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Everything posted by Kyuuu

  1. That is not the reason why they have 2 process, engine has 2 process to bypass the 2gb limit on 32bit, and cause they didnt want to A do a 64bit client or B program the client right. From developers stand point have 2 .exe is bad idea cause that mean they have to be synced which in term degrades performance
  2. that is like asking why it 12 hours? what are they really doing? maybe they give us better servers? maybe there doing nothing to warrant 12hour maintenance and are restoring to trolling us now? who know, honestly anything BW/EA does in regards to this game is shocking to anyone?
  3. We can hope but i highly doubt there BW/EA care enough to do so
  4. yes it would but i bet bw or well ea dont care enough to do that
  5. I7-920 6gb 1600ddr3 evga 660gtx sig2 2gb wz 15-30 in middle of fight around everyone 60 fps at start 30ish away from everyone guard nodes which is not acceptable frame rates
  6. I Seen this happen few when one team take the 2nd node back from other team just as there score hit 0% it results in a wz that wont end. and people will continue to back fill in to that wz atlest in Novare Coast.
  7. no i think it bad idea, see when you level up from 1-60 you learn your class and rotations and how to play said class if they just start @ 60 we just gona have bunch people not know the basics, atlest for new people for people that been around and have 1 of ever class aready chances are they know the basics already
  8. As far as i can tell there is no skill ,utility, set bonus that reduce shatter rage req Games shatter info say 5 rage. Rage Meter shows it need 5 to activate, but actual uses 1 rage, and the other 4 of that 5 rage req is usable. Anyone else notices or am i just missing something
  9. Transcendence/Predation does not have physics immunity... at best it will as a one time root breaker with unbound just so we can be rooted again, IF we take that utility we cant take anything else seeing we all use brooding, so that mane no expunging camofluge, unbound, blood ward, undying. to many thing in top tier that needed try again
  10. I cant beleive there going ahead with the remove la defensive forums and threw it effect all over the place in utility tree and while add 2 more utitles....there making the tree more or mess and make marauders have to be EVEN MORE picky about what they choose, I miss the moblity i and the lost skill effect i had prior to 3.0 mess... serisouly who hired this combay team of monkeys?
  11. they wont admit it, if they were so sure of the fact it was do able they would live stream them beating them with all melee. And if they live streamed it and or just admited they failed, it would be tad amount to say to use they dont know what the hell they doing, just the we all know the combat team that does the "balancing" are stupid idiots that dont play the game, and actual just make things worse
  12. well if the primilarnty patch note hold I am done with my marauder and probably the game, 3.0 screw us over utility wise, and this patch is gonna make things that much worse, seeing i lost stuff lots mobilty with 3.0 now and what little I could get back I now have to drop point to get back my mobility 15% movement speed, which is gona hurt more. Do the combat actual play this game or just draw straws for random changes. they are idiots
  13. I guess i am done playing my muararder thank you for makes things worse for us
  14. I have had this fight bug out at random dozens of times with my guild runs. seem to be random rather annoying when it happens back to back 3 times
  15. well that is the thing i just test the purple Ruusan BA and it does give 535 power, I dont have Res BA to see if it indeed gives 515 power which less then the craftable.
  16. Ok so i dont have token to get resurrected BA to test this but. Resurrected BA = 515 power for 30 sec 2m cd Ruusan BA (purple)= 535 power for 30 sec 2m cd. Now is this typo? for resurrected or ruusan or is ruusan really 20 more power the resurrected?
