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Everything posted by sauceemynx

  1. I kept it on my SW just so that I didn't have a bunch of carbon copy Therons running around. My others instantly ditched it. Every time I play my SW it's a bit of a shock, lol.
  2. I've been saving like mad. If it's not happening I'm going to be deeply annoyed.
  3. Ah, Vector, I like him, too; that line where he says your aura tastes of frost and spices is so lovely. I'm facing a rather horrible choice with my sniper as I've been romancing Theron in the Knights expansions, but will have Vector back soon. I keep vacillating over what to do, lol.
  4. If you are going by the summer solstice, Australian summer this year begins on December 22. Northern hemisphere winter solstice begins on December 21st. However, I'm aware that in Australia it's convention to say the season begins on the first of the month. For the northern hemisphere: https://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-seasons For Australia: http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/astronomical/summer-and-winter-solstice So in a way everyone is right and everyone is wrong. It's a fascinating world!
  5. I wish they would do some more letters. It would really add to each of the romances, and, presumably, not use many resources. I also hope they'll beef up the Arcann romance (and make it so you can change his armour) but somehow I doubt it.
  6. Bang on. The writers did a great job with him, in creating a more three-dimensional character. My favorite romance arc.
  7. The imperial agent story blew my mind the first time I played it--I went through it at lightning speed because I just had to know what happened next. I'll never forget how outraged I was in Chapter 2 when a certain event happened, lol. Other than that, the BH story is the one I like to replay the most. I just think it's plain old fun.
  8. I understand why people who went through the difficult work of achieving a reward in game hate it when that reward becomes more easily available, but unfortunately it's what happens in the evolution of a game. For instance, in WoW I remember the total craziness one had to go through to get an epic Paladin mount; eventually it became much, much easier. I wasn't upset when that happened; I just accepted it as one of those inevitable things. And I'll always have the triumphant memory of the moment when we actually completed that insane quest chain.
  9. I made a trooper/vanguard just to make my 7 year old son happy, assuming I would hate it...and then wound up loving it. After the first chapter the actual story isn't the most exciting but we came up with our own that totally cracked us up. A very positive experience I never saw coming.
  10. So is there definitely a new Twilek love interest? I've gotten myself so confused about what's coming up.
  11. I feel for the choice you're facing; it's amazing how these dilemmas play on your mind, lol. On my JC sage I first put her in a relationship with Felix, but found him so boring I started one with Theron. She then (reluctantly) broke up with Theron to try the romance with Arcann, only to break up with Arcann because I felt so guilty after hearing Felix's terrible story about what happened to him in Zukuul. And I'm still not happy! If only there was a romantic reset button you could hit when you realize you made the wrong choice...but getting a chance with Jonas Balker on all classes would right many wrongs.
  12. Well, thank god for you because I've only been playing the game for about a year and I love it and I don't want it to go anywhere. Keep fighting the good fight!
  13. Truth. I like Theron in the game, but in real life his mother issues would have me running for the hills. That shows just how immersive this game can be.
  14. It's like those apocalyptic cults; they are always so certain the end is coming. And then the date of our doom arrives and...nothing. The same mentality here. If the doomsday enthusiasts knew something the rest of us didn't, they'd be trumpeting it to the world. I highly doubt there is any evidence to back up their claims or we would have heard about it by now.
  15. I broke up with Theron once and I was completely traumatized; I had to keep reminding myself that he wasn't real, lol. But I learned my lesson, all right.
  16. Ditto. My current JKs are with Theron but I'd happily make a new one for a Scourge romance.
  17. Hooray, Gus! He's so sweet. When you do the Alliance Alert for him you really want him to succeed.
  18. I'd heard people talking about Khem Val--is that confirmed, or just a joke? I've also heard rumors of Jonas Balkar and Scourge. Guess the devs aren't telling, maybe because they don't want those of who care to go mad and light up the boards. Oh, Theron, I'll miss you...
  19. I hope Theron's involvement is more than they make it sound, but I'm not expecting much. I suppose we've been lucky to have him be such a major part of the story for so long. It will be weird, though, to have him & Lana become just a part of the background (if that is indeed essentially what happens)--like losing old friends. But who knows. Maybe the new LIs will be so exciting it will help minimize the pain, not that we know for certain who the new male LIs will be. Or do we? I've only heard about Nadia and Jaesa.
  20. Yes, Guss! Absolutely lovable. One of these days he's going to be the hero that saves the galaxy.
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