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Everything posted by pazzakey

  1. You can see the top of Vaylin's hood when Valkorian explodes, so whatever happened to him, didn't happen to her. Again, a ghost companion would be cool and unique, but if Nathema is coming back to life? Couldn't the same process be done for Vaylin? Even if she is weaker for it?
  2. ^ Going back to Imp vs Pub seems silly if anything else, so long as one doesn't gain access to any super weapon, I'm okay with ignoring their war and letting them fight it out.
  3. A force ghost would be cool, but If Nathema is creating life, I want to see Senya go the full length now. Physically, you've got a good reason for Vaylin being your companion, maybe she exhausted much of her power during the fight on Odessen and in the dream? Mentally? Vaylin adapted very quickly to change, I would say she would be more confused than anything else.
  4. Maybe Theron has shaved the rest of his head?
  5. True but if she discovered a possible way to bring her back, I doubt she would check in with anyone. Except maybe Arcann?
  6. Again - Maybe Senya has been doing all this in secret? Her last mail to us if I recall said she didn't want to talk about Vaylin. Anything is possible.
  7. They could have been misleading us? I doubt it, but it would be a nice surprise none the less. Yeah, I suspect that line will be delivered by Lana.
  8. The morgue? One of those frozen medical pods near the Hutt scientist? Maybe Senya has been holding off burying her daughter? Holding onto the same hope we've been holding onto for Vaylin to come back?
  9. If Theron has found a way to create life from nothing, then well done, Theron! If it's an object on Nathema causing this, then I would speculate only Nathema is being effected by this sudden change?
  10. Given the speculation on why Nathema has suddenly gone from dead to living, maybe 'New Nathema' could help her?
  11. Maybe it was caused when Vaylin destroyed the facility with the force? Or perhaps this area of Nathema was shielded by one of the Vaults?
  12. I suppose that would depend on how that encounter would go, If you teamed up with Vaylin, then I would argue, yes. In some of the cut dialog from KOTET after the Odessen fight against Vaylin, there was some lines in which Vaylin does come to the conclusion that Valkorian has been manipulating everyone, and in my mind, sounds like she's begging for the Outlander to spare her so she can attack him.
  13. I don't think the Alliance will be lost, not initially anyway. I think we'll continue as we are now, providing support for our allied faction.
  14. Wow, it's been a long time since I've play that campaign. Doesn't one of the npcs in that mission tell us Rakata technology is grown? and in one way or another 'alive' ?
  15. I don't remember KOTOR that well, but didn't the Rakatan technology cause all the trees on Kashyyyk to grow ten times they size they were?
  16. Science mixed in with the force? Maybe something Rakata in origin? They're technology was bound to the force? Maybe there is something on Nathema causing life to return? Maybe!
  17. If the Emperor at one point wanted to consume all life in the galaxy, you would think he would need a way to create a new food source had he of been sucsessful.
  18. If Nathema is creating life, then I could see Senya going on another of her personal crusades to save her daughter.
  19. I'm going to say Lana too, it would be nice to have a companion of choice with us too, but If we're going to be stuck with one, I suspect it'll end up being Lana.
  20. Maybe that is the purpose of the secret weapon? Not to destroy life, but to restore it.
  21. Now that Nathema appears to be 'healing itself, do you think it'll effect people too? Maybe they'll troll us by letting us kill Theron, only to have the planet heal him?
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