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Everything posted by Lord_Arawn

  1. I feel disappointed, frustrated, for having gone through everything I've been through, solving several putzlers, jumping from car to car, often going back to the beginning, so now I can't finish the story, which should be for premium players. But even paying and being premium, I won't be able to finish the story, because in the last mission more than one player is needed to open the damn door! I'm terrible, very angry. If you do not want to let a player make a solo mission, why not put a warning before every story should be played in a group? Get to the end after all and could not finish the story is frustrating. Please fix this Bioware, like me many players like to play the game solo, to pay more attention to the story or simply because they like to make their game, with no one to curse you for not being a master of SWTOR and end be ejected from the group. Fix this quest, let the solo players finish the stories. Leave options to your players to play solo or in a group. Do not try to force a solo player to work together, because it will certainly disrupt the masters of the group unwittingly only for doing your game and in the end, will be a very bad mood for everyone.
  2. Thanks for the post and for all your efforts, it would be great to be able to play with my agent with him wearing a real imperial armor! I'm hoping that Bioware reads this topic.
  3. My desire is so great for the Digital Collector's Edition that I would have no problem taking steam, the value of a full game. I actually believe the game deserves it, I started playing in August last year, I'm now with 1600 hours of gameplay, it's without a doubt the game that I play the most, even though I have a very good amount of games in my steam library. In fact SWTOR is the only MMO I play currently, as it allows me to have a more solo experience, with a good history and characters. I think that a game that makes me have 1600 hours of gameplay deserves that I pay and help the developers to create a lot more things for it!
  4. Never mensioney that they should participate in the discussions, but if they posted a message, even a standard one, stating that they are aware of the idea and that it can be implemented or not in the game, it would be more than enough. I see so many players posting ideas, some very good ones, that don't seem to have ever been made known to the developers, as well as some bugs reported for years, that were never resolved, that sometimes make me believe that some sections of the forum just exist.
  5. It would be great if they relaunched a Digital Collector's Edition for the tenth anniversary, I would definitely buy one! I see no reason why something should be unique for so long, to this day I remember how frustrated I was when I couldn't use an imperial trooper armor on my Agent. I believe the reason why few comment here is because it seems that some sections of the forum are not observed by someone connected to the game's development. I often try to post an idea here, but I end up giving up when I remember that few will see it and that there won't be any feedback from the developers or anyone connected to them. I find the forum disheartening at times.
  6. I loved the suggestion, something like this is really missing in the game, we have many teammates and contacts, but with the exception of a few, most seem dead. HK's story was so good, fun and uncompromising, it's too many stories as we need it! Not to mention that we would have something different to do in the game, while there is no new expansion. My choice of companions: Jaesa Willsaam: It was really cool when there was interaction and she reported her quests, it would be really nice to send her on a quest. Lana Beniko: The most mysterious character in the game, it would be really interesting to find out more about her past and know her Sith name. Xalek: The Silent Assassin, another interesting character that due to his tribal origins, I can't get enough of seeing him almost as a Savage Opress. Major Pierce: It would be the story of the imperial soldier that Bioware never gave us. Malavai Quinn: It would be very interesting to follow his story and know what happened to the character. Mako: As stated above, her story also seemed unfinished to me, after all is she really a clone or not? Aric Jorgan: He was an interesting character in the trooper history, it would almost be a return to the fantastic history of this class. Tharan Cedrax & Holiday: What happened to this intriguing couple and what did Hollyday become? Nadia Grell: In the beginning she was a scared girl, but that was growing in the story. I would love to see her defend her planet in the Battle of Corellia and also send her on missions against the empire. Scourge and Kira: How was their hunt for the Emperor's true body?
  7. Something that would be very interesting to be implemented in the game would be the possibility of adding more outfit slots for companions, as happens with our characters. I like immersion in the game and in some companions it's nice to be able to change the outfit according to the planet or place you are and at the moment, to make this possible, I have to keep carrying some extra outfits in my inventory, this is very annoying . Bioware adding this disgust, you will only win, as you will be encouraging more players to buy outfits! Add this possibility in the game!
