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Everything posted by silenthc

  1. Thanks for these, copied URL for next time my subscription's about to run out.
  2. Weren't they Ongree? A species we practically know nothing about yet do bear a cousin-like resemblance to the Rakata. That's a whole interesting story right there yes. The only thing I remember about the seed part is they said a massive amount of time would pass before its powers would manifest.
  3. The Builder Forge, yep. It malfunctioned ages after losing contact with the Infinite Empire, accelerating the trees' growth. And definitely a thumbs up for more Rakata references! Always love it when we find out more about ancient civilizations, and there's so much more that could be told about the Rakatans.
  4. I have that with Hutt characters lol. Just something hilarious and inspiring about ultimate sloth behavior while residing over a criminal empire. I literally laugh every time a Hutt makes an appearance, no matter which SW medium.
  5. It's an interesting read for sure, but what happened most of all while reading was it made me realize just how out of touch I've become with the new "EU" material. I used to read every SW comic book and novel I could get my hands on, regardless of writing quality (and there was plenty of blatantly **** material around). Literally none of that urge exists for the newer stuff. Can't really pinpoint what the main reason for that is. Coincidence or not, it did happen around the time Disney took over. I still love the universe, but I don't remember the last newly introduced character or storyline I became enthralled with.
  6. As I said in my other post, I think sometimes they tried a bit too hard to come up with funny one-liners. But this one by the Smuggler did have me legit laughing out loud: "Is that a hairstyle, or did a womp rat die on your head?".
  7. Have to agree with first two posts above. The game is rife with snarky, humorous and otherwise violent one-liners in the catchphrase sense, but I haven't come across much dialogue that actually made me stop and think for a second. The more deep and introspective lines. Although I suppose that's never been the SW universe's strongest suit. One I did like a lot was Darth Angral's "if there is no death, then where's my son?".
  8. Just to make it clear, I wasn't knocking any of the guides, or people's posts in this thread. All I intended to say was I don't like following a guide, or in this case a rotation (even if it is the ideal one), without stopping to think about why the rotation is as it is. Or why we need to have a certain build in terms of stats. Especially when half of those guides are filled with terms and numbers that don't really mean anything to me as an inexperienced MMO player. That combined with the fact the story mode is so simple it leaves a player like me feeling like I'm hanging in between levels; the no-thought-needed approach of single player and being able to contribute during a FP or whatever. I know I don't need an ideal rotation or top gear to play veteran FPs, but I don't want to be the guy who doesn't truly know what he's doing either and get carried every time. It's what has been holding me back from doing group content. I think I've done two or three FPs through GF, that's literally it. That said, I appreciate your advice. And I agree, I'd probably be best off joining a guild that is open to tutoring. Something's been stopping me from doing so so far though. I don't like having to admit I'm terrible and needing help.
  9. It's the main gripe I have with the story mode content, which is what I've been playing exclusively so far. I don't mind it being eased up compared to launch, but there truly is no incentive left to actually learn your class and its abilities. With the prospect of leaving you completely unprepared for more difficult and endgame content, a daunting hole I find myself staring at. Being a complete noob in MMO mechanics doesn't exactly help either. It's why I dread playing the game in a group. So I too like OP would like to be pointed at some guides, if there are any, that actually explain the groundwork of rotations and other important mechanics, instead of just blindly following an "ideal" rotation.
  10. I played the game during beta and its first few weeks after release, when I had to quit due to personal reasons. I didn't start playing again until December last year. It gives me a mix of sadness and frustration that I've missed out on SWTOR's 'prime' and to return to a community that seems so split between hope and negativity. Considering I haven't even made it through all of the class stories yet (which my OCD urges commit me to do before even thinking of moving on to any post-vanilla content) and the fact that many of you, as opposed to me, have been actively playing for years, I'm in no position to judge anyone's negative feelings or criticism or the validity thereof. What I will say is that the negative vibes across the board as I perceive them have been a big reason, perhaps the biggest, that has refrained me from actively posting so far. And I can imagine I'm not the only one in that regard, as I can also imagine new players quickly being put off from the game completely. I reiterate that I haven't been around the game long enough to really assess its state and I am sure the criticism on the game/its state of development didn't come out of thin air. I'm all for a healthy discussion and calling things as they are, it is what usually springs up the best of ideas, and I see plenty of those! But I've also seen a fair amount of individuals who come across as nothing ever being good enough for them. It just makes me wonder why they are even still around. I'm not even sure which point I'm trying to get across exactly lol, but I do want to say that as a returning but still new player I am thoroughly enjoying myself with the content and hoping for a long period left to immerse myself into a SW setting, as I was so looking forward to when the game came out. The core game is so much better than it was at launch (that said I do have some gripes). At the end of the day I feel it's holding on to that kind of hope and enjoyment is what will keep pushing the game forward for as long as it can, and not by letting what bad there is outweigh all else. The community will always be the lifeblood of large online games like these, not its content. Don't let that fall apart.
  11. Nothing. I'm still working my way through all of the original class stories lol, so I haven't really bothered to get into any of the cosmetic or extra fluff yet.
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