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Posts posted by StormForceDax

  1. On 11/24/2022 at 7:08 PM, Sylvannai said:

    We know that the PTS phase is ongoing and the team is focused on the fixes and improvements.

    And the Subject of Black Talon and Esseless was also brought up a few Weeks ago.

    But goodness gracious, isn't it possible to just take those Flashpoints off the activity stream when it comes to Veteran?.

    It can't be that four 80's characters from 28 Flashpoints get this (*censored*) Fp of all things (Black Talon/Imp).

    Most of the time, these FPs are not even entered, but understandably people leave the group in advance and accept the ban because nobody wants to run these Flashpoints in Veteran.

    These are the only FP's I run in Vet mode. 

    Only difference is I run them as a solo player. Removing them from group finder is an option, but personally I would just remove group finder. The reward for group finder is marginal at best. Far to many players come away with no gear as it rolled for, the level 80 crate gear is below the rating I have anyway, same as world bosses. Seems to course far more grief than it worth here on the forums.

  2. If BW do anything about inflation it will not change a thing. well maybe kill of GM sales, maybe?


    As for things like player-to-player trades, start by not doing it yourself (I stopped a long time ago) GTN tax on sales is in large part why players opt for player-to-player trade sales. Increasing this tax will change nothing, or more likely make trades increase


    Stopping trades is an option, but as there as so few perks now for subbing BW also have to be very careful in what they do, if they are to retain any subs.


    As you are clearly a sub to be able to post here, then you have as much capacity to earn credits as anyone else who subs. 


    As for F2P customers, GTN was already outside of their ability to buy for the most in any case, may have been different to begin with, but not really as long as I have been playing. Remember back then the credit cap was just 250k. When the cap was raised to 1m, did this help in any way? No, would it help if it was raised to 5m? again, no as items below 5m will just go above it. As proven by this game's history.


    Lastly, I don't think any player has the right to demand/decide what others sell their items for. the only real choice you have is if you want to buy it or not. If enough stop buying the prise will come down naturally. Same goes for trades, clearly this has not happened because players are willing to pay it. If players are willing to pay it, you lose the case before you even start asking BW to make changes.


    This topic is a never-ending circle. The only thing I wish BW could do is ban the topic. However, that is again taking away player choices which is not helpful. Still wish it was so all the same. It certainly does not need a new thread every week. That is against the CoC. Just re-open an old thread.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Aghasett said:

    Can we just go back to 6.0 and call it a day? Please? 7.0 is.....

    Month              Avg. Players    Gain      % Gain    Peak Players

    Last 30 Days          3,419.1    -112.1       -3.17%       6,277
    September 2022    3,531.1    -1,141.8    -24.43%     6,336
    August 2022          4,672.9    -1,028.4    -18.04%     8,567
    July 2022                5,701.3    -262.7       -4.41%      10,045

    Where are you getting these numbers from?


    Let me guess Steam, Right?


    So flawed, not accurate in any way as Stream players do not count everyone, only players who play on that platform. While I agree numbers are declining there, which is not surpriseing at all. Given the number of games available on Stream, it more of a shock the number are still so high.

  4. On 10/22/2022 at 12:00 AM, Xhuuyaa said:


    Are you saying they had, 

    * a budget to remake all classes in 7.0, something nobody asked for

    * a budget to make again an whole new gearing system, nobody asked for

    * a budget to make a new Charakter Design Interface, nobody asked for

    * a budget to make a whole new shiny trailer, nobody asked for

    but they had no budget for 10th anniversary? 


    I think 7.0 was a big mistake (as everybody told them), they simply should have let things alone, as they were with 6.x and used the ressources for story content, crafting, cosmetics, cartel stuff, events, bugfixes and QoL changes. A year ago this game was in a much better place than it is right now after one year of "updates" and thats really sad. 

    Actually, various players did ask for everything on this list.

    Please just stop pretending you represent and speak for everybody.

    Don't have an issue if this is what you believe, but that does not in any way mean everyone else does. so just lose the "nobody ask for" all the time.