  8. First of all, welcome to the game, I don't agree with any of the requests you've written, but if it doesn't become mandatory for all players and doesn't affect me, I don't see the point in complaining about suggestion 4. Luke Skywalker himself was a farmer, so don't I see why not having musicians, fishermen, hunters and et, since we already have speeder runners during an event. I personally wouldn't want to be anything other than the "Sith Emperor of the Alliance who controls it with an iron fist and has an almost insatiable lust for blood", but I know there are those who like other things, so if it's to attract more players and it won't affect me, why not?
  9. Hello, I know this topic is perhaps one of the funniest on the forum, but I'm asking you to make a new customization of Lana Beniko, if possible with the appearance of Forged Alliances, but that it is possible to wear clothes, if not possible, because the model used was different, make a new look, really classic, like the one made by me: https://i.gyazo.com/6c394e0ca5e1d0e6c3353b3af90e4016.png It's a doable look, not identical to the look of Forged Alliances, but it has some small similarities and above all it's pretty. Lana's current look is very ugly, to give you an idea, to soften her face a little, I started to use a mask on her, because even the eyes, it's a nice face, but from the nose down, it gets very tense. I know you can make a visual better than I did this, do it and offering for sale, be assured that I and many will buy, but end the Mileena curse of our Lana!
  10. I come back again with some more Sith armor suggestions, which I would like to see a lot in the game! Lumiya Armor : https://cf.geekdo-images.com/SPP0T1tYitAJ8tGFD5C_aA__opengraph/img/D49BNyiuPVIuPD7APmDtMejZvbQ=/fit-in/1200x630/filters:strip_icc()/pic5392345.png https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/8a/47/368a4766c9fcc4da919a136639d1e137.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/097276d8c8f371f549adfe59d7c236bc.png https://www.starwars-universe.com/images/encyclopedie/personnages/images_v6/lumiya_imv6.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/56/9e/b9/569eb9ae1a36f88df150955fff1886a7.jpg https://rpggamer.org/shippics/lumiya.jpg -------------------------------------------- Darth Krayt Armor: http://pm1.narvii.com/7442/58103039265fb69944f421670265f9cee18da752r1-647-735v2_00.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/6326/066e07c6e03147e6582ef367a418a562b0822265_00.jpg https://boundingintocomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/2021.01.19-06.19-boundingintocomics-600722a8da198.jpg https://www.figurerealm.com/userimages/customs/89500/89313-1-58e806b1d45f9.jpg https://www.deviantart.com/jartistfact/art/Star-Wars-DARTH-KRAYT-696496634
  11. These little bugs unfortunately become disheartening over time. I was decorating my stronghold and I couldn't place Quinn because it was buggy and I couldn't place Kira and Scourge either, as I have them as companions. Really disheartening that, it would be really nice if someone from Bioware came to talk about it.
  12. It's the same for me with Quinn and I would love to put him in my Stronghold. It doesn't seem like a difficult problem to fix, at least it seems much easier than changing a whole number of skills, so why the delay to fix it? From what I've been seeing is a very old bug, which has been in the game since 2017 It's past time to be corrected.
  13. Please bring to the game a version of the mount Vader uses in Dark Visions! https://i.gyazo.com/6e730d7f08c257a0c1568273247b175d.png
  14. Make a decorative version of Scorge and Kira for characters from the Empire, because despite being my companions, it's not possible to put them as decorations in my stronghold.
  15. Heavy armor over medieval appearance, there are few in the game, especially with cover. Currently most of those who want a heavy armor with a cape, end up using Malgu's, generating some clones, which bothers me a lot. With that in mind, I'm asking you to bring Warb Null's armor into the game, it's heavy, imposing, with an intimidating cape and helmet, perfect for a Sith Warrior! https://i.gyazo.com/1479c5372d2934b19e01de91cf3cf211.png https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e5/ce/83/e5ce836aacacd3d57348dd700883dd17.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZpN93_ICbok/TdopnnEvgGI/AAAAAAAAE4w/cA54yUBPeNw/s1600/swtor+Warbnull+4.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Np5cjfvmqIE/TdopvEXjgiI/AAAAAAAAE40/Lp5BTxjivoI/s1600/swtor+Warbnull+5.jpg https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/19/18461/thumb_620x2000/Member_Profile_Warb.jpg Please bring her into the game with a caped and uncaped version. It is perfect!
