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    Game Designer
  1. 100% agree, the change is really noticeable, in a bad way. It's simply broken.
  2. Edit: You need to make a new loadout and change class there, not change classes inside of 1 loadout. It saves hotbars that way:)
  3. I guess at this point I'm just trying to keep the thread going, as I've voiced most of my concerns already. I'm really worried about devs' silence over all the issues and negative feedback pouring in. If they at least acknowledged that they messed up and are aware of the general outrage, I'd feel safer about swtor's future. But that's not the case. I do not enjoy the game in its current state and I do not like where it's going. I know the rule of "This is not an airport, no need to announce your departure", but at this point I'm really considering unsubscribing until this mess is resolved. I'm not happy with gameplay changes, and the story "expansion" is everything but engaging.
  4. I rarely post anything on the forums, but this time I'm compelled to do so. I despise the gearing changes in 7.0. The changes reportedly coming in 7.1 make it even worse. I'm pretty sure everything I wanted to say was said already by other members of the community, but let me reiterate it one more time: There was nothing wrong with 6.0 gearing. Modifications were a fine and versatile system, made min-maxing interesting and engaging. You could tailor your gear in any way you wanted. Right now, you are forced to wear the exact same thing everyone wears, while the good stuff is locked behind the content 99% of players won't even touch. Even worse, if you really plan to bring back mods as OPS rewards, it will make my previous point even more frustrating - you took a perfectly good mechanic and locked it away. Just... why? I consider removing set bonuses a huge slap in our (collective) face. We've been grinding to get some of those for a long time, and you just made them useless. Even worse, their "replacement" is locked behind an even worse grind. I could live with simplified gearing, if all the new sets were easily available for everyone, just harder to upgrade. Taking away what we've already had is just bad and inconsiderate design, though. I've never seen such a consistently bad feedback as 7.0 is getting right now. Please, take it to the heart Bioware. Reverting to 6.0 system probably won't happen, but at least take us solo players into consideration from now on. We want freedom, not railroading and grind.
  5. I believe for sith warrior, all dark side choices are automatically picked. So Senya and Arcann die. All Imperial characters except Warrior save Torian, while Warrior saves Vette for known reasons
  6. I have encountered a bug in Dromund Kaas stronghold. The arrival console on the first floor (elevator room) is missing for me. Now that I've changed the spawn point to the landing pad, I can't change it back to the default.
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