    I happen to like the new trailer, more than the KotFE ones.

    As for the topic at hand, the 10th anniversary to me is a little underwhelming, but only because BW made a big (at least as I interpreted it) song and dance about on the live stream.

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

    It's an 11-year old game, and we're still paying the equivalent of *two* AAA titles, year over year.

    There's a reason EA/BW won't charge fair, flat-rate for the best game they can deliver (whatever that rate may be): It's too customer-friendly.

    Predatory monetization is more profitable than good game design, and that leaves us where we're at.

    Yet despite all your Contant whine about it, in thread after thread going back at least two years, you still sub.

    That to me says everything.


    This will be the last time I ever reply to any of your posts. A player giving an honest opinion is one thing, a player with his own personal vendetta is another.

    • Thanks 1
  6. The game lancher contantly crashes when changing severs. Please fix. This happens on both my desktop and laptop. I have already tried my internet service provider and have been told this is not an issue with internet conection.
  7. Depends, are deco's to expense or just the deco's you want?


    I am in two minds on this and will depend on several factors. Deco's from vender I personally think are very reasonable. Deco's from Cartel Market is a differant story, some I personally find reasonable other not. To me it's just how few you get for what is charged, then again it comes down to if useing the free coins you get or buying addtional coins to buy.


    GTN is a separte issue, but still have the opinion that players have the right to sell at whatever price they want, buyer's just can buy or not.


    As for decorations and collections? well again the more expenice ones maybe.

  8. Sanctuary doesn't invite people into their guild until they've reviewed the guild rules and agreed to them.


    While I understand some people don't like guilds that have activity requirements, most of the large guilds also have a bunch of people that want to join them, so they try to make sure that there's room for active players.


    The new rules does not stop you doing this, you just don't benfit from thier conquest points. If you (as in the guild) remove a player then you should not benifit from thier points. However to me it when you remove them not why. Removing a player at the start of a new conquest is one thing, removing a player to benift from the points they have made, but removing them before they get the weekly reward is another.


    Also remember the OP said he was in the guild just two hours, hardly time to see how efective a conquest player he was.

  9. I wouldn't disband the guild, it's only a couple of toxic people that do this, with them removed the guild might flourish and become a haven, of course, it might not, but I'd prefer to give them a chance. Recently on SF on one of the more toxic guilds, the GL was removed, obviously we can't go in to details or mention names, etc. But we're hoping that when the time elapsed is over, and the new regime take over, that the guild will become considerably better than before. But we don't know, only time will tell. But I believe the guild should be given another chance, but if it stays down the same path, then maybe disbanding is the only option. Although I don't think they'd go that far.


    You may not disband the guild, I'm not you LOL. Still I am not in charge so my opinion really counts for nothing.


    However I still disagree with your staement in this post. The issue is with guild and the players who run such a guild that was kicking players on mass. Very few member(s) would have been allowed to remove players. So it's really only the few in charge. As for the rest most if not all (except new members) would have been well awhere of how these guilds are run, if a player is Ok with such an abusive guild then to me they are no better. In this content of this thread we are not really talking about the decent players you mention.


    Still after today hopefully it will sort such guilds out and this will put an end to it. Unfortuntlly such guilds will find another way, but that is something only time will tell.


    I do agree however I also don't think BW would disband the guild, that however is a differant subject, I'm not BW! As said lucky for these guilds. :D

  10. Please learn to read what BioWare tells you in their posts:




    If you reached the ranked needed for the rewards you will get them when season 14 starts.


    Unfortunetlly this always happens here on the forums, players start these threads without ever cheacking the development tracker or patch note, and making false claims. No matter how often it is pointed out in replys to such threads as this. Same will happen next time as well.


    I don't do ranked PvP myself but well done to all who achived thier goal.