  17. They already gave repsonse on this to one of the swtor blogers that had Q&A with them. They pretty much said they know the engine is terrible and it what they have to work with and the engine wont be changed. which means they dont care enough to change the engine and or have no clue how to fix the engine cause the engine no longer resemble the hero engine, that and the orginal team that did all the original changes has long since be fired, the current dev team inherited the problem and have no clue about what was original done probably. maybe when Windows 10 comes out we get reallylucky and they will port it to DX 12,
  18. taketh from one spec and make it suffer and give it to all the other spec is combat teams current moto, this is far far less worse then what there doing to marauders atm. Most marauder dont even have there mobility they had previous to 3.0 and we still cant get them all back and there gona make this worse for some specs
  19. Seriously the whole marauder community it tell you this is bad idea and will make thing worse. As carnage I have never taking phantom so rolling that 15% movement speed into that screws me over. cause you not make any part of defensive forms passive and just replacing it with another utility ALL marauders STILL need and have no choice in taking excpet now i need to remove utility point form somthing in NEED to get back what already had. which was point of making it passive to free up a point for from utility this mandatory for marauders We already shafted by 3.0 and utility tree seeing before we had expunging camouflage ( cleanse/rootbreak) 30% movment bonus to predation ADD brooding 30 fury building. Come 3.0 and utility we can no long keep all those CAUSE THERE ALL IN THE TOP TIER. At this point I rather have defensive form STAY utility and you just make all effect apply able or you leave brazzen but put the 15% movement speed bonus in to defensive roll people that never took phantom cause THEY CANT arnt getting screwed over. and force to move utility points around get something back. Ideally Defensive forms with ALL effect as passive available too ALL marauder and expunging camouflages cleanse/root break and or unbound 30% to predation SHOULD ALL BE passives for all. cause there all mandatory to keep mobility All the Crippling slash utility merged. or passive. Which would never been issue if you left out deadly saber throw ( forgot what it was called but it had 10m range alone gave the rooting effect/trama to healing to all as baseline pasive. But because you need 10 utility for each tier to keep line with other classes you took things away add things didnt need to be add like the 2 cripple slash utility most marauder were screwed in 3.0 and lost functionality they cant get back with sacrificing it for mandatory things. And what PTS is proposing it gona make utility worse and more of mess. keep your damn 10 utility per tier for all class but for the love of god make the mandatory thing marauder need passive and replace them with utility THAT ARE NOT MANDATORY FOR OUR MOBILITY I will stop playing my marauder if the changes to defensive form go threw cause will be crippling me even more then i was crippled by 3.0
  20. This should of been the trigger to bonus from the beginning
  21. What i got out this was your not changing the changes and pretty much tell us we dont know what we talking about? if those defensive forms changes and other changes go t threw as they are I will be forced to pull point out of something to get back what i should have. that i cant afford to do Just suck it up and make defensive forms a baseline, btw every marauder need the fury building system built in to defensive form the despite that stupid comment you made about it. just like EVERY marauder needs Defensive roll if you want to separate all the effect of defensive forms for all to get then just put them in to Defensive rolls Again do yous actual play this game or just play it on paper? if these changes go threw as is I will be done, cause these changes dont help us the make things worse for majority.
  22. pieces have always become bound to that toon the moment you mod them or remove mods from said armor pieces along with said armor piece becoming bound IF your talking about craft able weapons orange being bound upon craft i have noticed that
  23. the reduce hp on them is help full still dont change underlying problem with him and his cross mechanic cause server side sync issue. the adds are just more forgiving. the cross can and will still screw you.
  24. yay for vengeance now need to waste point on utility to get back one of our staple skills, cause it dont work like use too for us ,great for the spec not so much vengeance
  25. Simpler to just separate PVE and PVP damage formulas/mechanics instead of adding a whole new ui element + the changes. Neither of which will happen it would be to smart of idea to separate the pve/pvp damage mechanics, they probably would know how to do 2 separate damage formulas/mechanics anyway seeing the combat team dont know what they doing much like the coders. But like many other people i getting tired to off see pve nerfs to appease pvp and pvp nerfs to appease pve. Ragnarok online maybe far far far more broke in the balance department, but atlest the dev's there had the brains to separate damage formals from pvp and pve SEPARATE THE FRAKING PVP AND PVE DAMAGE FORMULAS/MECHANICS.
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