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Everything posted by sauceemynx

  1. WinAuth is what we use. We've had no problems with it, and we receive 100 cc every month per account as others have said.
  2. In the absence of a system overhaul which isn't going to happen, I think the above is by far the best solution, along with lowering the price of the first crystal. I particularly like © as it would make the other dailies more relevant again.
  3. That's true for the UK, in that the servers now reset every day at 1 p.m. instead of noon, and the Gree event began at 7 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. However, GMT is still the same; in other words, it does not officially change just because here in the UK the clocks have gone ahead an hour. GMT does not always equal UK time: if you do a google search on GMT right now, when it's 1:22 p.m. here in England, it will still say 12:22 p.m GMT. Confusing and somewhat annoying for us (as I also tend to think of GMT as UK time) but I assume SWTOR sticking to strict GMT time is for the benefit of other countries who do not necessarily observe daylight savings and know how to calculate their time based on GMT.
  4. I have Quinn as a stall vendor in my Tatooine stronghold (long story) and he's a hologram in his underwear, even though my companion Quinn is fully dressed. I'm glad to hear it's a bug and not just his selling technique.
  5. Agreed on all counts. That first bug you mentioned about group loot is a massive pain.
  6. I would agree with that. As an explanation the "passage of time" thing doesn't really feel legitimate to me given that (1) Lana doesn't look older, or at least she doesn't in my opinion, and (2) she's the only character who they supposedly aged. I suspect they were trying to make her what some might consider prettier, but don't want to say that for fear of how it would sound. EDIT: I also agree with Lhancelot below--make more customizations available for Lana, Theron, & Arcann how they do for vanilla companions. I'm just not sure it will happen, particularly with Arcann as he has a unique body type. My characters who keep him alive are usually light side so I'm sick of seeing him in that white outfit.
  7. I like Makeb, particularly Republic side. I could do without the drilling platform missions on both sides but overall I find the stories enjoyable, and the planet really beautiful.
  8. As someone who does conquest solo, I very much agree with making the repeatable activities per character, as opposed to per legacy only.
  9. I have a SW who turned saboteur for the Republic and Quinn is still following her around like the devoted worm he is (after I dumped him for Theron, too). The rest I can't speak to because I haven't even bothered to check, to be honest. Just too many companions to worry about.
  10. The two posters above are right--I'm agreeing with you.
  11. What I don't get about the naysayers here is that some of them bash BW on a daily basis for all of the other bugs/perceived problems with the game; a couple of them have practically turned insulting BW and predicting SWTOR's doom into a full-time career. Why they consider duping/hacking so beyond the pale is very strange indeed.
  12. I'm not sure why a few posters have such a difficult time believing that hacking occurs in games, but, yeah, I definitely saw pages and pages of two normally very expensive armor sets for something like 6-9 million credits.
  13. All the incentives in the world will not make me do group or PvP content. Ever. And I doubt I am alone, causing me to wonder how useful this type of incentive is. As I've said elsewhere, you can't make an introvert an extrovert. By all means, give the Ops people something for all their hard work, but let's not confuse that with trying to rope more people into a type of game play they will never embrace. Finally, almost no one needs 258 gear. They just like having it. Nothing wrong with that.
  14. I'm basically the same way. I wanted to experience the dark side, so to speak, so I gave it a go, but the few Dark V characters I have made loads of light side choices; the only one I can manage to make (mostly) evil is my Rattataki, and even then I struggle. There are some dark side choices I simply cannot make. I keep telling myself it's fake and just a game, but somehow I always give in to the light.
  15. Thank you for the link. That was a beautiful story.
  16. Ha, this is exactly my experience, and I can't even always blame being a sorcerer (just sometimes)! I'll have to remember to look up the next time I'm in Ossus.
  17. I hate to say it, but I'm feeling pretty frustrated by this as well. When WoW began to tie everything to group content I dropped out; I don't want to have the same experience here. I don't know what it takes to convince MMO designers that if a player hates PvP and/or raiding, they won't do it, no matter the incentive. You simply can't make an introvert an extrovert. And as this poster pointed out, whether or not we desperately need the gear, we still want to play for it--but for reasons other posters have articulated better than I ever could, that is becoming increasingly difficult.
  18. Yes, there can be a large disconnect between what people actually want IRL and what they seem to enjoy in stories. (I include myself in that, although I draw the line at Quinn. Some things cannot be forgiven.) As for Lana, none of my characters has romanced her, but the more I play through the knights expansions, the more I like her. To me she's the ultimate BFF, so I can see why she'd be a good romance option.
  19. Your top four list matches mine. I think there's a difference as to what works IRL and what works in a story/game; Felix would undoubtedly be the best actual boyfriend, but in a story you need a bit of conflict or quirkiness, and he doesn't offer any. The others provide more of that. But IRL...as much as I love Torian, his dislike of first person pronoun usage would probably drive me nuts after a while, Vector's hive talk would get on my nerves, Theron has loads of mommy issues, and Jorgan is too gruff for everyday living. As story companions go, however, they're aces. Definitely my faves.
  20. I think this is exactly right. My kids, who are already rabid Star Wars fans, loved both TLJ and Solo (and to be honest I loved Solo, too). We old fogies who fondly remember playing with our original Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker action figures back in 1978 or whenever have to accept that we are no longer the future of the franchise. While we still matter as fans, our opinions are not the be all, end all that they once were, because we aren't clamoring for the toys. And let's face, toys matter hugely to this market. Now it's up to Disney to ensure that the current generation of kids don't take it all for granted--that Star Wars is as special to them as it was (and continues to be) for us.
  21. Totally agree with this. The first time I played through as an agent and had no idea what was coming I was very much affected.
  22. Yeah, it's probably all hands on deck for that bug fix coming out in February. Hopefully after that we'll hear more.
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