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  • Location
    Brisbane Australia
  • Interests
    Playing swtor, sports,
  • Occupation
    work at Supermarket.
  1. i have this cool idea and i'm sure its been posted by other people but, my idea is adding double lightsaber traning for the Sith Jugg and jedi knight But with a catch. you (we) have to buy the traning via cartel market and can not be added to the collections. When seeing the Zakkul lightsaber pike i have always wanted to use it for my Jugg with my Zakuul knight armour insteed of making a new class. Hope its a good idea and hope to see it added to the game in the near future.
  2. Hello guys how's it going, so i have an idea for a new ship for the bounty hunter, well i'm not sure if it will ever go through but be worth a try. so my idea is, what if we could replace the bounty hunters ship with a new and more better one, i was thinking of a cool ship, the ship is the Death Watch's shuttle used in the TV show star wars the clone wars, but make it more older version like make it old, my other idea is a Rouge class fighter but that won't even work because it does not have enough space. i don't mind the current ship but it does not suit my needs.
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