  11. This is my expectation if we ever see 7.0

    1. We need to talk about elephant in the room which is this engine. It either needs a rework or complete overhaul. Delaying it cause only more problems. (e.g. More bugs, slower content production, outdated and tanked graphics and performance, unable to detect players cheats and more bugs)
    2. Dont create an empty, ********, lie slogan (e.g 'Choice's matter', 'play your way')
    3. Proper expansion content, big story, 2 raids, pvp maps and hopefully mods.
    4. Proper gearing. Getting BiS gear via farming 8-year old fp's is unacceptable.
    5. Seperation of pve and pvp class balance ( Either via a tree, instance, or expertise gear). Although 6.0 has good balance overall imo. But more frequent updates are needed.
    6. Complete making of the crafting system and conquest for that matter. More player-friendly and not cheatable/macro able/boring.


    What do you except from 7.0 ?


    You know, I don't agree on a single thing you want here, Not one.


    As for what I personally expect from 7.0? I don't, once you start out with expectations you are already setting yourself up for disapointment.

    I will play whatever comes along.

  12. as soon as the 6.2.1 notes were posted, the usual offenders updated their guild CQ activity requirements to include "pruning" on monday if you did not meet that guilds demanded CQ activity requirements for that week. Even if you met the games listed personal goal, you still get kicked if you did not meet theirs, and btw you also got screwed out of your weekly guild reward in the process... just as predicted when they first made the suggestion to make these nonsense changes weeks ago.


    gg bw - still carping on the individual players, and still not actually resolving anything in the process

    (and the patch notes date is still wrong too)


    Disagree, this is a good change. After today those guilds don't benifit from this sort of thing. Be thankful if it was up to me I would abolish the guild, if thats your guild well the games better off without your guild.

    • Like 1
  13. This is one of the few times nameing and shameing would not be a bad thing, unforunetlly it is against the forum rules. Anyway hopefully this will be a end to this sort of thing happening after todays update.


    Plenty of guilds out there for you to try, most are very repectable.

    • Like 1
  14. I cannot say I really agree with you on this OP, but then again I don't spend all my time just playing the GTN. So never even got close to 4B in credits.


    BW may or may not have reasons to limit the amout of credits a player or character or bank can have, that be up to them to explain. That however does not change the fact that you as a player know the limit and should act acordently.

  15. people have been complaining about it for years*


    Very few. You get a new threads very so often, but they get very little suport here on the forums.


    That however is beside the point, after something like this happens it's already to late to complain about it. The time to complain about it, was in the weeks/months before it happened, At that time to few oposed it, as to why BW dicided to do it. As said I was against it at the time, but to few others were. So I restate my ealier post. Get over it, it to late to complain now.

  16. Certainly. But without a market to sell to they won't. They get worse when the demand increases. Many of the people driving the prices up are the same ones selling gold out the back lol Sure people will always exploit others....if we allow it.


    Can you prove that? As far as I can tell by players in chat rooms, players that buy high cost items are players that buy off cartel and sell items or much in demand crafted items. None of which means they buy off gold sellers or are themselfs gold sellers.


    Sure some players must buy from them or they would not be around, none of this translate to anything to warret what you or the OP are asking for. Most of us just don't see the GTN as a problem. Gold sellers are, but that is BW's problem not mine or yours. No matter what BW do they won't be going away, they will just keep comeing back under new names and accounts. What yoiu are asking for will have zero impact on them but will bring anadditional burdon to genuine players.

    What players sell their items for is none of your busness , you only get to decide if you buy it or not.

    While GTN prices has gone up so has the amount of credits you can earn. The amount of credits one can earn in game will always be reflected on the GTN for items sold. With or without gold sellers.


    However the original post mentioned nothing about gold sellers in the first place.

  17. Gold farmers exist because people buy credits because there is a market for them. Especially when people keep raising the prices up higher and higher because they are sitting on billions from scalping and playing the market helping to create the very issues we now have.


    This isn;t more options, its continue the status quo for people who like things the way they are.


    Catel items sold on GTN has nothing to do with gold sellers. They were there long before GTN prizes were high. No matter what, and this appiies to everything not just this game, there will always be poeple who will exploit others.

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