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Everything posted by Larity

  1. Where can I get my advanced class? Do the quest. Which is better for pvp? Play and find out Which is better for pve? Play and find out "I can't find X! This is stupid, where is it?" Use the map. "Is there a x on this planet?" Use the map. "What is needed for this crewskill?" Use the codex. "Why isn't this faction responding to my insults in general?" They can't see it. "What level do i get my next companion" Whenever you get there. "What level do i leave this planet at?" Whenever you finish. Mind you, the planets also do NOT at all tell you what the level gaps are riiight? I mean right? (sarcasm) One thing I'm also sick of, is when you tell these idiots where to get the info, people call you a dick and such. It's not my fault these people are idiots and turn off tutorials or something. THE GAME TEACHES YOU HOW TO PLAY AND LOCATE THINGS. They aren't even freaking LONG PARAGRAPHS its short summaries of at most 3 sentences. seriously, these people need to seek help irl if they can't figure these out.
  2. Last night I kicked someone for the group for no communication. It was a boarding party (low level, not hm) run and he was a healer. Right in the beginning a DPS left (Why queue if you are just going to leave?) and this guy pulls out Khem. (he's the leader too so we can't remove khem) His khem is a tank (bad tank) and is taking agro off the real tank of the group. He also refused to heal anyone but khem. We tried communicating with this guy. "Hey dude, put khem away and queue us up for a dps" No response. He just kept on going and letting khem take agro. "Dude, Queue us up and at least pull out your dps companion" Keeps going, this is when the main tank sends me a tell. "This guy is really starting to annoy me" and we both kicked him. The only problem was, he was the healer and you know how hard finding a healer is right? So he pulled out his companion and I pulled out mako (switched to a heal barrel) and requeued us for a healer and another dps. We get to the first boss, the droid, and it was a fun fight, a real tank and a fake healer with two companions. Sure enough, soon as we killed the droid, a healer and dps join.
  3. They have so many character slots now plus you can buy more, can't roll a new toon? I have 16 (all 50 and 80% geared), might even buy up to the server cap of 22. Character transfer, (THEY SAID IS COMING SOON) I can't wait for. (got a friend on another server that wants to join mine) "Barber Shop" I really hope they implement and they already said you should be able to rename character/guild once a month coming soon.
  4. well theres a good reason the Darth Lachris one wouldn't work.
  5. Since im playing through empire again, this is what I've seen in groups and fps. I'm playing a sorc, currently level 36 and just finished ch 1. Assassin Sorc Merc Powertech Jugg Operative Sniper No marauders.
  6. Do Collicoid War Games, the marauder chest is pretty much the same thing.
  7. The problems you have stated have been in 90% of the mmo's I played. Which one did you come from which made the market stupid easy? WoW? SWG had to type everything, limited days on market (bazaar not vendor), and limited items. Vindictus had to type everything, limited days on market, limited items. etc....etc...
  8. Wow, I think this person got what they wanted. Attention. There ya go, thats all they wanted. It doesn't matter what gender you are, play the game and ignore the trolls out there (like me) And seriously, I doubt this happens. Now ladies (or for some gentlemen) stop being Attention _ _ _ _ _ _ (fill in the blank, H R O W E S)
  9. instead of making the warrior faster, make the marauder slower. I hate the super fast animations. I liked the flip for overload. I also liked the giggle for agents/smugglers instead of that stupid sound it has now.
  10. So, from reading your post, you fight for Run On Sentences?
  11. I'm sorry but the way the game currently is with f2p is pretty darn good if you ask me. My friend has no problem with the model (and he's quite picky, like, REALLY picky) So I was surprised when he gave it a shot (and is still in game)
  12. I believe he does state stuff when he walks around in certain areas. my friend says, not sure if true or not, on nar shadda he claims he was made there. This friend isn't reliable.
  13. You want proof the Male Knight is David Hayter? Run Collicoid War Games, and tak damage on the turret. It's snakes pain scream.
  14. Your dog lost a warzone match too huh?
  15. I'm pretty sure I'm part of the minority who is actually against legacy items... You should have to play a character and gear them up by playing, not just giving them all good gear once they hit 50. I have the bowcasters (I hate them, and I hate wookiees too) but they are on my main and they are staying on him. I see enough people stealing loot from FP/OPs to not need this to happen all the time. So in short, play your characters and gear them by playing them. That being said, flame away. and before anyone even says something, I have 16 level 50s and all are geared Columi and Rakata and Some BH. (I don't have many people in guild to do OPs with)
  16. someones a bit testy. may I throw in you said this. •Guardians/Juggernauts who queue as Tanks and are 30+ but never use "Hilt Strike"/"Backhand" (21 point talents in the tanking tree) are a dead giveaway.
  17. There is a reason the bioware staff doesn't communicate with the fans. "They are certainly a group of passionate folks, and while I wouldn't say they were all "utterly gross" as you put it I do agree that the overall tone of the forums has become increasingly toxic," he wrote. "I tend to largely avoid them these days, myself. Why? Because spending too much time there starts to make me feel negative- not just about the games we make, but about myself and life in general." David Gaider Thats a quote one of the Bioware staff has made about the bioware forums. And its true.
  18. I'm still waiting for Doc to be un-invisible while in rakghoul form.
  19. The quote gave you its answer. "Hard to say - it's not on our immediate horizon, and we'd most likely do it at a point where we want to make a large splash." Here I'll sum it down "it's not on our immediate horizon"
  20. These people remind me of the other group of complainers, (cartel packs) They whine, complain, argue, and rage all on the forums, but when they come out or its avaliable they buy them (and most buy more) so these people, however angry, entitled, and whiney they may be, you'll see them on makeb. Like all the rest.
  21. I'm going to be perfectly honest. saw the show, was boring, dragged on and the actors were crap. So truthfully, not trolling. IMO the show sucked and had nothing to be special for.
  22. Speed hacks...really? Sure, if you can't make it, its hacks right? Get real.
  23. I'd like a barber shop and possibly Remove the fleet and place all those vendors on Coruscant/Kaas
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