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Everything posted by LeelaSeventen

  1. I never understood the rabid hate some of the companions have. Now I am not going to pretend that I love all of them , there are quite a few I dislike. Quinn is one of them, mostly the personality and the attitude he displays. Also the fact that the game makes me keep him on when logically a sith lord would kill him right on the spot. Though the link someone posted from the writer gives me food for thought on him. But really the making fun of others for what they like or don't like is a bit childish. I put my reasoning on why I killed quinn, my warrior went with the republic. Since Quinn had betrayed her once , she can't bring herself to trust that he wouldn't do it again. He was empire man all the way. She was fed up with the empire life and the just utter cruelness of it. Which is why she went with republic. Also I wanted to shake things up on my run throughs. SHe is probably going to be the only one who does this, the rest will let him live but they won't trust him with anything major. The rest of them will put a helmet on his head while he is on the bridge. I find that mole thing just to be weird and he is too scrawny looking for my taste. Probably because he reminds me too much like Tom Cruise in looks and I don't like him.
  2. My knights would be the same way. And really there are many people who are worse than him. Like a certain person named Valkorion Did we ever find out how Nathema got revived? I figured Scourge would have the same thing happen to him hopefully. But I would hope he and KIra would have much better returns than the majority of the other companions. I wouldn't mind if they returned together but nothing like the risha/corso or mako/Akaavi. Though I did like Akaavi 's return a lot more than coro/risha
  3. I always chuckle when that scene happens, I am surprised he lived to see the next day. I can see my smuggler teasing her with that comment.
  4. I only remember some of the absurd battle/healing stuff they say. But I will keep an eye on what they say on the planets. I am kind of curious about it now.
  5. Damn the rng really hates you. But that seems odd for that amount spent that you only got one or two things. I would think you would have gotten a lot more with that amount spent. Did you at least get a lot of certificates?
  6. The RNG hates me, I did maybe at least 1 mil of credits. I will be preferred again I might as well spend the credits. I think I got at least 12 certificates but no drops. I got some nice decos though, which is good. I figured I wouldn't win any drops. But a couple of friends did keep getting the one speeder.
  7. I had a few of those, even kaylio showed up in my republic SH. I am just glad there wasn't a naked skadge, I would need brain bleach for that.
  8. I like your ideas. But I would have gotten rid of Iokath and anything to do with it. Though I did like some of Scorpio's story, but the whole super robots is a bit much.. I would have made koth slightly more likeable. OR at least not make it so obvious we have to cater to him and make him constantly happy. Have him more understanding and caring. I never felt he cared or at least respected our characters. I felt I enjoyed the chapters a little more when he was gone or silent. But this isn't a hate or love koth thread. I wish we had more Satele and Marr at least more understanding on the difference between dark/light/zakuul when it comes to the force. I found myself asking more questions after that chapter. Maybe more interaction between us and normal Zakuulians, not just Senya and Koth. Because at the start of the Iokath story I found myself saying "why do we keep sending them stuff, why should care enough about them to do this" Especially when all of the universe is 100 times worse off than them. oh one more thing I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN RID OF THE DAMNED WALKER THING, or at least have it as a option to use.
  9. Might be my graphics but Kaylio seems to have a more grey color to her. But I don't usually pay attention to her that much but i will look again. I rather not see companions naked well maybe theron but yeah I am not into seeing naked companions or characters.
  10. Did we hear anything from Scourge after Nathema. YOu would think we would hear about him especially with his history with the emperor.
  11. I find it interesting that it said they are chalk white but all the ones I have seen are grey in color. I wish we could put hair on their heads.
  12. Or a chiss smuggler telling an imperial officer that he is chiss. And the officer not believing him. Or that side quest on hoth where you have to find the chiss defector and the quest giver insults the race even though you are a chiss. Or even more funny play a cathar trooper and talk to Aric who doesn't acknowledge that you are the same species as him.
  13. Not that the guard is available this year but was there anything special about it? DOes it have a story? LIke Treek does
  14. On Lokath i had her go republic, so I used that as an excuse to kill him. Story immersion for the warrior is hard to do at the end.
