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Everything posted by tasmen

  1. Here's the screenshot: http://oi61.tinypic.com/4lnmvb.jpg
  2. In addition to the tank position we have open, we have operative and merc healer positions open to fill out our raid teams. We are looking for people that are interested in pushing end game content such as the upcoming release of DF Nim. Please contact Sev'ak or me in game if interested or put in an application on our forums.
  3. Save flashpoint knowledge for the medium-core guilds.
  4. There is only one phase walk for me and it's Srs'Bsns.
  5. Updating to state we are in need of both DPS and a tank. Tank must be available for Friday & Saturday raids starting at midnight EST until 3am EST. Would prefer Jugg or Sin tank.
  6. *bump* Still looking for more DPS (maybe even a healer too) to round out our groups!
  7. You would think that, but.... It a channel we dare not speak the name of. It is the Voldachannel.
  8. Yeah, I'd be interested to know if this happened as well. I totally spaced on the date & time due to the holidays and plague of coughusts that descended upon my house.
  9. I think word 'bullying' gets bandied around so loosely it has seriously started to lose its true meaning. The people that are having things said to them about their ill gotten gains are not being cyber-bullied. Harassed? Maybe. Bullied? Not at all. Saying a group of people being given crap for cheating and sometimes profit from said cheating (see Tam's screenshot) are being bullied belittles the experiences of those that have truly felt cyber bullying. Let's be careful how we use that word and use it only when appropriate. (Re: not in this situation) Also, I would state that those using the system to cheat and get 78 MH hilts/barrels are doing FAR more to make TEH look bad than those calling them out in their cheating ways.
  10. Extricate, resurgence, bubble and force speed are probably the things I cast most when in Huttball. Once you have force speed, you make a somewhat decent ball carrier and a well timed pull is always appreciated. But yes, it is definitely harder to wrack up heal #'s in huttball. Thing is, the only #'s that should matter in huttball are how many points your team has gotten. DPS, Heals, etc. don't matter for poop if you aren't getting that ball across the end zone
  11. We are looking for a couple dps to round out our raid teams. Are you a dummy parse hero that can mechanic and bring the damage into a raid environment? Apply with us!
  12. Which rewards exactly are you referring to? Would these be the ones you purchase with helixes you can get from doing more PVE than PVP content? Or is there some hidden vendor stocked full of kitten pets and the long awaited banana hammock for men adpative wear? If so, please do tell me where to find this unicorn of a vendor. Quinn needs a new outfit.
  13. I know i've heard of at least one person already being reported for 'ganking'. My only sadness about this event is that I am going to miss the first 5 days of it due to going out of town.
  14. Proper Villains is recruiting for some dps spots as well as a tank spot for our 3rd raid team. We are current 10/10 HM new content, 2/7 NIM S&V and 4/5 NIM TFB. Feel free to message Tasmen, Sev'ak or Snobunny in game if you want to talk about PV or we can figure out a time to invite you to our mumble and chat with you there.
  15. Got a coupleI'm posting for others (dekadence and Jar'axel) and myself. All for a 4 v 4 arena 1. Name: Dekadence 2. Guild: Proper Villains 3. Class: Mara 4. Map: Corellia Square 5. Stat Category: Overall Damage 6. http://oi43.tinypic.com/2v8kfpf.jpg 1. Name: Jar'axel 2. Guild: Bane 3. Class: Powertech 4. Map: Corellia Square 5. Stat Category: Overall Protection/Protection in a Single Life/Most medals 6. http://oi39.tinypic.com/2vt9zra.jpg 1. Name: Taslin 2. Guild: Proper Villains 3. Class: Operative 4. Map: Corellia Square 5. Stat Category: Overall Heals/HPS/Most medals 6. http://oi42.tinypic.com/sxcbib.jpg
  16. Are you a skilled tank? Are you rocking at the dps in raid situations and not just as a dummy parse hero? Do making green numbers go all floaty over people's heads as they stand in fire get you excited? We may have a spot for you. We are about to start running 2 groups after Thanksgiving and are now building a 3rd as well. We also have spots for alternates.
  17. Posting this for Az as he couldn't take a screenshot. 1. Name - A'zrael 2. Guild - Proper Villains 3. Class - Juggernaut 4. Map - TC 5. Stat Category - Protection & Protection per Single Life 6. Screenshot - http://oi42.tinypic.com/2vjc4ld.jpg
  18. If this is the app I'm thinking of, we spoke on late Saturday night? We usually run folks in trial runs when we run SM ops. That is going to be on Thursday or Friday. If you are at all still interested, post your availability in your app so that we have an idea if you will be around. Also include the names of the toons we should be searching for.
  19. What Sev'ak said. Aisthesis raids on both sides. That said, a lot of people on imp side & pub side have their main guilds and then slum (or live the high life ) in opposite faction guilds. Example, Proper Villains (Empire guild) has people in both Aisthesis and UWA on pub side and there are folks from UWA in PV. I would recommend finding a guild that you like on both sides and going from there?
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