatooine In EU: Corellia, Mon Calamari, or Ryloth.
  18. But she is well above the age of an adult and so was he.
  19. "Coming around rogue leader!" -Wedge Antilles.
  20. I have been curious about the books but I am not much of a comic reader.
  21. Okay what stuff? Naboo was peacefully taken. they didnt have an army and put up no fight. the droids just walked in). Naboo was occupied for roughly 3-5 days and the only damage done was perhaps blaster scoring in the palace. Or a couple of blown out walls from blowing up that tank in the beginning of the battle. Most of the final battle was fought in an empty field miles away. What "stuff" do they really need to do? They through a very elaborate celebration shortly after the battle after everything was cleaned up. The Naboo and the gungans face little to no collateral damage. Edit: Also how old is Owen? Is he the offspring of Lars and Shmi? If so then she would of been freed a year or two after anakin went to the jedi. In Ep 2 he seemed a couple of years younger than Anakin and was dating Bereu.
  22. He already said they could have tried a charity donation thing which would not have taken anything from the government's coffers. Don't forget the gungans were saved tooby anakin. I am sure Jar Jar (ani's friend) could have convinced the boss to give something to trade.
  23. Thank you! Finally someone understands what I am trying to say!
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