  16. Your ideas are great, no kidding, you should be in the developer group. I always wanted to see Force Maelstrom in the game! So many great ideas, that would really generate a great change for the classes in this thread, it's a shame that Bioware doesn't accept any and stick with the same idea that made them create this thread.
  17. If the problem was lack of budget, would they make such a big change? I just don't understand, why don't they use that money to create real content, like new planets, something really similar to Knights of the Fallen Empire! game is content! I'm a new player, i started playing in august of last year, through steam, i never had problems with skills, my only problem with skills is the waiting time, which i think is very high. Apart from this problem, the main thing about the game is the lack of content, when something is released, it's just a flashpoint that ends in a short time. I would really like some new content, maybe even a new spaceship for the classes. I finished the game with all the classes, after finishing it, the problem of content misconduct started... I wonder how many new planets could be placed in the game, maybe even a new race... Why then go on with something expensive and that maybe can end the game? I honestly don't understand.
  18. That's exactly what I wanted for Swtor, one or two planets for an expansion is not enough, even more when in one of them there is a Flashpoint... I miss the time of Knights of the Fallen Empire, this was indeed a great and true expansion. . I always go a long time without playing, not because I find my skills problematic, but because of a lack of content. Unfortunately, winning prizes to get in doesn't keep me in the game, I just go in, do what I have to do for a minute or two, and get out. I really wanted a really great content, that makes me play a lot for many hours...but unfortunately Bioware prefers to focus on removing skills, I really hope my character doesn't get too weak, because I only play PVE and solo, if not I can play that way, with great sadness I'll have to leave...The way is to wait and see how it goes...
  19. Will the pvp skills continue as they are now? Only the pve content will be changed? If that's right, the bosses of every game, especially the Flashpoints, need to be weakened. Because the way it is, against some bosses it's already very complicated to fight, I wonder with the new changes. I liked the idea, but we can't lose abilities considered iconic, as this would change the class a lot. 35 seconds cooldown still think high, maybe it would be better to reduce the time to 25 seconds. Something that always bothered me was the cooldown of skills. Will the new Loadout system work as it's working now? If so, I figured it was something faster and more affordable for the moment. It will suck to have to go to fleet to change Skill Loadout. It should be something more immediate, maybe like using current legacy skills. If I have to go to the Fleet to change my skills, I'll leave my character as it is, as it will lose all grace for me. I want to be in a fight and in that fight, with my Sith Warrior, I can change my Loadout and shoot the Sorcerer's Force Lightning on that same enemy, to then change my Loadout and attack him with my saber. That would be nice, otherwise it would be tedious. I'll wait and see how it turns out, but I confess that I'm no longer so excited about Exp, I wouldn't want to lose skills, especially those that are iconic It would be nice if you offered us different abilities, as mentioned below by fellow Ghost: I hope I really misunderstood Loadout's workings, because as I understand it, I wasn't thrilled at all. Thanks for all.
  20. Thanks Jackie, I'll be waiting for feedback from the Devs. I sincerely hope they listen to the community and take into account everything that has been posted here. I wouldn't want this game to end...
  21. I played with Guardian Vigilance A 1. Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not. Yes and no. Almost everything was retained, but the iconic and strategic skill Saber Throw was withdrawn. Who here has never seen in movies and games a Jedi throwing his saber? Let Saber Throw as a Jedi Knight skill. 2. Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation? Many skills are missing that were used strategically. Saber Throw, Force Clarity, Force Kick and Focused Defense. Add these four skills and it will be perfect. 3. What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies? His damage against basic enemies is good, but against certain bosses it is extremely necessary that he has Saber Throw, Force Clarity, Force Kick and Focused Defense. Many bosses demand too much of the character, if for example he doesn't have Force Kick, it will be impossible to defeat some, besides that despite his damage being good, his defense left a lot to be desired. 4. How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class? I liked the simplification, but it needs to be improved a lot, because against some bosses it's unplayable, in fact against enemies a little stronger, it's already suffering a lot of damage. The game was tiring, as I ended up dying a lot. If I had joined the game now, I would have grown tired of it. 5. If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it. I understand the focus is on cleaning up the skills a little bit and that's good. My suggestion is to make Force Clarity and Focused Defense passive and remove Guard and taunt, add in their place Saber Throw and Force Kick as active. With that the class will be perfect, maybe even better than the current one.
