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Posts posted by lukeisjedi

  1. FFXIV and other games can charge money cause they producing content, swtor can't charge cause it isn't, simple as that. Are you really telling me the most greedy game company doesn't want to charge money for expansions? Come on.


    As for the other, I'm not saying pandemic didn't have any effect, I'm saying pandemic affected every game company and they still released the game updates.


    And yes swtor has something for me and for you since we are here, but that doesn't reflect as the population as a whole hence the numbers. They caught up so much from the beginning to voice acting, and it's ok for the people to leave and come back later mentality we are here today. They forget something very important: end game.


    And yes it couldn't produce content fast enough since the beginning because after the lunch people dropped it like flies hence f2p model since almost the beginning. And keep that in mind this game had the biggest budget for any initially released MMO, ever. And not the mention biggest IP in the world too. Like what's even some weeb ff compared to star wars? What is even world craft compared to star wars? Nothing.

    Do you think swtor should be where it's supposed to be? Come on, seriously. Even Bioware doesn't.


    SWTOR is making content just not as expansive as FFIV or WOW. And the content imo here is better than that story wise anyway. And the game is doing just fine population wise. Not the numbers maybe WOW or FFIV has but enough to keep it running.

  2. I think to myself...


    "Hmm how am I going to deal with the ridiculous leveling speed?"


    "I know, I'll limit myself to crafted gear using mats from planets as I reach them".


    "Oh but I want to stack alacrity to speed up combat a bit. I can stack alacrity without increasing my direct damage, and it's not limited by level sync so it's a fair course of action".


    "But alacrity scales down with level so limiting myself to low level crafted gear as I rocket up in levels would be pointless, not to mention the only crafting skill that lets me stack alacrity is Cybertech".


    "I know, I'll just use vendor alacrity enhancements. They're only greens but oh well, I guess I'll just have to compromise".


    "But if I do that, then what's the point of crafting? I mean I do enjoy crafting in this game, but it's kinda rendered useless by the leveling rate. I suppose I could use one of the other armor crafting skills for the hell of it and give up on stacking alacrity for gear with fixed stats (I'd have to do the same on WoW). I mean ultimately stats are meaningless at low levels due to level sync. It's a shame I can't twink out my character just for the hell of having nice shiny epic gear. I mean I could, but then I'd need a second character with Slicing, or compromise yet again and buy the slicing mats off the GTN (I guess I'd also have to do this on WoW)."


    "Oh well, I mean there's no way I'm going to slow down my leveling whatever I do. Just use the vendor enhancements. I'll still hit the level sync cap with just those enhancements."


    And then I log on to the game.



    "Oh, this game is still boring."

    Why are you here if you don't like the game? IMO It's far from boring but i play differently than you I think.

  3. that was the problem, only a small percentage liked it. Compared to the class stories , in my opinion, it's not as alt friendly, or as much fun repeated. Although, I've started doing the master mode with a friend, and found it more fun, than solo.


    I agree it gets repetitive as the story doesn't change but I quite liked the story though it makes most sense as a force user. But I like the return to Empire/ Republic more.

  4. And the reason the Order of Zildrog arc has 'so many' Flashpoints (3; Umbara, Copero and Nathema) is because players complained about "Eternal Empire storyies bad!11!! Gimme Pub/Imp War!", so instead of getting the full final expansion of the Eternal Throne trilogy, they ended up slapping whatever they had finished together into the Flashpoints and pushing it out so they could work on bringing back the Republic/Empire War storylines... and promptly cause players to complain "Sabo story same as Loyal one, what point?"...

    I never understood that. I liked KotFE nd KotET.

  5. Pretty much like the title says...


    I'm in a little bit of a funk that when i get a toon up to Lvl. 75 i stop doing as much of the story. I think this is related to the fact that i also stop progress for the week once i hit conquest, but that's not the question.


    So do you stop at 75 or finish the story up through Onslaught? (Don't care if you skip Knights or not.)


    I at least work my way through the class story. I dont do the expansions on all my characters.

  6. Last full size planet was Makeb for me.


    Planets like Yavin4, Ossus, Dantooine are only daily planets for me.

    Would be cool to get full size planet with class stories, or at least rep/imp story with many side quests and long main quest.


    I felt Ossus Meksha were well done minus the fps dips. But yeah I'll take a new planet and I bet we get one or two with the new story.

  7. So with the most recent Dev post, I see that we are again at the mercy of how they want us to play the game and not how WE want to play. "In PvP, we want to continue to foster more high quality matches in Ranked, especially Group Ranked. So far this year we’ve boosted rewards to that end, but haven’t seen as much movement there as we would like. So, in addition to boosting conquest rewards for Ranked (as indicated in David’s post), we are introducing an additional exclusive reward which is required to build the new augments." And then, "To be clear, these augments will require BOTH the PvE material (only available in Master Mode Operations) AND the PvP material (only available in Ranked) to craft. We acknowledge that many players prefer one mode over the other, however we have a robust trading economy that rewards those who make these scarce materials available either via the Galactic Trade Network or simply trade chat."

    What this means is they are forcing players to do what they want us to do regardless of how we want to play. If you want to have the augments and not pvp, its very clear you are going to have to pay millions and millions to have access to them through GTN. They have done this before, pushing pvp on the populace because that's what they care about, and it failed. I'm so sick of the Devs running this game this way. Because of Zors and the pvp minded devs the common player has suffered since the first year the game was launched.

    With all the grand knowledge going on an Bioware/EA, maybe they could fix the bugs in the game that have been there for a number of years, making the game better and easing quality of life. I'm guessing this is just the way it going to be until we get a new mmorpg Star Wars game in the future. This 6.1.4 patch is going to be trash.


    There is more than one way to pay this game. Like it or not people do pvp and that is who will grind for these.

  8. What you don't seem to under stand is that I only aggroed 2 groups that were originally composed of a group of 6 NPC's and a one Gold star with 2 adds, a total of 9 NPC's not 21.... All the other 10 NPC' and the additional Gold Star, dropped in after the groups were aggroed. So I got the original group of 6 that became 12 and the one Gold star that Became 3 and his 2 adds became 6. Plus they were all Advance NPC's and immune to knock back and stun. So I could not use CC's meaning that I could NOT Stun, Hold or Knock back ANY OF THEM.


    When was the last time you can remember every NPC in a group being Immune to ALL Crowd Controls. 21 NPC's totally Immune to all CC's


    I also used to be able to handle 21 NPC's before using ONLY my tank companion, because that is the way I always play. Prior to about a month ago I could have had my companion pull them ALL, all 21 of them and HOLD aggro (so long as I did not over DPS and pull them off) and I could then kill them. ALL 21 OF THEM but now I can not. Because 18 of them ran past my Tank to come an kill me then the other 2 came to join. All 21 NPC's completely ignored my Tank and Came out of their way to KILL ONLY me.


    Don't set your companion to tank? Maybe that would fix it? I've not run across a situation like this.

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