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Everything posted by BrooklynKnight

  1. They are more then welcome to do that. I'll simply /ignore the player and never have to worry about queing with them ever again. This is what /ignore is for. Eventually we'll just filter each other out.
  2. I'm sorry but I agree with the statement and not with the OP. This is a PVE/RP server. PVP just happens to be a very efficient way to farm a very important resource. If there was no codex entries to earn or Molec Stabilizers or some BIS Gear then I wouldn't PVP at all. It's just not to my last. There is a very specific reason why they designated the servers as PVP and PVE. That's why I'm here. If you're looking for some sort of challenge then either only que for a ranked match or only PVP on a PVP server and leave the normal matches to begginers and those of us who don't have an intrest in the effort. Nobody is forcing you to play with us. You've got no right to ask anyone to change their play style to suit you. If I encounter someone who I'd rather not play with I simply /ignore them and the system will make sure I don't get que'd with them any more.
  3. Hopefully third try is the charm. Perhaps now that server populations have consolidated and we have more P2P'ers playing the alt web community like this can grow a bit. The last two versions seem to have died, one when the game launched and another 6 months ago so I've created a new subreddit for Ebon Hawk. http://www.reddit.com/r/Ebon_Hawk If you're a Redditor and play here on Ebon Hawk then come join the ranks. If you're not and/or have no clue what the point of this is, then feel free to ignore it! I am looking for volunteers to help me manage the place and make it look spiffy.
  4. I can now also craft Advanced Agile Mod 26 and Advanced Potent Mod 26 on Amarune my Imp. And the Advanced Intuition 26 Enhancement on my Jedi BrooklynKnight. As before, Free but very willing to take donations.
  5. Hi, You can add me to the list, My Jedi Knight BrooklynKnight can craft Advanced Bulwark Enhancement 26. I'll craft it for Free, and I'll be happy to take donations!
  6. I forgot to include the Hard Modes and Flashpoints. Nobody wants to do those bonuses either. They feel it's a waste of time.
  7. Nearly 100 views and not a single reply? Sheesh, tough crowd or what.
  8. Hi You'll forgive me if the topic was broached before, but I havn't been able to find a thread on the topic. I'm a bit of a completionist. I enjoy completing all the mission objectives. When doing the various Daily Missions on Belsavis and Ilum with my friends they often refuse to do them and rush off to get the primary mission done. They reason that at 50th level the reward for completing any of these bonus missions is not worth the effort. They neither care for the meager social xp it offers, nor are they concerned as much with Legacy XP. The bonus missions don't really make sense do they? Maybe if you're doing them for the first time at level 47-49, but not when you're 50 and doing them every day. The primary reason people do dailies is for credits. After you've bought everything available with daily commendations it's the only reason left. What I'm suggesting, hoping, and asking for here is that bonus be missions be given something that creates incentive to complete them. A very simple and straightforward thing to do would be simply add a credit reward or convert any xp gained to credits at a 1:1 ratio (I'll be honest I'll even be satisfied with .75 : 1). Maybe an extra daily commendation? How about a bonus daily mission that awards 1 Black Hole commendation if you complete every bonus? I'm sure the community here can think of a better idea then I. However, if you're not going to add incentive for people to repeat these bonus missions then maybe you can make them more like the Ilum Bonus. You do it once, get a large bonus (6 Daily Coms!), and then it's gone. That would be a good compromise too. Well, thanks for reading.
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