  22. The big problem reported by Devs in this game is the lack of resources, money that can be used in it. So I had an idea, why not put all the expansions for sale on Steam and on the official website? With this Subscribed members would continue to receive the exps free, although it would allow them to buy them, as a cost allowance for Bioware and free members would also have access to them, gaining all game content. How would it work? Subscribed members would gain exclusive access to released expansions, after one year, this new expansion would be put up for sale so that other players or himself could buy it. If the registered member does not buy it, he would not lose access to it by being registered, the purchase of it would be another type of expense allowance for the game. It would be a help from fans, lol. I think that would please both sides and would make Devs and Bioware itself more excited about launching an expansion and have even more resources to use in the game. As a Subscribed member, I wouldn't mind paying again for content I already have, I think this fantastic game is worth it, even more so with the new expansion that will be released!
  23. In addition to all of the above ideas, please Bioware make more sexy armors like the ones below for Sith females chars. https://64.media.tumblr.com/8ead09b23145fe853e3b2ecc8db7e0eb/tumblr_p2tvr9HVdG1rkq899o1_1280.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/12/0f/14120f60234941f2740fef0201855e79.jpg https://www.deviantart.com/yenin/art/She-Lord-Sith-447688270 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swgames/images/7/7c/JA03.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090516230724 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/0c/f9/be0cf9f441afe7df3b2aa28311d2b495.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c2/b9/85/c2b9857ae59869b1964d06af7785beae.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/42/cd/18/42cd18a6778ee4a79a4dd1790734f041--star-wars-sith-star-wars-girls.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/564x/15/11/e8/1511e8ae1066b4da44f585f22af80b4f.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d4/12/1c/d4121c1a0c9372ba8be6fca9df8afdb9.jpg https://geekxgirls.com/images/_articles2/sexy-star-wars-2020-06.jpg https://geekxgirls.com/images/_articles2/sexy-star-wars-2020-07.jpg https://geekxgirls.com/images/_articles2/sexy-star-wars-2020-20.jpg https://geekxgirls.com/images/_articles2/sexy-star-wars-2020-21.jpg https://www.deviantart.com/blondynkitezgraja/art/Niul-Star-Wars-inspired-Sith-lord-825085252 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/14/a9/fa14a965aad1567d6af7b002ec574435.jpg https://preview.redd.it/zb0h1x5571x51.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&daecfb70 https://64.media.tumblr.com/6934cd3960840cc689bd89ee374d96b8/tumblr_n4f6wbeDTy1tztrdmo1_1280.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/d9/5f/3cd95fb535a5a1600a4b768cba1b604f.jpg https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/av7w2wb_460s.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/21/a9/3c21a9960bc6fd57d648cd4462af82d6.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/eb/53/4aeb5351e083a49c4ed89056750c6dd6.jpg
  24. The number of active companions corresponds to the number of crew on our ship, for that reason we can't use more than eight and I think it's fair. However, it should be possible to choose in Odessen, who will be part of our crew, that is, which ones will be active, as well as using more than one companion, as in KOTOR in PVE missions. Such implementations would give them more meaning and make the game better.
  25. Great text, make your my words. I am a new user in SWTOR, I knew the game when he went to Steam. I became a subscriber after finishing the story of my Sith Warrior, I thought the awards I won at the time were amazing, but today I see that there is a lack of greater attention to the Subs. Just like you, I would be very happy if received little stories of my companions, or even if I could use three companions, as in KOTOR and above all, it might receive more attention from someone connected to the Devs. Really missing little things, little treats for those who are subs, that really make us feel more important. I loved your suggestions and ideas!
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