  15. I hope Scourge is romanceable because he is so much better than the Female Knights option for romance. But i would hope it is more than a quick scene like Arcann's was. Though Arcann's was very sweet. All else fails I will just wait for theran to show up when I do more female knights.
  16. Nope, none of my toons would ever kill him.
  17. I have that bug on one of my characters. I got a message from customer service saying to try the chapter where we first see him. to see if I got him back. I didn't so I basically started the next chapter and just beamed back to my ship. So now he is back on the companion list. Hopefully he stays there after the update.
  18. Oh I wouldn't mind Romancing Scourge, only because the other option is just ...... I was hoping Tharan was romanceable but he does have a hologram fetish. I liked the Felix Romance, I wish i had kept the toon that romanced him.
  19. One of the quest givers on Korriban alludes to that I think. OR at least there was one or two that do comment on that.
  20. I didn't care for the agent storyline at first but I have grown to really enjoy it. At first I wasn't sure about the borg type romance. Well I shouldn't really compare the two but they are similar with the hive mindset . But I found him very sweet and there is a scene where you can see his real eyes and wow they are so pretty. But I can understand why people would not want to romance him. There are some romances I have no desire to see really in the game that are popular. I have to say my favorite is aric/trooper one. Which I know there are people who either hate it or love it. OH and the other one is the Theron romance, just because that doesn't feel as rushed as the story romances are.
  21. Trooper: Jorgans, he seemed to be one of the few to be happy to see the trooper. Only one of the romances that seemed to mourn your character's "passing". And the only frew that seemed happy that you were back. Even though for a while he was hoping the trooper was alive. And then the stuff afterwards and the little things he saids to the trooper/spouse was so sweet. Elara was ok I guess but like Vette's I would have thought there was more feeling behind it. Also why did she yell at us for teaming up with Lana. Whom she has met before and knows the trooper has worked with in the past. Smuggler: I have to say the akaavi and the Bowdaar one was very nice compared to the other smuggler companion returns. The Risha/Corso seemed a bit childish. Gus was ok, but I would have thought he would have learned to how to spot a con by than. Why didn't Corso and Risha keep an eye out for him? I can understand akaavi not doing it but really. Don't get me started on the shaky reason why they were hidden all those years. Bowdar/Gus and Akaavi had no problems being out and about. Knight: COnsular: Q was ok , i only got him on the consular because I didn't want to the mission on the other toons of mine. You can skip it if you have him at 10 or higher already. Felix was a nice return also, it was so sad also. Warrior: the vette one disappointed me, I would have thought we would have gotten more than a "oh hey you are back...." Though the talk later was nice but didn't seem to have the feeling behind it. PIerce was fine but a bit short in my opinion. The rest, I am very happy i could kill the crazy furball and Quinn. Inquisitor: I haven't finished her but the Ashara one looked kind of dull, but then again it was ashara. Talos was good., but I don't like the alert mission of his. Xalex, his was ok I guess but i don't like his alert either. I never liked that part of the main story. He seemed shoe horned in there so you could have the same amount of companions as everyone else. BH: Torian one was nice on the romanced side, but I like Jorgan's better. Blizz was cute but the mission is a bit tedious even if you have him at level 10. I did enjoy Gault and Vette together, but I wished there was more vette interaction. Agent: I have to say the Kaylio one was interesting, you get a better insight into her as a person. Still don't like her but I don't usually kill her. Scorpio, I have to say I like her plot throughout the game. Raina was kind of dull. I saw the Vector one and I so need to get a romanced agent though the story just to see that scene. (i thought it was sweet). Lokin, if I ever have to do that mission again ...... Yeah he isn't returning to any future agents. Alot of the returns seemed lackluster. YOu would think being partnered with someone for 3 plus years you would get more than a "hey you are back...." reaction from some of them.
  22. Or she saw us on the holonet news fell in love with us and is now stalking us. I can see that happening , even light side the person is a bit off.
  23. I just wish there was more options for the small SH's. But I think it would look nice in the Manaan SH.
  24. You will get two people who aren't too happy with you if you let broomark live. I regret letting the crazy furball live. I only did it because I think i might have a legacy companion bug, so I was making sure that wasn't one of those thing that would get bugged. And you do lose points with Hylo and the other person.
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