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Everything posted by tasmen

  1. I'd argue some of those kills from dps couldn't happen without the aid of healers. Saying healers should get credit for kills is negating that AND that a some healers (especially sorc/sage) actually DO damage to folks during matches.
  2. Why not? Healers contribute to kills all the time.
  3. Bumping to the top. Still looking for some high quality players that want to have fun and kill things.
  4. Not Tasmin, but Taslin Yes, join us, but please bring no ham.
  5. I cry...while at work... not online.
  6. Errors happen. Contact CS and you should get a refund or the coins.
  7. For what it is worth, i transferred from Harbringer and have not regretted the decision. Queues can be long at times (even as a healer), but they haven't seemed overly long.
  8. Just transferred last week and am looking to see if there are any raid groups in need of a 55 sorc. Been away from the game for a while and got pulled back in by friends that started to play once more (thus the transfer). So um.. hi?
  9. I agree and disagree with you. A highly geared 'tracer missile' merc can take me down if they get crits and are on their interrupts. However, usually, it takes more than one person (and let's face it, solo kills in pvp aren't that common). Healers in general can be really hard to take down if people aren't using all the tools in their toolbox. It never ceases to amaze me how many people forget that they have interrupts or that they should focus on the opposing team's healer. Now all that said, I absolutely DO agree with you about the # of medals. If I don't dps as well as heal during a fight (which makes me heal less than I could if I fully concentrated on just healing), I end up with considerably less medals. I would love to see Bioware do something for healers in general about this.
  10. You can run 'Lights Out' in Belsavis (4 person heroic daily that you can solo with force speed/khem val). That particular quest gives companion weapons (top level orange already mod'd) as a reward. Run that twice and you'll get level 50 guns for Andronikos. Or you can do what was already suggested and get some guns you can keep mod'd. That is what I did when leveling up.
  11. I play a sorc healer and usually get about 6-9 medals per game. I manage to dps part of the time and heal the rest. I do a lot of Dot'ing, stunning, slowing and shocking the enemy team. I also shield teammates whenever they are nearby as well as heal. I have a full healing spec. Will I top the dps meters on the board at the end of the game? But I also don't feel gimpy. Good thing about sorcs is our healing gear helps out our dps output.
  12. Ya know, pre-mades are not a recipe for a win. There are lots of ways a pre-made can lose. Also, not all pre-mades are going to be high ranked pvp'rs. Our guild pvps a lot. Sometimes we have the higher ranked players together and other times we take fresh 50s with us with no pvp experience to help them learn. I guess the point I'm making is I see no problem with pre-mades being allowed to queue together and I see no reason to add another mechanism into the game because people chose to go into pvp in this manner.
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