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Everything posted by Mewmaker

  1. why doesn’t this already exist? I mean, we have one for credits. Why should f2p/preferred players be totally barred from getting anything from quest once they reach the lvl cap? Come on, guys, I’m not asking anything crazy, like letting prefs have command, (although this would be nice)it would be like the credit escrow, except for xp/cxp. I think this would be a nice alternative for preferred who r lvl 70 and use referrals.
  2. Oh, ok sorry, I thought u were talking about the first solo story mode. However- u r right about the datacrons, I’ve done about ten and I only have two decos.
  3. In reference to the first post though, it would be awesome if they added new rewards to it- the cartel certificates need to drop more, as the rep is useless in the cartel bazaar without them. For instance, I just thought of something. It could be a reward/rep vendor item/cm item- a new slot machine that you would need legend rank to use, and it would drop custom items/mounts/toys etc. and with a chance of dropping grand chance cubes and cm certificates, and maybe like million-credit token.
  4. It sounds nice, but the reality is that it’s probably not going to happen. While it would probably be easy to program, the drop rates are already pretty high.
  5. This is a great idea, I love those things play em twenty chips a time, and just got champ rank.
  6. And each discipline would have essentially the same story, but the healer might have save people, the damage might have kill or capture these people, and tank would have figure out what is happening to these people
  7. This would be kind of bland, as you would already know the outcome of everything you do. However, this does give me an idea for a sort of new class. Say you had a guy that was sort of a jack-of-all-trades, that would be hired by anyone, (sort of like a mix between the smuggler and bh), and it would have no advanced class, just three disciplines- heal, tank, damage. The three disciplines would have slightly different storylines with the healer helping people, the damage guy acting as a mercenary, and the tank doing sort of a bit of each. With each discipline, there would be weapons skills- basically your essential weapon and a stealth skill for healers, a weapon and shield for tank, and two weapons for damage.
  8. Alternatively, they could just make it cheaper.
  9. Yeah, the current ship is kind of ugly and hard to navigate.
  10. Yeah, however, some people are f2p because they don’t get enough income to sub or buy cc. I don’t see why those people should not be allowed to get even a fraction of the full game content. However, I do see your point.
  11. In relation to this, this is kind of unrelated but when you conquer a planet in guild invasions, you should get some sort of deco for the planet, or a view for it from ur guild ship.
  12. This is a good idea. With the new conquest changes and the sh bonus, conquest is broken. I know people who completed conquest in less than a day. This idea actually makes sense.
  13. They should remove this unlock from the game. It provides serious limitations on flashpoint loot for f2p players, and also prevents them from having really good gear. I know this has been suggested before, but please show your support for this to make the game more accessible to people with f2p status.
  14. That actually sounds like a good idea. I know people who have spent hundreds of dollars on this game in the last few days
  15. This probably has been suggested before, and I doubt it will happen, but I think it would be nice if you could repeat the original conquest introduction quest ( you know, the one from the priority mission terminal that rewards a chance cube.)
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