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Everything posted by Voroschuk

  1. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    I was just pointing out that base classes have abilities, you know. I wasn't quoting anyone. I said it could be like this and it could be like something else. Just watched the "combat styles" part of the stream again and they said it will "still roughly be like the advanced class.. obviously this is an expansion and we gonna be adding new gameplay elements... it's really the simplest way to understand it". IDK man, that could mean anything)
  2. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    Not gonna lie I lowkey want to see that happen lol. Some specs are already stupidly overperforming and some specs are a meme, at least we are going to see the new stuff. Otherwise, this is just the same 24 specs, but you can switch 12 of them per char.
  3. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    You will still have your general class abilities, lets say I wanna make bounty hunter with sniper/operative combat style, and look what I'm getting there: Kolto Overload Hydraulic Overrides Energy Shield Electro Dart Rail Shot Thermal Sensor Override Vent Heat Stealth Scan Heavy Armor But I won't be getting: Evasion Corrosive Dart Countermeasures Distraction Frag Grenade Flash Bang Shield Probe Adrenaline Probe At least that's what they told in the stream. You get any adv class on top of your general class. And this is super weird cuz playing merc or powertech won't make any sense on top of agent general class, but snipers and opers can be super strong on top of BH gc. Well they also did say they are going to move around some abilities and make some balance tweaks, so maybe it will work somehow, or maybe it won't make any difference if you're BH Sniper or IA Sniper or anything else.
  4. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    The thing is if you choose damage mitigation you melt almost the same way as if you pick damage build but with damage build you deal damage at least (and you still deal less dmg than dps specs, those numbers you see is aoe damage, not a single target burst), Jesus Christ you people have no idea what is a tank playstyle and gearing is, don't know why it is the way it is, yet you still go cry at them asap on the forums cuz u cant kill a juggie with grit teeth. There is no other way of making a tank spec useful in pvp other than running high endurance dps build right now, its not some game mechanics abuse its just there is no other way of playing them that makes sense at all And how are you going to stop people from placing damage mods into their sets instead of mitigation ones lol?
  5. I'd like to have 1 charge of Rocket Out on my PT that will work like sniper's roll: with 100%DC and 10% heal. Also, I think our HO should give us full cc immunity (like Entrench does for snipers). And if our Jet Charge could give us a small shield (idk like 5% or smth) that would be very nice as well)) It would be also nice to see updated models of shoulder cannon and wrist gadgets, they look really outdated now. And deadly onslaught should have a different animation IMO, the current one is too intense lol, I'm not an anime mecha giant transformer, jeez
  6. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    I guess for vanguards and powertechs "oh ****" button is called "Return To Medcenter"
  7. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    They are underperforming even in regs rn that's true, but I can't say they are absolutely useless. Sin tanks used to be very powerful before force speed dr and DV damage nerf. PT tanks were mediocre but you could still see much more people playing them before 6.x than rn. It's just people were always complaining about skank tanks in general, but they forget that those tanks were never equally powerful in the first place. And now we have literally one immortal tank and others are so weak in comparison that it is pointless to pick them if you want to win in arenas
  8. Voroschuk

    Dev's PVP push

    I have a feeling that all those "nerf skank tanks" posts here will make pt and sin tank useless even in regs with the next few updates... The last skank tank nerf bats hit all 3 classes and look how well that turned out
  9. Voroschuk

    PT set bonus

    Emergency Power. You can get it in Vet/Master mode Nature of Progress operation
  10. Don't exaggerate, no one promised you anything and as I remember it, tanks were complaining about the whole tanking system which is based purely on RNG (DCD's arent tank specific, and we all know that the best cooldowns were given to mercs and opers) and even worse than that defense and shield/absorb stats were working only for non-crit weapon damage. Now at least the shield/absorb thing makes some sense in PVP but since the gear that provides these stats also gives us a defense rating (which is still absolutely useless because defense rating from gear works only for white dmg and its RNG) instead of power, guess what, everyone is still running skank build, maybe with some shield relics/augs. Very little has changed, your HP, Armor, and a little buff to internal/elemental DR are still the only things you can count on as a tank and almost everything else is shared with other specs, shield is just something you can only hope will trigger when you get hit with something like ambush or energy burst. You also have to realize that even if every tanking stat worked perfectly in PVP no one would ever run a full mitigation build in arenas unless your defensive stats would somehow affect your guard and taunt damage reduction
  11. Go make yourself a PT/sin tank and jump into few arenas
  12. Yeah right tanks have to be bad at mitigating damage lol. Your problem guys is Jugg tank, not tanks in general, (there are 2 other tanks but i know you may forgot they exist)
  13. Voroschuk

    PvP Balancing.

