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Everything posted by Darcmoon

  1. I haven’t forgotten nor ever said that vendor doesn’t rotate. Not sure why that issue is even one you brought up. I can understand why others don’t want a new comp even if I don’t agree. Personally, the best idea would probably be to alternate between a comp one season and no comp the next. That way no one is satisfied completely. Putting the comp on the vendor and charging coins would, as I mentioned, feel like I was getting screwed over.
  2. Not a fan of this idea. BS would probably make the new comp cost 4-5 tokens. While I have said and still say they need to add more things to spend tokens on for players, I would feel that putting the new comp on the vendor for tokens was then screwing us over. Why would I want to pay for a new GS comp when I was getting them for free previously.
  3. I'm one of those who is still supporting this game but if they wiped all my credits like you suggested, I would quit in a heartbeat.
  4. I'm not panicking. I utterly dislike the changes to fees. You are dismissing anyone who disagrees with you. You seem to think that repeating over and over again about the difference between the 8% tax and the fees will change how people feel about it. It may change some peoples minds but others it will not. Its obvious to me I won't change your mind which is fine. You aren't changing my mind either.
  5. The choice for the comp is at the end of the first quest/beginning of the second one. Who you get story wise is based on which side you go with. Funny aside however, the comp you don’t get can be retrieved from the console on Odessen.
  6. And how long before they add in the ‘buy orders’? 7.3 had was the update where the new taxes were added. That went live on June 13. While we don’t know exactly when 7.4 will drop we can say there will be about a 6 month difference between the two updates. I don’t see them adding the ‘buy orders’ any time soon. How many people will give up on the GTN and selling items that aren’t guaranteed sells in that time? There isn’t an auto refund unfortunately. The fee is paid just to post the item and you don’t get it back. I agree the way you said it should work is the better way. I also have very little faith they will make changes to it at this point. I’d say none but the did change the stronghold fees after people complained so I’m hopeful but fully prepared to be disappointed.
  7. Darcmoon


    Picking either Marauder or Juggernaut as a combat style won’t give you access to Jaesa. You have to have the Sith Warrior origin to get her.
  8. I don’t doubt it has been outlined already. It’s obvious they can make some changes in a short and quick manor otherwise we probably wouldn’t have the Loth-cat pet this time. Some things are probably set already as they prep for season 6 and some are still fluid. I do think it would be good to see it offer more in terms of things to spend the tokens on or what we get from the tracks.
  9. They had season 5 ready before season 4 ended and season 4 ready before season 3 ended or near enough. There was maybe 4 weeks between the last couple of seasons which means any suggestions people wanted to make for the ‘next season’ wouldn’t be incorporated. The suggestions would need to come around now for season 6 at the latest if we have a hope of them being used.
  10. Only three people in that thread said they wanted to be able to send out more comps on crafting. Most of the against people was due to ship, bloat or organizing. That is not ‘most’ of the players being against them because we can only use 9 of them.
  11. And yet human nature means that fee may make them not even post the item because they could loose the money. Humans aren’t very logical usually. The fee is money they have that they loose verses the money they never see from the taxes. That fee feels much more immediate and painful.
  12. Which ultimate rewards are you talking about.
  13. The buyers fee is shown when you are going to post an item but realistically, most players aren’t going to pay to much attention to it and those that do I doubt will have the patience to keep putting in prices to see if they can get it below the other one correctly.
  14. On the whole, most probably won’t find an app or do the necessary calculations.
  15. Then the issue I mentioned is a distinct possibility. If I want to sell an item and when I look at the GTN it shows a price of 513,210 credits most people will post theirs at that price or just under that but then with tax it will end up more than the one we looked at. Also, if that price with tax is the number used for the median price, the lowest or the recent prices that the GTN shows us that will cause people to price it higher and higher.
  16. I think you are wrong about this. Having a reward track with only cartel coins would be very, very boring.
  17. But does it just show the price after the buyers fee or both?
  18. A question about this. When someone looks at what an item costs on the GTN, will it list the sale price and the fee? If it is a no, then you will quickly have prices try to creep up again. The seller will see that the item he is trying to sell is going for, say 114,900 credits and will probably list his at the same price or just under that and the buyers fee will make the end price greater than that. I know I wouldn’t want to spend a long time putting in different prices and checking the buyers fee to make sure I was under or at the others prices. That will not help to get items priced at reasonable amounts like the sellers fee is saying it is for. Additionally, if the buyers fee is included in the equation the GTN uses to determine the median price or the amount it says it has sold for recently, then sellers will be prompted by the game to sell items for an excessive and increasing amount.
  19. I agree we don’t need to divide it back into 8 different stories. I was more talking about having the FS and tech being seperate stories. At least IMO, it makes more sense to have the Imp/Pub be seperate/intertwined stories than otherwise. Now having nods to the toons origin is always great and something I do support. There have been a few instances where something an NPC has said or done makes me feel that they should have made that distinction more often. As for what we need to keep the lights on? That is a minefield IMO. Ask 100 people what’s required and you’ll get a 100 different answers. Something one person says is an absolute requirement, no ands, ifs, or buts about it will be something another person says won’t make any difference. I’m not sure what would be needed just what I’d like to see.
  20. One of the problems with that is KOTFE shoehorned us into the same role for both force sensitives and tech classes. They have thankfully diverged a bit when doing the Imp/Pub stories. Trying to divide it between FS and tech similar to vanilla is the people who would immediately complain that their light side Jedi has the exact same story as their dark side Sith. Additionally, in vanilla, all 8 origin stories coexisted at the same time. Trying to do the same thing now seems like it would just make the story even more watered down than it has already gotten.
  21. This is a change I don’t like. There have been more than a few times I have listed an item at a reasonable price and had people drastically undercut, meaning I’ve had to relist items a few more times. This change makes me less likely to list items and really doesn’t make me want to spends the time figuring out what the going rate is for those items. I do like this change but could we please get the ability to first later our cartel items that are already in collections? It’s irritating trying to look at stuff on the GTN and have page after page of items I’ve already gotten but needing to look at the all for the ones I don’t have. Is this going to work like the current suggested price does? As I understood it, the price that is suggested is supposed to be based of recent sale prices. Unfortunately I’ve had it list the suggested price at 1/3 or more than the going price for items. That doesn’t seem like it is keeping a record or history very well. I worry that this will have the same issue. I know you say this is due to backend changes but it is a terrible change. I like to put up some of the more unique/interesting items for sale so people can use them for the outfitter. Of course, I’d probably have stopped listing them anyways due to the fees change for listings now.
  22. I’m not sure faaaabuuuuulush is the right word. 😛. Maybe Fabu instead. Seriously though, an invite isn’t required but I’ll admit that saying, Probably wasn’t the right thing to say. It came across as quite abrasive, at least to me. I’m not surprised that someone took exception to it. I’d say it would be better if everyone could be civil but I think we all fail that at times.
  23. It is finishing the full 100,000 point personal conquest that gives the 34 charges. Doing the weekly quest for say, Taris heroics, gives 10 charges (if I remember correctly). The conquest objectives themselves don’t give any charges.
  24. What do you mean you completed a couple of personal conquests? You can only complete it once per character each week. That’s what gives the 34 points. Other than that, the quest tells you what to complete for points. Planetary heroics and daily areas are probably the quickest way to get the points needed to finish the quest.
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