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Everything posted by Darcmoon

  1. So what? I don’t think medpacks ever had a level requirement. I know they had/have a level they stop getting stronger at. Changing the way they work now makes very little sense and most people blast through the ‘levels’ of the medpacks so fast it wouldn’t be worth buying them anyway. Generally I just use whatever medpacks drop as I’m leveling a new toon until I get to max level.
  2. Sel Makor was destroyed by the Jedi Knight in his/her storyline.
  3. I disagree with this. I quite often do GS objectives on lower level toons since I can play them like normal and still get the objectives. Additionally, GS shouldn't be limited to high level toons only and cut out newer players.
  4. The kingpin bounties can be done by anyone who buys the 'authorization'. I also believe that while a specific toon can only do each kingpin once per week, you can still do that kingpin on another toon by buying the 'authorization' on them. I could be wrong about the last part however.
  5. The time frame between the two was not that long. He had grown kids because he was 'ruling' both empires at the same time. That is why he was so distant as the Imperial Emperor for a period before and during the original game. I'm not sure how old his kids are but I bet they were born just before or just after the Treaty of Coruscant.
  6. You realize you can use the deconstruction window to destroy them right? You don’t have to drag each one and destroy it individually. I don’t consider them any less useful than the season on or two sets. We have enough legacy bound armor available that them making the GS sets not have mod slots doesn’t make them useless. Granted that is my opinion.
  7. There is also a quest line on Manaan that I believe opens the dailies up. I could be wrong about that but remember, the daily area came in a patch after the realease of 7.0 so doing the flashpoint may be a requirement to open them up.
  8. Hexid isn’t available from the GS vendor. She is only obtainable from the achievement.
  9. Not really. It’s supposed to come with 7.4.1 from what Keith said but we don’t know when that will be other than later than 14 February. The last couple times there has been 3-4 weeks between seasons and if that is something they are trying to maintain I’d say it would start 20 February since that will be 4 weeks between the seasons. We can’t be confident about that however.
  10. They’re talking about the dark spores from this last season.
  11. What level were you when you got the quest? If I remember right the one for Illum is automatically given at around 50.
  12. You do have to complete Arma Rasa first since you need HK-55 as a comp as he is who you do Shroud as.
  13. Do you mean each item (ex ‘note of reflection’) being used for 5 different reps or 5 different rep items total and all the future GS reps using them? Like I said it’s not something they’ve done before and not sure they could do it. Even if they could what would you suggest for the items when players don’t have and never got the associated companion? They decided they didn’t want to give us a comp last season and make it so we only got drops when no comp was out (minus FPS, OPs, and GS objectives). The Braza’s gifts (sp?) was supposed to increase the drop rate but they never seemed to work for me. Even then I think the drop rates on the spores was messed up from the very beginning and not dropping as often as they were supposed to. Either that or they planned for you to get them from GS objectives even more than previous seasons. Maybe as a way of forcing people to do objectives even after they hit level 100.
  14. The issue with using the same items for two different rep items is that it isn’t something they’ve done before. Look at the issue they have had with the previous season items dropping. I doubt that just because they brought back items for use in another rep that they wouldn’t mess up the drop rate again. Or they could mix it up and require Phalanx to get the items but for anyone who never got her they are SOL. I’ll also admit it wouldn’t make much sense to me since the items have all been themed around the season.
  15. I’d be against this just because I like having a new rep to advance with each season. I’m usually maxed out on all the other reps and therefore unable to get the associated conquest points for them.
  16. Agreed. I wish once you maxed the rep for those items that once you had 0, they would hide themselves.
  17. I’m pretty sure the banners were from the DvL system where you earned the tokens and not from the event. I could be wrong and I can’t get on to check if they are on the vendors. Additionally, Master Ramos is available by using season tokens. You just have to wait for the rotation to come around back to her.
  18. They didn’t need to ‘go up’. The credit costs for upgrading your gear is set with the inflation on the servers around when 7.0 dropped in mind. They aren’t set with the idea of a fresh server as far as I can tell. Not sure why you mention them being implemented under BW. The GTN update, repair costs adjustments, and Quick travel fees were all started before BW became BS if not already implemented before that.
  19. Upgrading any of the gear is new with 7.0. The prices for it are already set up for the inflation seen on the other servers. The repair prices were manually changed because BW basically didn’t like how they scaled with 7.0.
  20. What conversations does it affect? I’m not able to think of any that was different other than the Rusk Alliance Alert.
  21. I’m against that idea because I don’t want my toons from each server merged onto one. Part of that reason is because I’d go over my limit allowed for one server. Another is that I have the same names on both servers and have no desire to have to rename all of them. Even if they label it as a new start/new economy server you will still get people asking to be able to transfer characters with their credits anyways.
  22. It's worth mentioning because that is the reason they gave for not allowing out 'primary' combat style to be changed like they originally planned to. There is no indication that they have fixed that issue yet. We don't know if it is due to an issue they haven't found a solution to yet, a lack of trying or some combination of the two. This request has been asked for multiple times since 7.0 dropped and until they give us more information, it is the only answer we have.
  23. Do you mean it takes 96 blue scrap to make a Dark Project? That would be correct because as you said earlier in the post, it takes 8 RIS to make a Dark Project. As for their removal, It looks like they stopped dropping around the time 6.0 released. Processed Isotope Stabilizers started dropping around then and were being used for crafting. They had updated the recipe Dark Projects previously from the Exotic Isotope Stabilizers to the RIS. I don't know if BW just failed to update the requirements for the DP recipe to use the PIS instead of the RIS, or if they left it like that so that people would/could use up the RIS they still had. It's even possible they deliberately left the RIS in the recipe because they don't want Dark Projects to be a quick or primary way of getting a guild ship unlocked. Alternatively, possibly they wanted to leave something in that required/afforded the player to spend the blue scrap they had accumulated and were going to accumulate by breaking items from 6.0. This math is very wrong. A guild of 50 people/toons would take only a week to get a single framework. All 50 would get an encryption as long as they met their personal conquest goal and the guild met its goal. That is 50 encryptions and as you said, it's 50 encryptions for a framework. In 5 weeks they would have enough for 5 frameworks. Granted that is if they all were taking the same encryption each week and not just randomly choosing one. This is a somewhat seperate problem in my mind. That problem is that BW basically told crafters that they didn't care about them at all anymore. They didn't update crafting in any way with 7.0 and if I remember right, they said they were going to update it 'later'. They may have actually intended to update it but obviously it got pushed out of the pile of things to do in that case. Because it didn't get updated, the augments never got updated which probably would have included a new item to be used in their construction.
  24. I imagine that most of them live in that region. As such they want to transfer there for the lower amount of lag. That’s the benefit for them of playing on SV.
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