    AP PT is the first target rn and it's pretty far from a meme tier, not sure if your point makes sense bro
  14. What is the point of having the ability that helps other players if you get focused first and you can't really defend yourself?
  15. Can't confirm this myself, because I don't have the set yet, but I've seen dudes from Theorycrafters discord were complaining about the same issue. Seems like PT's get the self-heals and VG's don't and I really hope that it is working as intended for Powertechs and not for VG's.
  16. Well, to be fair PT has the best initial burst, you can easily do 250k damage on 1 target during exposive fuel (I did like 270k on a dummy in 15 seconds with Right Price + Superheated fuel), but rarely you will face someone that stupid who won’t start kiting/reflecting that damage, or just popping their DCD’s when they see your EF buff in a real PVP match, plus Firestorm, your hardest hitting ability can be avoided completely, and it’s not even hard to do that, simple strafe/roll/force speed when you get that big *** fire icon above your head, and even if they are standing still you can miss because of lag, Neural Trigger tactical fixes that issue, but you lose so much DPS that you get killed first anyway. So yeh, if you want to be a tank in PVP just play Jugg. And if you still want to play PT tank don’t q ranked, that will save you a lot of nerves. You can still perform in regs but you will never perform above average, no matter how good you know the class, the lower skilled players running meta will always eventually kill you and your desire to bother with PVP on Shield Tech spec
  17. Haha yes, right now the only way to describe PT playstyle is "suicide bomber", especially with Meteor being the most popular set for DPS specs: you jump in for 15 sec then explode, heck you even explode right after being killed if you have EF on lmao. I always thought they used a flamethrower to keep their distance or to smoke someone out from buildings, not to fry their bounties to death. It will make more sense to have 1 short-range flamethrower ability as a pushback (PT is a mid-range class so we should be able to keep melee away) and a long-range one that will blow the target out of cover, so we could jet charge or grapple it. It would be also great to have some escape ability as well, every other class has some way of getting away if things are not going so well, where PT is just going to die. I would happily trade my "insane burst" for those things.
  18. Well I may not be the super pro PVP'er but I think I can tell you how to make PT tank work at least in regs Superheated Fuel tactical is a must in any PVP match except for Huttball, there you can use Neural Trigger or Second Contract for maximum trolling/objective-based play. Meteor Brawler set will give you the best burst but have in mind that people know how to work around Firefall, so Right Price is a safer bet. I don't have Dxun locked sets but I think that Veteran Ranger could be the best PT tank set for PVP since it buffs your single target burst and gives you some nice heals if you choose Shield Cannon utility. Relics are up to you, run red relics for more DPS, blue relics for more survivability, but don't use relics that increase your defense rating, they are useless in PVP, Shield Matrix and Reactive Warding are good ones, I mean of course 12500 Absorb shield every 40 sec is meh but at least it works for every type of damage. Primeval Fatesealer relic can be used to get the most of your burst window, I'm not sure if it's worth it, but it's kind of fun. Stats are pretty much obvious, get yourself an Alacrity cap (1260 or something) and the rest goes to Crit. You may want to put something to your Shield Rating, but do that only with Shield Matrix relics and Shield augments. Your combat amplifiers should be Tech Wizardry. Utilities you should consider choosing are Skillful: Iron will, Engulfing Flames, Suppressive Tools, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets; Masterful: Pyro Shield, Mutilating Shards, Hitman, Efficient Suit; Heroic: Overdrive, Shield Cannon, Torque Boosters. Since PT tank is not really a melee spec nor is it ranged it is crucial to be at a "right" distance from your target: Going face to face with a fully melee class in 4m distance will get you killed, and your Firestorm won't hit anything if you stand too close to the enemy. Try to fight melee specs at the open ground so you can kite them while doing damage, and lure ranged classes to closed spaces so they have no way to run. Always try to hit more than 1 enemy with your attacks but don't just jet charge into the enemy teams, Powertechs are always the first targets regardless of the spec, so sometimes it's much better to use Grapple instead.
  19. Well, from my experience PT tanks are not wanted in ranked, and even if you're really good at this class you still won't excel easily, go ask if you'll find one. Just look at how often people tank on something other then Juggs, that will say it all, PT and Sin tanks are dead in PVP because Juggs are simply better at almost everything.
  20. It will look weird if you are faced away from the target during your suggested animation, imagine PT throws a grenade and it starts flying/rolling backwards xD Instead, I would suggest this: PT throws a drone (Scorch animation) then starts to click something on his wrist computer while the drone unloads with gunfire and missiles, then flies back to PT.
  21. I think having some sort of filter for WZ is a good thing, I would also like to see solo and group unranked as separate queues, and Huttball should be only for groups, maybe a separate q as well with its own ranking system.
  22. Class and spec imbalance? Stupid matchmaking system (still getting 1v4 from time to time lol)? Premades vs pugs? Class stacking? Trolls and throwers? Not specific arena problems ofc, but arenas suffer from those things the most. Not that I agree with removing arenas from regs, to be honest, I like playing those (can't play ranked much because I don't main meta specs) but don't ask stupid questions pls lmao
  23. No other slow is this powerful = it's something busted?
  24. Give PT survivability first, then talk about nerfing anything about them, every spec has a cc immune abilities and an escape/gap close on shorter then 30sec CD. Most specs can 1v1 a PT, the problems start when they get a pocket guard/heal, then they become truly broken. An easy and obvious fix to this is giving them more dcd/escape and nerfing their burst window, I would also like to see that yolo suicide bomber set gone for good. But taking away their CC is bad decision, it will make PT dps specs even more braindead, and the tank spec will have even less odds of surviving the tunnels.
  25. I have the same issue and I made a thread about it recently http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=986525
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