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Everything posted by AbilityDrain

  1. Arcann's favourite hobbies include killing family members, chain-smoking and adding to his carbonite-heroes collection... on the weekends he crafts armour. Quite the Tinder profile, 10/10 would bang!
  2. We'll kill ourselves last, out of sheer boredom of having nothing to do on account of destroying everything.
  3. And that Golden Hutt statue on Nar Shaddaa, it deeply offends my taste in decor!
  4. Nope, we're pulling a Vitiate and killing all life in the entire galaxy!
  5. He's dedicated, I'll give him that! I guess it's either a massive oversight or a second variation of the dumping scene will get added to the game in 5.9 after his Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint conclusion... assuming he returns and isn't killed off. Here's hoping they fix it at some point if it's not added in with 5.9.
  6. There's a lot of male on male hate too, I've always wondered if it's jealousy in some cases. I once had an ex that HATED Alistair from DA:O just because I liked him and romanced him in the game... that being said, the ex in question was a bit of a nutjob sooooo yeah.
  7. I mean, I guess it's possible that he had no prior experience or interest in such things when hatred and destruction were the only things that interested/consumed him prior to the cleansing ritual. ... Either that or the Voss slipped him some of that fine aphrodisiac herb. Perhaps he'll discover BDSM, he'd probably be good at it, best of both worlds!
  8. I didn't find it too bad, but it's that time of the month so I'm feeling more soppy than usual. For an ex-tyrant he's quite a likable fellow really, he even made us a nice knitted sweater- er, I mean bad a** armour... just like grandma used to make! What a good boy.
  9. What was the bloody point of that new "special weapon" anyway? Never even used it in the fight with Arcann because you just shield bash him into submission.
  10. I guess it depends on the person or the way you're roleplaying your toon. If it was me I'd absolutely kill Quinn years down the line for the betrayal he'd committed years earlier, but I hold a grudge like a motherf***** and to be fair he did try to kill us first, so I don't personally find it unrealistic because I'm the type of person that will happily wait years to take revenge on someone if they've severely wronged me.
  11. I only started playing SWTOR last month so the only character I had ready was my Smuggler who is already romancing Theron, the temptation to romance Arcann is strong though. Admittedly, one of the main reasons I romanced Theron was because he's so heavily involved in the DLCs and expansions (I didn't bother romancing anyone from the class story because most of them get shafted story-wise in the expansions). I'm mildly concerned that because Arcann is killable (and now that there's a very real possibility that Theron could end up being killable in May's flashpoint) going forward there may not be much in the way of story content featuring either of them, particularly if the way they handled Koth was anything to go by. I've always preferred to go for characters that feature heavily because it feels less jarring, but I really don't want to romance Lana LOL.
  12. Agreed. If it feels right for the story and the companion/character in question has done something terrible to warrant it then absolutely there should be a kill option, but to kill them just for the sake of it seems kinda pointless, plus it would make things complex going forward when it comes to future main game story content.
  13. Well, you know what they say: "killer in the streets, virgin in the sheets!"
  14. Wouldn't there need to be an in-game reason to do it? Far as I can tell he's not actively done anything to the protagonist yet for them to warrant it (outside of the player just not liking the character, I mean).
  15. That's hilarious! Maybe there will be a new one implemented with the 5.9 update... assuming he rejoins the Alliance. I'm saving this Arcann mission until after The Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint comes out, just in case my toon ends up single. Not gonna lie, he's made it 100% more difficult to stay loyal to Theron... spy boy better have a damn good reason for his actions AND needs to turn on the charm/make me feel all the feels in May otherwise I'm jumping ship and boarding the SS Arcann!
  16. I cut some of your post down just to reduce size. I think perhaps the reason Vaylin was "irredeemable" (at least from the writers perspective, this is me being purely speculative btw) was that usually, it's the female villain/bad girl that can be "saved"/redeemed particularly when romance is thrown into the mix (or as I like to call it "sexual healing"), while I feel for Vaylin I also quite liked that she refused to bow to anyone, she done terrible things, felt absolutely no remorse for it and point blank tells you to go f' yourself when you tell her that she could still be saved, which is kinda refreshing, 9 times out of 10 it's the men that get to be all out b******* (yes, I know there are examples of other female villians in media being irrdeemable BUT in comparison the number of male villians of that type they vastly outnumber the women). I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I feel that had she been redeemed and romanceable it would've cheapened her story arc in regards to the absolute hell she experienced at the hands of her father. That being said, I can totally understand why people are upset about not being able to romance or redeem her. I also feel that Arcann shouldn't really have been redeemed/romanceable although it makes mildly more sense given that he hadn't been tortured by his father and he still displayed small occasional signs of humanity (not allowing Vaylin to kill their mother, showing remorse at killing Thexan etc). But either way, Valkorion is a d*** LOL.
  17. S'alright keeps you on your toes!
  18. Because the game would be incredibly boring if we just sat on our throne all day barking orders and dealing with politics.
  19. He was surprisingly nice... also very inexperienced which was actually rather sweet. Feels very surreal to say that about the guy that tried to kill us multiple times, who knew an ex-tyrant could be so likeable!
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